Fascism Watch 2024: Conditions are right for fascism, we have all the ingredients for fascism, but fascism is not pre-determined—we can still stop it. I wrote up a thing about the signs of an autocratic takeover. 🧵
1. Media intimidation and restrictions (autocrats intimidate the media, so that they won’t try to hold the autocrat accountable to the rule of law).
2. Identification of crises or political paralysis to justify emergency measures (autocrats take advantage of crisis/make up crises in order to seize the opportunity as a “state of exception” to use dictatorial powers. Sometimes they use “nothing's been done” as a similar excuse)
3. Attacks on minorities; scapegoating foreigners (autocrats try to activate Right-Wing Authoritarians with fear appeals about “impure” foreigners, using “disgust” words like “vermin” and treating people as “hate-objects” to create a climate of nationalistic “us” versus “them).
4. Closing spaces for civil society (autocrats seek to close off “third spaces” or spaces where people gather together and form bridging social capital. Bridging social capital builds trust among people and autocracy thrives on distrust).
5. Rhetorical rejection of current political system; discourse shift (autocrats denigrate American values like democracy and the rule or law or begin to change the meanings of the key terms of national values).
6. Expanding the size of courts or other bodies to stack it with partisan judges/officials (creating a set of loyalist judicial officials who will follow the autocrat’s will rather than the Constitution or the rule of law).
7. Modifying rules to impose or eliminate term limits on officials, especially election officials (autocrats game elections with gerrymandering, voter qualifications, changing election laws, contesting election results, installing loyalists as election officials, intimidation)
8. Weakening the legislature/intimidating legislators (autocrats prevent checks & balances from holding them accountable to the rule of law or the Constitution by weakening legislative power, installing compliant loyalists in the legislature & purging non-compliant people).
9. Silencing political opposition (autocrats use communication as a weapon with threats of force or intimidation, public shaming, overwhelming the public sphere with lies or distractions, controlling the networks of public communication).
10. Significant increase of internal security forces (using paramilitary organizations, gangs, militia, or police for the autocrat’s purposes rather than the common good).
This is how autocrats take over governments. You might think the signs of democratic backsliding would be very obvious, but scholars explain that if you’re looking for American democracy to end with a big bang, like a violent coup, then you’re looking for the wrong signs.
In the piece I link to academic research that explains all of these things. Folks who are warning about authoritarianism aren't making it up. Scholars (& the US government) have been studying democratic erosion for decades.
As these things happen (they've been happening already, of course) it will be presented as <reasons> that make them seem like common sense. That's normalization at work. They'll seem like little things in isolation, but they're small steps in an autocratic takeover.
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vanilla extract (vanilla beans + vodka, shake shake shake, steep for 6-8 weeks). I get my beans from this awesome co-op: indrivanilla.com/collections/va…
There are proper FDA measurements for extract strength. Mine are probably not full strength when I give them out, but they will "mature" over time. I'm no expert, but I've been doing this for a few years and it's the vanilla we use for baking. indrivanilla.com/pages/how-to-m…
I've been reading about how parents create fascists based on how they raise their kids and first, wow, it really explains a lot. And second, as a parent, I feel like this shouldn't be new information for me. 😬
For folks asking for references/readings: if you want to poke around the primary research go to google scholar and use search terms like "parenting styles that cause trauma" and "authoritarian parenting" and "effects of corporal punishment."
So far this book seems like a good pull together of the research: Raised to Rage: The Politics of Anger and the Roots of Authoritarianism books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr…
What's it like to be a professor under an authoritarian regime? Today I taught about the Constitutional Convention without mentioning the word "slavery" once.
Did anyone forbid me from talking about slavery and the Constitution? No.
Was I given words of assurance that claim that I have the freedom to teach what I "reasonably believe to be necessary and effective for student learning and success"? I was given those words, yes.
And yet who is to judge "reasonably" and/or "necessary & effective" and "success?" We were discussing how the Founders created the presidency--was slavery a reasonable part of that discussion? Would talking about slavery within that context be viewed as "necessary & effective?"
I know there's a lot going on today, but this is one of my BoR talking about my department & college and what my former president did and promised about our department, college & university. It's been made public by my university (which, props to them btw) and here we are.
They didn't hear from "all" of the BoR, but 6-7, according to what Banks said, again according to documents located here: tamus.edu/internal-revie…
I locked my account for a while & I've been pretty quiet about all of this, but now that the investigation is over and the documents have been made public let me just say that I would have loved to have Kathleen McElroy as my colleague & she absolutely deserved better than this.
Nostalgia is such an interesting propaganda strategy.
The word comes from the Greek and literally translates to a kind of home sickness. When a propagandist deploys nostalgia they’re preying on people’s childlike memories of the past. (a past that never existed) & telling folks that their “home” has been taken from them.
All of our brains are vulnerable to this specific propaganda strategy (yes, it’s fascist) because, as you can read here, we are primed to think things are worse now than they’ve been before (even though things are actually better): archive.md/wNYVE