A brief story of the rise and fall of the Process Church of the Final Judgement"
Robert de Grimston (real name; Robert Sylvester deGrimston Moor) was born in Shanghai in 1935, at a time when Shanghai seems to have been espionage central; the future MI5 chief Roger Hollis was in Shanghai at the time working as a journalist scribd.com/document/62835…
"and Robert’s father, Oswald Moor, a shipping-clerk there, was the son of one Reverend Charles Moor, who was the son of the Reverend John Frewen Moor."
The family returned to England when Robert was one year old."
""The man in the bowler hat is the Rev. John Frewen Moor, for many years the Vicar of Ampfield in Hampshire. The chap standing on the right is Charles Moor, who like his father pursued a career in the Church. The girl is the Reverend Moor's only daughter, Selina Mary Moor.""
Rev. John Frewen Moor, Robert de Grimston's great grandfather, took up his place his place at Ampfield as Rev. John Keble knew of his interest in Tractarian ideas.
The Tractarians postulated the Branch Theory, which states that Anglicanism along with Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism form three "branches" of the historic pre-schism Catholic Church. . en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_Mo…
"The Oxford Movement was criticised as being a mere "Romanising"tendency,but it began to influence the theory and practice of Anglicanism more broadly, spreading to cities such as Bristol during the 1840s-50s. The Oxford Movement was also criticised as both secretive & collusive"
"Between 1954-1958, Robert deGrimston Moor served as a cavalry officer in the King´s Royal Hussars in the British military in Malaya during his National Service, beforeen rolling at the Regent Street Polytechnic in London in 1959 to study architecture..
"..an establishment [now called the University of Westminster] that also boasted various members of Pink Floyd amongst it's alumni."..
"Robert's ancestry meant that he could lay claim to a line of descendancy from Anne of York, the elder sister of King Edward IV and King Richard III makinghim someone of Plantagenet stock, via Eleanor of Aquitaine,..
from the Merovingian dynasty; the once and future kings, who, legend has it, are the descendants of Jesus and who continue his bloodline. It's not for nothing that Robert was known as the“Christ of Carnaby Street”"
"According to legend, the House of Anjou, descended from Satan himself and his daughter, Melusine, was the demon ancestress of the Angevins who always avoided mass, so her her husband, the Count of Anjou, decided to have her forcibly restrained by his knights during mass..
but Melusine tore herself loose and flew, birdlike, through the roof, and taking their two children with her, was never seen again."
"This would make the De Grimston’s descendants of a metaphorical union between the son of God and the daughter of Satan. This is quite significant, as the Process Church worshipped both Christ and Satan.."
"Much of the Process Church of the Final Judgement's full on descent into the practises of Satanism and the dark side, were based on, and stolen from, L. Ron Hubbard's mumbo jumbo, known as Scientology , a brainwashing technique he developed .."
"and designed to entrap and control people, based on the mind-control echniques initially developed by Aleister Crowley and his Thelema religion, which he invented."
The inner core of Scientology is black magic...Successful cult leaders are charismatic, charming and manipulative, anddemand total social control, allegiance and loyalty from their followers. Inother words, they are psychopaths..
"in 1952, Hubbard named his daughter Diana. Later, he named a Sea Org vessel Diana and we can presume that“Dianetics" is a 'double-entendre', as she was earlier involved in the occult practice of Dianism"..
"All of the Moonchild nonsense had an uncanny resemblance to the plot of the movie Rosemary’s Baby , which was, of course, the brainchild of the kiddie-fiddling Polish film producer and director Roman Polanski,"..
"One of the principal tools of suppression or control utilised by Scientology is sex: In Dianetics ..sex is a great means of control. You have complete control of someone if you have every detail of his sex life & unfulfilled sexual fantasy's on record”"..
"Celebrity paedophile Jimmy Saville – gave a nauseating interview to the Process Church's in-house magazine,The Process, in the late sixties and is known to have avoided justice for so long because of what, and who, he knew."..
"In the 1970s, the fallen celebrity agent Max Clifford,Michael X,the British Black Power activist & sometime drug-dealing pimp and his henchman Peter Rachman, were rumoured to have explicit photographs of Princess Margaret in their possession which they kept in a London bank safe
so it would appear, sexual profiling and blackmail was the order of the day in swinging London. Have the new people in swinging London changed their habits today? Absolutely not."..
"Hubbard Jr: Tom Driberg was a double agent for the KGB and for the British intelligence agency. He was also a raging homosexual. He wanted my father to use his black-magic, soul-cracking, brainwashing techniques on young boys. He wanted these boys as his own sexual slaves"..
"Hubbard Jr: He wanted to use my father’s techniques to crack people’s heads open because he was very influential in and around the British government - plus he was selling information to the Russians. And so was my father."..
"Hubbard Jr:.. That’s where my father got the money to buy St. Hill Manor in East Grinstead, Sussex, which is the English headquarters of Scientology today”"
"Based on the scant details provided by Hubbard Jr., Labour MP Tom Driberg was an interesting character because he was connected with the Cambridge spy ring, the Kray twins, Lord Boothby and the paedophile network that they operated."
"Considering that Crowley was also an intelligence asset then it seems clear that Crowley, rather than being a great occult practitioner was simply applying his intelligence taught mind-control techniques upon his adepts .. modern Satanist groups are merely intelligence fronts."
"Ron Hubbard was of course, one of the greatest charlatans of the modern era, who in 1953 obtained his fake PHD in Philosophy , by cabling his associate Richard DeMille (a relative of Cecil B. DeMille) with instructions to purchase it from Sequoia University."
"Mary Ann was born in Glasgow in 1931...she was raised by relatives in poverty and neglect. Attractive and ambitious, by the early 1950s she had emigrated to the USA and eventually shacked-up with US boxing legend Sugar Ray Robinson.."
"In the early 1960s, after twelve months or so with SugarRay, Mary Ann left him and moved back to London, where she set up a high class call-girl service with top flight customers that would eventually be connected to the Profumo scandal."..
"BothRobert and Mary Ann, were too intelligent and wilful to remainHubbard’s followers, so they married in 1964, and began to test some of their own ideas successfully."..
"The Sunday Telegraph called them the Mind Benders of Mayfair and the alternative press wasn’t too keen on them either. The counterculture gazette, Oz, published a highly critical article."..
"Undeterred, the DeGrimstons opened a 24-hour coffee bar in London called Satan’s Cave..The group began to wear black capes, black turtle necks and shiny silver crosses, as well as the Process symbol and badges featuring the sinister Goat of Mendes"..
"Hitting the King’s Road on the streets of swinging London, they hawked their magazine in places like the Indica Bookshop, run by Peter Asher (the brother of Paul McCartney’s girlfriend, Jane Asher)"..
"In 2019, Chemonics established an office in London, United Kingdom, to increase its aid work with the UK's Department for International Development and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office"
"The Church Commissioners for England has announced the members of the Oversight Group that will advise the Board on how it establishes the new impact investment fund and grant funding programme that is being set up"..
"The Right Reverend Dr Rosemarie Mallett, Bishop of Croydon, will chair the oversight group, and Geetha Tharmaratnam, Chief Impact Investment Officer of the WHO Foundation, will be Vice-Chair" churchofengland.org/media/press-re…
Not quite on his own tho:
"Along with Youssef Nader and Julian Schillinger, Farritor successfully deciphered the four passages of text, each with 140-plus characters, from the Herculaneum scrolls"
"AI unlocks ancient text owned by Caesar's family"
Last year a breakthrough came when Dr Brent Seales and his team at the University of Kentucky used high resolution CT scans to unroll the texts, butbbc.com/news/science-e…
the black carbon ink used on the scripts was indecipherable from the papyrus itself.
Dr Seales worked with tech investors to launch the Vesuvius Challenge, a $1m (£790,000) prize for anyone that could come up with a solution."..
"In June 2021 Medline was acquired by a consortium of private equity firms Blackstone, Carlyle and Hellman & Friedman valuing the company at $34 billion in one of the largest leveraged buyouts of all time." Wiki
"Based in Northfield, Ill., family-owned Medline is a little-known but major player in the field of medical equipment." archive.is/XtsqF
"Brothers James and Jon Mills founded the company in 1966, taking it public in 1972. The brothers bought back the shares five years later. James’s son Charlie has been Medline’s CEO since 1997." chicagotribune.com/2021/06/08/her…
"A systematic review and meta-analysis [Rogers J et al., 2020] of the neuropsychiatric manifestations of SARS and MERS CoV revealed that during the acute illness, common symptoms included confusion , depressed mood (32.6%), anxiety (35.7%), impaired memory (34.1%) & insomnia ."
And as I read your speculative thread @DecentBackup , I'm also wondering about Lobach's very public appearance at the WH when Ralph Lauren got his Protection Medal from Biden 🤔🎶