Legs: squat, romanian deadlift, hip thrust, leg extension, hamstring curl
Muscle Building 101:
- train each muscle group 2x per 7-10 days
- progressively increase weight/reps
- 6-20 sets per body part per week
- controlled lowering of your reps
- train hard in the 5-20 rep range
- take 5g creatine daily
- high protein diet
- optimize sleep
3. Track Calories and Protein
A calorie deficit is necessary for fat loss.
Track your calories so you can guarantee you're in a deficit & losing fat at a sustainable rate.
You should aim to create a 500-1000 calorie deficit while eating 1g of protein per lb bodyweight daily.
4. Optimize sleep
Sleep is vital for health and workout performance/recovery.
It will also help you make better food choices and stay energized all day.
Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep to make sure you aren't missing out on gains.
Sleep tips:
- dark and cool sleeping environment
- no screen time 1 hr before bed
- same sleep/wake time daily
- 15+ mins morning sunlight
- warm shower before bed
- solid bedtime routine
5. Get Sunlight
The benefits of sunlight for health and fitness are overlooked.
Most of you are missing out on them by spending 90% of your time indoors.
Get outside daily to assist your goals and optimize your health.
Benefits of sunlight:
- improves sleep
- increases vitamin D
- improves fat burning
- improves hormone profile
- more energy = better workouts
- improved mood = better choices
This is a short list of the benefits, get outside and embrace one of nature's greatest gifts.
6. Hydrate With Mineralized Water
Electrolytes play a huge role in workout performance and satiety.
80-90% of people are deficient in them, especially in magnesium.
Add magnesium chloride and quality sea salt to your water to improve your workout performance and health.
Base 80-90% of your diet around these foods to optimize your health and results.
8. Increase activity level
To increase calorie burn you should move throughout the day
Otherwise, you'll have to eat fewer calories to lose fat
Your goal should be to eat as many calories as possible while being in a calorie deficit
A great movement goal is 10K+ steps per day
Easy ways to increase activity level:
- take walks while on calls
- walk your dog often
- take 10 min walks multiple times per day
- get a standing desk or treadmill desk
- find an active hobby such as hiking
Bonus tip:
All of these tips WORK.
But only if you APPLY them!
I & thousands of others have gotten lean following the same process.
I promise if you are disciplined & follow these tips CONSISTENTLY, the results will come.
TL;DR - Fat loss plan
-10K steps
-nutrient-dense foods
-1g protein per lb bodyweight
-500-1000 calorie deficit
-7-8 hours quality sleep
-3-5 workouts
-4 alcoholic drinks or less
Thanks for reading!
If you enjoyed:
1. Follow me @ChamberofFit for all of your fitness needs on one X page
2. Retweet the top tweet so others can learn how to drop fat
1) Eat eggs. They are filling, loaded with protein, and nature's version of a multivitamin.
2) Limit booze to 4 drinks per week. Drinking in excess kills your hormones, sleep, and is unnecessary calories.
3) Drink diet soda to curb your appetite. It has 0 calories so won't impact your fat loss.
4) Follow the 80/20 rule. Make 80-90% of the food you eat fruit, meat, eggs, seafood, & veggies and 10-20% less healthy food you love like pizza or ice cream.
5) Track your calories so you can guarantee you're in a calorie deficit and losing fat consistently. Myfitnesspal, MyMacros, MacroFactor, etc. are all great apps you can use.
7) Get 10,000+ steps per day so you can eat more calories while losing fat. A great way to get more steps is to take a morning walk before work and an evening walk after dinner.
8) Eat 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight daily. Divide your bodyweight by 3-4 (however many meals you eat) and this is the amount of protein you eat per meal. Chicken, steak, eggs, egg whites, beef, turkey, shrimp, or salmon should be the main course of your meals.
9) Don't overdo it on cardio. 2-4, 30-60 minute Zone 2 sessions per week is plenty.
11) Eat the protein on your plate first, this will help you feel full sooner.
12) Lift heavy 3-5x per week. Building muscle will help increase your metabolism so you can keep fat off for life. If you don't lift you'll lose muscle and easily gain the fat back.
13) Drink caffeine daily. It's an appetite suppressant and gives you energy so you'll burn more calories without thinking about it.
14) Get 15+ minutes of morning sunlight and get off your phone for 1 hour before bed. This will enhance your sleep quality and help you more easily lose fat.
16) Cut unnecessary liquid calories. Fruit juice and soda are loaded with refined sucrose which is biologically addicting.
17) Mentally believe you are healthy and fit before you lose the fat. Delusional self belief is powerful and shifting your identity is CRUCIAL to long term fat loss success.
18) If you feel hungry between meals drink water with electrolytes. If you drink a ton of water and still feel like you could eat a salad then you're probably hungry for real. Otherwise, you're probably just bored.
19) As you lose weight your body burns less calories. This means when you hit weight loss plateaus you either need to move more to burn more calories or lower your calorie intake so you can keep losing.
20) Simplicity beats complexity - stick to a consistent 3-5 high protein (50g+) meals for each meal of the day. Having an excessive amount of variety leads to decision fatigue.
21) Take progress pics to see your visual success, the scale doesn't tell the full story. You can lose 5lbs of fat but see no change on the scale when you build muscle.
22) If you have a bad day, forget about it and get back on track the next day. I have them too, NO ONE is perfect.
23) Accept that it's not going to be easy, but that is why it's worth doing. If losing fat was easy everyone would be fit and it wouldn't be a great achievement! It's all worth when you have more energy to play with your kids, more confidence, and can look in the mirror and be genuinely happy.
Now it's on YOU to take action on these tips.
I made excuses and blamed my excess body fat on my genetics for years.
But then I accepted it was my habits that were the problem and made the change.
Remember there are people out there losing fat that have less time and energy, more stress and life barriers than you do.
Stop making excuses, believe in yourself and go make it happen!
31 sentences that will teach you more about getting in shape than my $44,562 Exercise Science degree:
1. Getting in shape is 90% mental and 10% physical.
2. There are no failures in the gym, only lessons. 3. Do cardio for your health not to make up for your gluttony. 4. Carbs and sugar don't make you fat - eating too many calories does. 5. Take 5g creatine per day for muscle building & cognitive benefits.
6. For strength do 1-4 reps, for muscle do 5-20. 7. Doing 2-3 lifting sets to failure will stimulate more muscle growth than 4-5 easy sets. 8. Every pound of muscle you build = 5-7 more calories burned daily. 9. If you don't lift while losing weight, you'll end up skinny fat.