UPDATE: The CDC just updated its COVID wastewater data.
COVID wastewater levels continue to rise, exceeding levels at the same time last year. COVID wastewater levels in the U.S. are at their highest since Omicron in 2021-22.
Here is the CDC's updated COVID wastewater map.
Every single state that is reporting data is at very high or high levels.
15 states are not reporting data (or are too slow to report data).
Note on the CDC’s website: Data from the most recent two weeks may be incomplete due to delays in data reporting. These data sets are subject to change and are indicated by the gray shading.
According to the latest CDC COVID-19 wastewater data, we are currently in the second-biggest surge of the pandemic.
It will peak in the next week, with ~2 million infections per day. During this surge, ~100 million people total (~1 in 3 people in the US) will likely get COVID.
According to the latest CDC wastewater data, 35 states have very high or high levels of COVID-19.
Note: Latest CDC wastewater data is from December 28, 2023, so this doesn't even include the large number of infections that happened over the holidays yet (yikes). And some states are very slow to report their data, so if surrounding states are higher, this may be due to a lag.
Really tired of electeds still using this outdated script which ignores the risks of long-term health effects from COVID reinfections, and doesn't urge people to take steps to prevent infections in the first place, like wearing a high quality mask.
These days, the only time politicians even mention COVID is to say they have minimal symptoms. This disastrous comms strategy has decreased vaccine uptake.
Studies show people are more motivated to get vaccinated when they learn about serious health effects like Long COVID.
It's really sad seeing a progressive politician setting a bad example by encouraging working when sick. Firstly, you need to rest to reduce your risk of Long COVID. Second, this goes against progressive goals of better working conditions, more time off, and sick pay.
Huge credit needs to go to the @BiobotAnalytics team who have been pioneers in making wastewater data accessible and understandable to the public since the start of the pandemic.
Please continue supporting them, they have details that aren't available at the CDC site:
@BiobotAnalytics Having national wastewater dashboards are a step forward but we still have a long way to go. We need to make local wastewater data accessible in many more places, and we need governments to implement more protections when levels are high. Data means nothing if no policies use it.
For those doubting the numbers based on personal anecdotes “I don’t see anyone wearing one when I go out,” the polls don't specify frequency/place of masking & also there’s selection bias: You see people who frequently mask less as they also are more likely avoid crowded spaces.