On Covid mitigations and everyone’s FOMO. I keep hearing that I need to enjoy life & stop living in fear from people who are unwilling to take even basic mitigations to avoid Covid spread for fear of missing out. I’m living & adapting to my reality. My FOMO? It’s my health. /1 🧵
I miss my health. I miss being able to eat & digest food and sleep through the night and cook my own meals. I miss being able to shower without spending hours in bed afterwards or fainting and needing the hospital. /2
I miss existing in a body that remembers how to regulate its unconscious processes like heart rate, blood pressure and digestion. /3
I miss being able to leave the house without assistance and socialize places other than the hospital. I miss feeling like I mattered to society as opposed to being at best expendable and at worst a drain who doesn’t deserve care. /4
The things you miss out on when you take Covid seriously are nothing compared to what you will miss out on if you lose your health. You can do almost all activities in a well fitted respirator. Opening windows and running HEPA is easy. /5
Yet everyone focuses on YOLO and won’t even discuss mitigations anymore. You may only live once but if you aren’t careful with your health you will end up stuck in the grey - like me and many others. I’m barely living. /6
I’m existing & surviving but the life I had before is gone and not coming back. Do I miss parties, restaurants and socializing? Of course. Would I give them all up to get even a fraction of my health and independence back? In a heartbeat. /7
I’m grateful to still be here and I’m coming to terms with my new reality. But acceptance is hard and every time someone calls me a sheep or a fool for trying to avoid Covid it hurts. It hurts because I know what a Covid infection can do to the body. /8
I know what being reckless with your health can do. Everyone could be one infection away from my reality. Instead of judging me - I hope maybe you will learn from me. My hope is that in sharing my story I inspire others to take precautions and protect their health. /end
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This is living with POTS/dysautonomia. 90% of time this is the position I’m in. I live my life horizontal/upside down. When I was well enough to go out I would frequently find myself on the ground. I would lay down in public places to avoid fainting. A 🧵 about POTS challenges /1
POTS isn’t just about tachycardia when standing. Nor is it only about fainting. Dysautonomia can impact nearly every system in your body. It literally means a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system which is the system that controls unconscious processes. /2
That means everything from blood pressure to heart rate, respirations, digestion and temperature regulation stop functioning correctly. /3
Make no mistake - the CDC decision to change Covid isolation from 5 days to 1 day is an economic & political one. It’s NOT about health and it will kill & disable people. It’s to push people back to work & drive the narrative that Covid is only a risk to the “vulnerable” /1 🧵
Think about what this messaging tells people. If you’re not keeping up with the science you could easily think “well if it was really THAT bad they would be having us isolate.” The problem is - it IS that bad. But governments have given up. They want people back to “normal.” /2
They don’t want to have to provide paid sick days or have people staying home (and not spending money) for extended periods of time. They KNOW herd immunity isn’t happening & they KNOW reinfections are rampant. Sick is our “new normal.” /3
I’m seeing more people with Long Covid who got sick after dropping mitigations because the government told them Covid was “only” a risk to the vulnerable. I want to thank them for sharing their stories. This narrative that only certain people are at risk is dangerous. A 🧵 /1
There’s been a lot of failures throughout the pandemic. Failure to acknowledge Covid is airborne, failure to address the reasons masks work, failure to adopt clean air strategies & failure to admit long term risks. /2
But the biggest failure in my mind is the never ending false narrative that “only the vulnerable & elderly” are at risk. If you’re young & healthy you don’t have to worry about Covid. You can go right back to your life (ie get back to work & grow the economy). /3
HIV was a novel virus that changed people’s perception of sexual risk. Public health campaigns revolutionized the role of condoms in sexual health. Covid is ALSO a novel virus - why are there no public health campaigns helping people assess risk? A 🧵 on novel viruses & risk /1
First - I understand that people get upset with comparisons between HIV and Covid. The point of this thread is to compare public health & government responses of novel viruses as well as the role of condoms & masks. /2
Before HIV condoms were not the norm - especially within the gay community. STIs had existed for decades but were almost all treatable & non lethal so people accepted the risk and had unprotected sex. Condoms were generally only used for pregnancy prevention. /3
As we emerge from another Covid wave I find myself lamenting the dashed hopes I had at the beginning of the pandemic. I feel defeated, sad & frustrated by the squandered opportunities to create a safer & more inclusive society that cared for the vulnerable and disabled. 🧵/1
Those of us who were disabled before Covid were used to being excluded from society. Inaccessible spaces & work options were the norm. Many of us were also used to having conditions that were chronic & poorly understood. We knew how hard it was to get medical care /2
As soon as the first cases of Long Covid were made public - most of us saw the huge risk to society this virus represented. We knew that our systems couldn’t handle the influx of disabled & chronically ill patients that Covid would cause /3
Another day - another person telling me I need to “try harder” to find a care home where I will have ‘round the clock care’ & not be a burden to friends & families. People refuse to accept that for MANY chronically ill & disabled people there are no suitable options. A 🧵 /1
When my condition first deteriorated I tried to find a safe place I could go for respite care. First of all - we are in an airborne pandemic so congregate care settings are a HUGE risk to immune compromised & chronically ill people. They aren’t protected. /2
Even if Covid wasn’t an issue - I still found myself hitting nothing but roadblocks. Rehab centres denied me because there was no expectation I would ever improve. Hospice denied me as I wasn’t dying fast enough. Long term care not an option as too acutely unstable /3