When Donald Trump became President, everything got better. Everything.
All the riots: YOU made the choice.
All the violence: YOU made that choice.
Being angry all day: YOU chose to listen to the gaslighting MSM without ever verifying what they said.
Kids in cages: those pictures were from OBAMA’S regime. Look it up!
Russia, Russia, Russia: again, you had to eat crow because you listened to the fake, lying, gaslighting MSM. And they’ve had to retract those false accusations.
Covid (I affectionately call it the Chinese Kung Flu - because it came from CHINA): A real bioweapon that was worked on and planned for DECADES in advance. Don’t believe me? Look up “Event 201.” Then research the patents for Covid 19 (and it’s vaxx). Issued BEFORE 2015.
What if Watergate was NOT about politics, but rather about index cards?
Index cards with names, , numbers, addresses and “preferences…”
In the 1973, a man named John David Norman’s apartment was raided in Dallas,TX, where 30,000 index cards listing between 50,000 and 100,000 clients located in 35 U.S. states were confiscated.
The cards were sent to DC, where they were, of course, “destroyed.”
Dallas Police Lt. Harold Hancock told the Chicago Tribune in May 1977 that prominent public figures and federal employees were among the names found in Norman's client list.
Peter Strzok was a bridge between FBI and CIA. Even got a CIA service coin.
Why didn’t Robert Levinson?
[Kish island, Iran].
Investigating a cig smuggler?😂
Try human trafficking
Peter Strzok should have gone to Iran - he grew up there.
March 2004, Comey raced to the bedside of acting US AG John Ashcroft because he was being pressured to sign off on the reauthorization of the domestic surveillance program secretly launched after Sept. 11, 2001.
Question: was the “hacked” DNC server from 2016 ever found? I mean, the FBI, DOJ & HHS never saw it. Last verifiable sighting was in a photo from the 1972 DNC headquarters break in at The Watergate… washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jul/…
Why did Trump believe the server was in Ukraine? 👇
The DNC refused access to the FBI, and instead hired a private company named, Crowdstrike.
Co-founded in 2012 by George Kurtz, Gregg Marston and Soviet Union immigrant, Dmitri Alperovitch.
Alperovitch and Kurtz met while both were working at McAfee…