For the last 40 years, I've watched my father counsel countless of Americans to have the courage to stand up to the Left's merciless assault on the American principles and its institutions.
Hardly nobody listened.
Lately, I've thought about what this courage looks like. I think it comes down to two essential things: 1) shedding white guilt and 2) embracing colorblindness.
Most people mistake white guilt for actual guilt. White guilt, defined by my father, is the fear of being seen as racist. Because of America's past racism, many whites feel they lack moral authority when it comes to blacks and will do whatever to avoid the racist charge.
The Left has exploited this fear since the 1960s, silencing whites with cries of racism as it advanced its racist and collectivist policies in the name of "The Good."
Without white guilt, the Left would not have been able to remake the America institutions on the principles of marxism and socialism. White guilt is the grease in the Left's machinery.
And as my father says, white guilt is black power. Black leaders who exploit white guilt say give us this, give us that, and we will not call you racist. In return, deferential whites gain the badge of innocence.
This powerful symbiosis between leftist blacks and whites has driven everything from the Great Society programs to the great post-George Floyd remaking of our society. And even the recent Claudine Gay/Harvard debacle.
But the most damaging aspect of white guilt is that it forced so many good people to betray the American principles they knew to be true in order to avoid the racist stigma. This fear is not to be mocked or ridiculed for many whites who stood up have paid the price.
Jodi Shaw (@Smith_Surge) had the rare courage to stand up to her employer, Smith College, and she lost everything but her principles. She somehow knew that the pain that came with not being true to herself, not being true to the American principles, was not worth it.
If Jodi Shaw had given into the racial essentialism of her employer, we would never have heard of her. After all, what individuality is there to be had in wokeism?
It is precisely because of her courage and unbreakable backbone that we know of her and her fight to take Smith College to court in the hopes of setting a legal precedent against discrimination.
The courage and sacrifice of the Jodi Shaws as well as the Andrew Gutmanns (@AndrewGutmann) and Paul Rossis (@pauldrossi) of America is how we stop the Left's long march through our institutions. Failure to do so means the loss of law, freedom, and America.
This brings me to the second point: colorblindness.
The Left has attacked colorblindness without mercy in favor of racial essentialism. Too many of us have doubted and betrayed what we know to be true: that the individual matters more than skin color.
One of the foundational principles from the Age of Enlightenment was its discipline of looking past our differences to our common humanity. That is why it was during this Age that the Jews were finally let out of the ghettos and allowed into society.
It was this Age that eventually led directly to the creation of the individual, the very heart of the American experiment.
However, by making racial essentialism the guiding light of our society, we have made the barbarism of our skins and other immutable characteristics, not our individual humanity, the standard by which we live by.
We have regressed and it was our failure of courage and lack of faith in the American principles that led to this betrayal of the enlightenment principles.
Having the courage to return to the discipline of colorblindness is the way back to that enlightened path.
The discipline of color blindness does not mean that one does not see race. Rather, color blindness does not give power to race, does not use racial stereotypes against an individual, and does not exploit race for power. Color blindness is the discipline of seeing the individual.
The damage of the last 70 years has been profound and is only worsening as schools across America lower standards in the name of equality. But principles never die and courage can always be summoned and must be. After all, what are we without America?
Last post should have "equity," not "equality."
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There have been accusations that those who decried cancel culture in the past years are now the cancellers themselves.
The obvious charge here is hypocrisy.
Were people wrong to demand accountability from the 34 Harvard organizations that signed a letter that held the "Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence" and that "the apartheid regime is the only one to blame?”
Were people wrong to demand that Harvard President, Claudine Gay, not be protected by a double standard that shields her from charges of plagiarism and a truly independent investigation?
I have known people like Claudine Gay my entire life and they are the reason why I never checked the black box on college and employment applications.
If I had, I would not be a free individual today.
People often told, "Oh, it’s nothing, just check the box and you’ll get an upper hand." Indeed, I was once offered a $25,000 MLK scholarship, a lot of money in 1993. So checking the black box was tempting, yes.
When I would ask why I should betray my merit or reduce my multiple races to one race box, people like Claudine would often respond with an argument that could be summed up by one word: “diversity.”
The fact that microagressions exist today is bull. I am deaf and I wear this weird looking device attached to the side of my head by a magnet. If I were to consider every remark or question about my cochlear implant a microagression, I wouldn’t get through the day.
Microagressions have been generally defined as slights, intentional or not, against a marginalized group. I guess being deaf qualifies me as marginalized though I would never describe myself as such.
When I first got the implant, I admit I was self-conscious. It was the year 2000 and people really didn’t know what the implant was. I was stared at all the time — one time I caught Mark Wahlberg staring right at me and he quickly looked away to the ceiling.
Yes, America is the nation that enslaved and segregated my people for centuries — I am the first male in my family to be born free of those historical oppressions.
America is also the nation that admitted in the 1960s to its great racial evils. Since then, it has tried to right those wrongs, however flawed those efforts may have been.
My black grandfather, born to enslaved grandparents, marched for equal rights because he believed in the American principles despite being denied them.
Born in 1900, he was only able to enjoy those principles fully for the last ten years of his life.
You hear about how bad San Francisco is. I was filming a shot of my father , Shelby Steele, and in the ten minutes we were gone our SUV was broken into and nearly $15k of cameras stolen. Called 911 & they hung up twice.
This is the video. Black Chevy Blazer with license plate #9AAZ318. Still no SF police.
Found more equipment missing. Now about $25k -$30k. Plus rental car damage. SF police doing nothing. It’s so bad that my friend is calling gang members for help.