So this morning one of the co-founders of Moms For Liberty said it was nonsense that I called them an extremist group. I figured I'd show my evidence. 1/
In Florida's Hernando County, Moms for Liberty's censorship actions provoke liberal backlash. Their extreme behavior fuels educational chaos and teacher resignations. #MomsForLiberty 2/…
Indiana's Moms for Liberty chapter faces backlash over quoting Hitler in their first newsletter, exposing extreme views. This incident aligns with reports of their connections to extremist groups and recent classification as a hate group by the SPLC: 4/…
Moms 4 Liberty ally admits to restricting Amanda Gorman's poem in Florida school without reading fully, showcasing the group's rash judgment and censorship agenda. This reflects a concerning pattern of uninformed extremism, as she apologized for sharing an antisemitic post: 5/
Scandal hits Moms for Liberty as their Philadelphia chapter leader, convicted of sexually abusing a minor, is exposed. This contrasts with their campaigns against LGBTQ+ topics in schools: 7/…
A Moms for Liberty-endorsed school board member triggers investigation of a Florida teacher for showing a Disney film with LGBTQ content, reflecting the group's broader agenda to censor diverse viewpoints in education: 8/…
Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' law leads to removal of LGBTQ-themed books from schools, contradicting Gov. DeSantis' claim on classroom instruction limitations: 8/…
The Philadelphia chapter of Moms for Liberty faces scrutiny as their faith-based outreach coordinator, a Republican pastor, is revealed to be a convicted sex offender: 9/…
Moms for Liberty Indian River County chapter influences the removal of 'Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation' from a Florida school, citing graphic content concerns. 10/…
A Florida school removes Anne Frank graphic novel due to Moms for Liberty's dubious claim of 'minimizing Holocaust', exemplifying extreme censorship that ignores the book's educational value:
Based on all the recent online & offline conversations I’ve been seeing about world events, it’s safe to say that we need to be investing more resources into social studies & media literacy education. This includes investing in the education of social studies teachers and 1/
an end to the educational gag orders & book bans. The K-12 classroom needs to be a place where young people learn how to source documents, learn historical context, and engage in complexity & critical thinking. 2/
A little context: In response to No Child Left Behind, more than a third of schools decreased Social Studies class time nationwide. It’s probably more now? I think we are starting to see the impact of this decision. With all these educational gag orders & book bans, 3/
The day he came down that escalator to Neil Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World” was the beginning of one of the darkest chapters in American history. Those of us who had been fighting to get closer to becoming a multiracial democracy with liberty and justice for ALL knew it 1/
right away. Yes, our country has been flawed since its inception. White supremacy has been the backbone of the USA from the start with settler colonialism & the genocide of the indigenous people & then our entire economy was based on race based chattel slavery. 2/
So, yes, the story of our nation, like any nation, is not perfect (even though Republicans are trying to brainwash kids by banning the teaching of this complex history now!) I get lots of comments from MAGA trolls that I’m “obsessed with Trump” but they don’t get it. 3/
Dear Media: Please don't forget the mistakes of how y'all covered the 2016 election. Also, feel free to review that whole pre-World War II era/rise of fascism. I just saw @abcnews refer to Moms For Liberty as "joyful warriors" - they are an extremist group pretending to want 1/
@abcnews "save the children" but one of their chapters quoted Hitler in a newsletter & they are really trying to enforce a yt supremacist curriculum/destroy public education in the USA. Also, Trump might be the @GOP presidential frontrunner but also keep reminding your readers that he 2/
@abcnews @GOP is a 2x impeached, 2x indicted (with more to come) & also was found liable by a NY jury in civil case for sexual abuse & defamation, & he also at the very least incited an insurrection on Jan 6 & also continues to LIE about the outcome of the 2020 election and fundraise off 3/
The biggest revelation to come out of this NYT article is that as soon as Betsy DeVos left office she began moving millions of $$ to fund people & organizations that create hate against @rweingarten, unions & public ed. They admit in this article that they are trying to 1/
@rweingarten demonize Randi, unions, & public school teachers as a way to privatize all schools. They went as far as hiring a prominent online troll with ties to the far right.… 2/
@rweingarten As someone who has personally endured these online attacks for the past 2 years just because I stand up for public education & teachers, it is eye opening for me but also unsurprising that DeVos is funding & manufacturing this toxicity online & stoking 3/
Just jumping in here to remind everyone that as we end the year, in school districts like Dallas ISD teachers are not allowed to use the word "slavery" in class and are still awaiting to see what term that they can use to describe slavery, such as "involuntary relocation" 1/
So, does this mean students aren't even being taught about slavery in their history classes? This is despicable and shame on every single adult who is a part of this decision. You are depriving young people from a) learning the truth and b) putting them behind their peers in 2/
other states where these topics are not banned. I remember a few years ago when I first started hearing about these "anti-CRT" but really anti-history bills coming down the pipeline, I tweeted that this will ultimately lead to teachers being scared to not teach about anything 3/
Back in January 2022 I was barraged by antisemitic attacks when I posted a photo saying I was teaching about the January 6th insurrection & how a student said it was a fight btn expanding our multiracial democracy & those who want to maintain white supremacy. It was chilling 1/
I knew there were people/trolls like this on Twitter but I was shocked by the volume & also how so many accounts that I reported weren’t removed. Many of us have been ringing the alarms about this for awhile. I’m terrified to think of what will happen if we continue on this 2/
trajectory in America. You don’t have to be a history teacher like me to know where this can go. We all must unite against hate & put pressure on corporations & advertisers to not align themselves w these people purveying hate & social media platforms to remove the accounts. 3/