1/ Within the next several days, barring intervention from Congress, the Biden Regime, in violation of the law, will remove the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, commissioned to celebrate the reconciliation of North and South.
@blueandgray1864 @oilfieldRando
2/ The memorial is considered the masterwork of the renowned Jewish-American sculptor Sir Moses Ezekiel (a former Confederate soldier who was described by his biographer as “adamantly opposed to slavery") who is buried at its base.
3/ Ezekiel, knighted by the King of Italy, was so dedicated to North-South reconciliation that he would later host commanding Union General Ulysses S. Grant at his studio.
4/ Yet in the wake of the George Floyd moral panic, this memorial was scheduled for removal, though its removal is being done in violation of several federal laws and the clear text of the legislation, which excludes graves.
5/ As former Democrat Senator and Navy Secretary Jim Webb said:
“What was it that Union Army veteran McKinley understood about the Confederate soldiers who opposed him on the battlefield that eludes today’s monument smashers and ad hominem destroyers of historical reputations?”
6/ In fact, at the time it was constructed, some major Confederate groups opposed it because they opposed the reconciliation it symbolized.
7/ Webb, a Vietnam Veteran, has spoken about taking groups of North and South Vietnamese to the monument to show how the U.S. reconciled successfully after a bitter civil war
8/ 44 House Republicans have signed a letter opposing the removal but every Republican should be on record as opposing this lawless action
9/ But of course, this is never *really* about the Confederacy or “Confederate Statues”. The same spirit animated the recent removal of the statue of Thomas Jefferson from the New York City Council, where it had stood for 187 years.
10/ I wrote at length about this travesty last month for @amconmag
For more stories like this that the regime media won’t cover, please follow my account!
1/ After the overwhelmingly positive response to my viral comments on Vivek Ramaswamy's post, I expanded it by pulling some relevant excerpts from my chapter on Silicon Valley in The Unprotected Class.
I think this will add some useful facts and data to a discussion that is currently a bit light on them.
2/ I also offer some additional commentary speaking to my personal experiences here and how the Tech right and MAGA/Nationalist right can find common ground.
3/ And I discuss the enormous demographic changes that immigration brought to Silicon Valley-- and its consequences.
1/ @Steve_Sailer has a post up on his Sub***ck with this powerful image from a 1973 Time cover story on Minnesota in 1973, and an almost identical gesture from the Minneapolis riots almost a half century later.
It gets to the heart of why Tim Walz is so dangerous. . .
2/ The entire piece is here, and it's brief but sobering reading.
As of today my book is available instantly on Kindle, available for immediate delivery in hardcover, and it will be available (in the next few days) in audiobook format.
You can read some of the early plaudits in the thread below.
2/ Lemkin developed the concept of genocide during World War II and, after the war, working closely with the prosecutors during the Nuremberg trials, he further refined it.
His proposals were the centerpiece of what became the United Nations Convention on Genocide.
3/ But the UN final document omitted Lemkin's concept of Cultural Genocide, after France and Britain vetoed it, concerned it might be used against them to describe some of their policies.
1/ The contrast between Bushnell's self-immolation and the most famous modern self-immolation (that of Thích Quảng Đức in South Vietnam in 1963) tells you so much about the state and status of young white left-wing men in America today.
2/ When the Buddhist monk Đức famously self-immolated he did so to to protest the violation of the rights of *his* people, the Buddhist majority of South Vietnam, from unjust discrimination and persecution by their government.
3/ By contrast, despite the severe anti-white discrimination in the U.S. Military (discussed in the "military" chapter of my forthcoming book--which a leading analyst called "probably one of the best compilations of the American military’s racist present") Bushnell is not willing to fight for himself or demand that he be treated justly by his own government.