1)The Art of Laziness
2)When Breath Becomes Air
3)Good Vibes Good Life
4)Tuesdays With Morrie
5)The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F
6)The Big Questions of Life
7)48 Laws of Power
8)The Intelligence Trap
10)Do It Today
11)The Last Lecture
13)What Are You Doing With Your Life?
14)Win Your Inner Battles
15)The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
16)100 Quotes That Will Change Your Life
17)Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
18)The Courage To Be Disliked
19)The Psychology of Money
20)The Stranger In The Lifeboat
22)Discourses and Selected Writings
23)On The Shortness of Life
24)The Complete Essays
25)Freedom From The Known
26)101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
27)The Compound Effect
28)Thinking Fast & Slow
29)Stillness Is The Key
30)Living With A Seal
31)The Creative Act
32)Rich Dad Poor Dad
33)The Art of War
34)Beyond Good and Evil
35)The Idiot
36)Crime And Punishment
37)Tao Te Ching
39)Think Again
40)Atomic Habits
41)Top Five Regrets of The Dying
42)The Alchemist
43)Die With Zero
44)The Four Agreements
45)Steve Jobs
46)The Laws of Human Nature
47)The Brothers Karamazov
48)Letters from a Stoic
You have to put in more effort to make something appear effortless.
Effortless, elegant performances are often the result of a large volume of effortful, gritty practice. Small things become big things. Simple is not simple.
4. The Wisdom Paradox
"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know." - Albert Einstein
The more you learn, the more you are exposed to the immense unknown.
This should be empowering, not frightening.
Embrace your own ignorance. Embrace lifelong learning.
5. The Productivity Paradox
Work longer, get less done.
Parkinson's Law says that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. When you establish fixed hours to your work, you find unproductive ways to fill it. Work like a lion instead-sprint, rest, repeat.
6. The Speed Paradox
You have to slow down to speed up.
Slowing down gives you the time to be deliberate with your actions.
You can focus, gather energy, and deploy your resources more efficiently. It allows you to focus on leverage and ROI, not effort.
13)On The Shortness of Life
14)Mastery Manual
15)The Big Questions of Life
17)12 Rules for Life
19)Discourses and Selected Writings
20)Thinking Fast & Slow
21)Intelligent Investor
22)Power of Habit
23)1000+ Little Things
24)Tuesdays with Morrie
25)The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F
26)Algorithms to Live By
27)Start With Why
29)Man’s Search for Meaning
31)The Cynic Philosophers
32)Letters from a Stoic
33)Communication Book
34)Reasons to Stay Alive
35)Art of Seduction
36)The Courage to be Disliked
1) Change can be tough, but I've never heard anyone say it wasn't worth it.
2) Many people with the fixed mindset think the world needs to change, not them. They feel entitled to something better—a better job, house, or spouse. The world should recognize their special qualities and treat them accordingly.