Some wonder why they do stuff like this, because it's not "persuading" anyone or winning support to their side - it just makes normal people loathe the Hamas sympathizers even more. The perps do have a goal, but it's not to persuade, win sympathy, or even "raise awareness."
Remember these are trained, funded, organized activists. The footsoldiers have been programmed on campus with Oppression Theology, so they think the Sacred Oppressed and their self-appointed "allies" can do no wrong, while all means of lashing out at "oppressors" are justified.
These people are very big on concepts like "alliance," shared guilt and virtue, systemic racism, etc. It's a sturdy framework for building a totalitarian ideology of justified thuggery. They think allies of the "oppressors" are legitimate targets for "resistance" activities.
They also think anyone who does not show fealty to their ideology is an enemy - "silence is violence" and all that. There are no bystanders, no civilians, no neutral parties. You're either actively with them, or you're an ally of the "oppressors."
The footsoldiers are thrilled by this ideological framework because it makes them feel morally superior even as they perform immoral acts, like wanton vandalism, blocking roads, and mob violence. There is nothing more exhilarating than righteous crime.
But what about the grand strategy? The organizers find these deluded footsoldiers useful for the same reason all terrorists engage in vandalism and violence. They aren't trying to persuade anyone - they're trying to demoralize their opponents and force them to submit.
The short-term goal of every terrorist is to gain legitimacy by forcing civilized people to concede they have valid "grievances." One way of doing this is to badger and terrorize civilized people, who usually have a lot to lose, until they admit the terrorist has a point.
This is also why terrorists and their fellow travelers tend to scream maximalist accusations at the top of their lungs, accusing their civilized opponents of "genocide," "apartheid," and such. They're just bidding high, playing off the compassion and conscience of civilization.
Once they bludgeon a bit of legitimacy out of civilized people, step two is to offer the standard terrorist's bargain: "Give us what we want, and all of this chaos will stop. Deny us, and the suffering will never end."
A lot of Palestinian sympathizers on the Left, especially the high-toned ones with real political influence, are convinced there will never be peace until the Palestinians get what they want. The Palis brainwashed their people into homicidal mania to prove their determination.
One reason you teach grade-school kids how to take hostages and carry out suicide bombings is to send the message that your collective will is unshakeable, that you're ready to kill and die forever until you get what you want. That's how you sell the Terrorist's Bargain.
This is echoed in the thinking of the young Western allies of Hamas on campus, besotted with Oppression Theology. They have the same sense that if they can demonstrate their commitment to cause and appetite for destruction, the normies will eventually make concessions to them.
One thing the Left has in common with radical Islam: they both understand the psychological value of ritualized submission. They are very big on forcing non-believers to abase themselves and verbally confirm their submission to mandated beliefs.
The Left does this through struggle sessions and endless "re-education" programs. A big part of the corrupt DEI system is forcing people to make ritualized gestures of submission to mandatory ideology: mouthing slogans at seminars, signing confessions of racial guilt, etc.
The Hamas sympathizers trashing memorials and blocking streets are operating on the same logic, forcing normies to make ritualized submission to their ideology, demonstrating that the corrupt political and legal system will do nothing to stop them.
Remember Occupy Wall Street? Same principles. "Occupation" was all about demonstrating the activists were "everywhere," there was no escape from them, they could seize control of public life by force, and you had no choice but to listen to their grievances and confer legitimacy.
The goal, always, is not persuasion but submission. The Left deeply believes, in all of its branches and sects, that the first step toward power is breaking the will of the opposition by forcing them to make gestures of obeisance. Then you hit them with the Terrorist's Bargain.
Every radical movement has a "legitimate political wing" standing by to accept payment for the Terrorist's Bargain, and launder forced submission into real power. "Of course we disapprove of violence, but we must listen to what these passionate young voices are saying..." /end
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I would caution people on the Right (and Left!) to avoid personality cults, but I think there's more than that going on with Trump's appeal to GOP voters. They're drawn to his boundless self-aggrandizement because they're weary of candidates, and a party, that lacks confidence.
For generations now, arguably since Reagan, GOP voters have watched every Dem candidate presented as a messiah, a savior, a towering figure of history and destiny with a sacred agenda nobody could oppose in good faith.
It went to comical extremes with Obama, but it's all of them, really. Hillary was the queen-in-waiting, the historic, brilliant First Female President. Her husband was presented as a technocratic genius. After his immoral crimes, they told us he was the messiah of a new morality.
The Harvard story covers the total systemic rot in every corner of the Left. It wasn't "journalists" at big-ticket Gatekeeper of Truth media orgs that exposed the malfeasance, it was outsiders. Big media journalists fought to bury the story and are STILL trying to spin it.
The rotting corpse of "journalism" is completely incapable of reporting honestly on this story. Even after Gay's resignation, they're still more interested in political spin than truth. They're literally screaming at you to ignore a major story because of who broke it.
The diligent reporters who broke and developed this story are not members of the media clergy, not card-carrying members of the Party that commands 90% of the press, so somehow the story doesn't count. It wasn't reported in good faith, they sneer.
It is no coincidence that frauds proliferate in positions of authority as socialism gains power. Every entity in a socialist system is run by political officers. People with ambitions to become political officers tend to be comfortable with cheating to get what they "deserve."
Totalitarian socialism cultivates "leaders" based on ideological reliability and political usefulness, not skill at their nominal jobs. In fact, highly skilled people who succeed on merit are often prickly iconoclasts who make lousy political officers. The system weeds them out.
Frauds who owe their success to Party patronage are more reliable as Party apparatchiks. The ideal candidates for positions of authority are people who think they owe everything to the Party and its systems. Almost by definition, such people are not high achievers.
There are several reasons why DeSantis is struggling to get his campaign into orbit, but the biggest and simplest explanation is that a large portion of the GOP electorate is committed to Trump. They're not looking for an alternative. They don't believe Trump is doomed to lose.
For a sizable number of those voters, Trump is effectively the incumbent running for re-election. They don't believe Biden could have beaten him without cheating, and they don't think he can cheat enough to win again, or they think the pandemic was a unique Black Swan event.
Running against the incumbent from your own party is extremely difficult. DeSantis, and every other challenger, was always fated to have trouble making inroads with the bloc of GOP voters who fiercely support Trump and see no reason to seek an alternative candidate.
This stuff about Jesus being a "Palestinian" or a "refugee" is not mere ignorance. It's intellectual colonization - a demand that you accept some modern political dogma in your religion to make it more "acceptable," or as an act of submission to a hostile ideology.
The softer version of intellectual colonization is when Christians insert the manifestly ahistorical "Jesus was a refugee" as bait to get left-wing elites to see Christmas and Christianity a little more favorably. See, we can make our beliefs more useful to you!
The harder version of this colonization is a demand for submission. Our messed-up ideological version of history says there was a Wakanda-style paradise state of "Palestine" ruling the region long before the Jews came along. We demand you genuflect to our hallucination.
The first great awakening for education was during the pandemic, as selfish teachers' unions forced kids to stay home, and parents got a good look at garbage like CRT.
The second is now, as university rocks are overturned to reveal squirming masses of anti-Semitic cockroaches.
Of course it's not just anti-Semitism, it's anti-civilization. Oppression theology is itching to assault and dispossess all "occupiers," a very long list that is currently headlined by Jews. Many other targets for theft, violence, and retributive oppression appear behind them.
Many parents had no idea how bad it's gotten on campus, and people who don't have kids in the university system scarcely had a clue. They're now recoiling in shock from pro-terrorist demonstrations and expensively miseducated young people chanting genocide slogans.