ADC Synergy Thread / How to build a decent comp around all ADCs🔽🔽
Kai'Sa loves engage which she can follow up on and poke champions when she can go for the AP build
(mixing damage types is also very important)
Aphelios likes having champs that peel him and allow him to freely autoattack or hit abilities
Engage / Frontline / Control mages are always very good with him as champions of that archetype usually are very good at peeling and creating space for Aphelios to carry games
Ashe likes having longrange mages, peel and setup, she especially likes knockup cc's as enemies then have a hard time using tenacity vs her
Thread on good botlane combinations (I left out champs that dont do well together // Example: Aphelios Lux doesnt have good synergy so it's not in the list)