Ok, this is my first long thread...bear with me on how I laid it out and far more info than what it here....
The propaganda campaign for #DiseaseX has started. It started with a small smattering of headlines and is quickly picking up speed. This is not due to education or enlightenment, this is a well crafted PR campaign.
This started many years ago, well before 2020.
An "innocent" journalist @kkelland who just happens to work with the @wef as well as Chief Scientific Writer for CEPI and also Reuters writes a book on Disease X.
She has a stellar background working with major Globalist platforms, including back to Germany.
Just last year, in February she published a book called, Disease X: 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics.
It seems along with meeting with Klaus, the @wef and other in Davos she is very ahead of the game on Pandemics.
This is where is becomes very problematic.
We know we are battling Globalists in America and around the world, but how bought out are all the politicians.
I cannot prove they are all paid, but we can take the evidence and dig deeper to find where there are coincidences....there are no coincidences.
In June, HR 3832 - Disease X Act of 2023 was put forward in Congress.
So, now we have Kate and the @wef who we know has infiltrated Congress calling for Disease X and other "dangerous" diseases and pandemics, but they also want to speed up manufacturing, access and delivery of their "Solutions."
In Sept of 2019, @realDonaldTrump signed Executive Order 13887 on Modernizing Infulenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health (UnConstitutional).
Trump's EO provides BARDA with authority to push forward the modernizing and rapid implementation of not just influenza vaccines, but modernization of the entire vaccine industry.
As Fauci had claimed many years back, they wanted to "Modernize) all vaccines via developing cell lines so they were far easier, faster and more "effective" in delivery to global populations....of course they started in Africa where @BillGates commits genocide on their populations with no repercussions.
Now, Trump's EO gives BARDA, The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority full permission to partner with organizations and companies to run all strategic planning and executing of the Modernization of Influenza and other Vaccines production.
As @kkelland stated in her book and through the @wef we need to get to where we can handle ALL Pandemics in 100 days.
Well, currently it takes appr. 10 years or longer to get a vaccine out due to trials and experimentation.
Yet, Trump and now the Globalists want then faster and even possibly within 100 days.
How do they get there?
Bill Gates of course, as well as the @wef and their Globalist friends and companies who are working behind the scenes through governments to enslave their populations.
The @gatesfoundation who met with @realDonaldTrump back before his first term, is funding the rapid research and expansion of microneedle vaccines that can be applied by the individual without the need of a doctor, possibly.
Vaxxas, @wef @gatesfoundation all working to bring nano microneedle to self-applied vaccines for those who are wary of getting a needle in their arm.
And to come back around to the beginning with Disease X, @kkelland who is the Chief Scientific Writer for CEPI @CEPIvaccines and her book handling Diseases in 100 days. It's ALL planned this way.
When worms or parasites establish themselves in the body, they do four things
1. A worm can cause physical trauma to the body by perforating the intestines, the circulatory system, the lungs, and the liver.
When chyme is released into the perforated intestines, it oozes into the lymphatic system. A person's first reaction is to develop allergies. Basically, worms can turn our organs into Swiss cheese.
A chyme is a mixture prepared in the duodenum for absorption by the intestines.
2. The worm can also destroy, damage, or obstruct certain organs. They can jump together and form a ball, a tumor if you will. It is possible for them to enter the brain, heart, and lungs, causing untold misery to the host.
In order to survive, parasites need to eat, so they deprive us of vital nutrients. Most of our vitamins and amino acids are taken by them, leaving us with the rest. It is common for people to become anemic and copper deficient. Another sign of worm infestation is drowsiness after eating.