Y’all want to see what a ghost donor bot looks like?
Here’s the data from a 65 yo retired man living in a 962 sq ft house in Clawson, Michigan.
From 2019-2023 the FEC has recorded him making over 15,600 separate donations to political campaigns.
The list below shows the receiving campaign, the # of donations made and the total amount donated from 2019-2023
This list is just Presidential, Senate & House campaigns. It does not include the 5,000+ donations “he” made to Joint Fundraising Committees or the 1,000+ donations “he” made to leadership committees.
Now ask yourself this… who makes 517 different donations to Tim Scott’s presidential campaign and then turns around and makes 557 separate donations to Nikki Haley’s campaign?
Who donates 659 times to a congresswoman in another state but never gives a dime to any candidates running in their own district?
Answer? Bots.
Specifically, bots being ran by dark money groups who are using campaign funds to control their puppets in DC.
Think it’s just Republicans? HA! Democrats were the master minds of this scam.
Except I’ll give them credit bc unlike Reps who are always just out for themselves, Dems keep their eye on the prize of total control of Congress, ergo the bulk of their bot donations go through ActBlue where they’re able to better distribute them to the candidates who need it.
Here’s the numbers for an 86 year old man from Oak Park, Illinois. He made 11,285 donations to Democrats between April 11, 2019 and December 31, 2023.
That’s roughly 6.5 donations/day, every day, for 1,725 days straight.
Again, he’s 86 years old.
I’m going to be posting a lot more on this in the coming week but I just wanted to throw this out there for yall to think about.
All those lobbying numbers you get from OpenSecrets showing that AIPAC gave someone this much or the NRA game someone else that much- they don’t mean shit anymore.
This right here is where the real influence is being bought.
For the Republican it was $60,694 for the charts above and for the Democrat it was $136,215.
But remember the Republican’s numbers don’t include donations to Joint Fundraising Committees or Leadership PACs so it is more than $60k but I do t have the exact amount in front of me.
You ever want to make a comment or write a post about something but you already know exactly what all the haters or going to say so you just leave it alone bc you don’t have the time or energy to deal w their sh*t?
That’s how I feel every time I want to talk about the Zionist lobby.
So I decided to write this thread to head off what I know is coming when I start dropping my other threads this week.
It’s not short or sweet but it is informative and it’ll probably help answer some questions you may have if you care about foreign influence over our political systems.
(article version linked at bottom)
If death and taxes are the only two things certain in life, then at the top of the list of *almost* certain is the guarantee that if Israeli influence on Congress is being discussed at least one boob is going to chime in w “how come you never talk abt all these OtHeR countries?!”
Such arguments are almost always accompanied by a screenshot or copy+paste of the latest Open Secrets Foreign Lobbying numbers.
As of July 2023, the date of Joe Biden’s last “certification of files” in the JFK record, there were still 4,684 documents being withheld, in part or in whole, from the public. A short thread on the most import documents still under seal:
1. Partial redactions on page 8 and 10 and the full redaction of page 9 from the June 1961 memo written by White House adviser Arthur Schlesinger to Kennedy on how the president could best accomplish his goal of “splintering the Agency [the CIA] into a thousand pieces and scattering it to the winds.”
2. The roster of the CIA’s assassination team that targeted Fidel Castro
Alright frens, now that Matt Gaetz is out of the running you’re going to hear a lot of takes on what happened and plenty of “keep your d*ck in your pants” lines too.
And while that’s always good advice, the story I’m about to share goes way beyond anything you could possibly imagine. So if you’re interested in the whole story, consolidated in one place, of what really happened with and to Gaetz, take a seat and let me tell you a story
Part I: The Tax Collector
This story begins in Fall 2019 in Florida, with this man: Joel Greenberg.
At the time Joel Greenberg was 2.5 years into his first term as the Tax Collector for Seminole County.
Greenberg is your classic rich kid who dinks through life lighting fires everyone else is forced to put out. Never landing hard bc daddy’s money always catches his fall. You know the type. We all do. And Joel approached his role as tax collector no different than any other.
Sighhh… I regret to inform you my friends that Arizona is at it again. At this point Arizona’s election shenanigans could become a third pillar in Ben Franklin’s axis of certainties in life.
We’re 5 days out from Election Day and while yes, they are making progress, with an estimated 87.41% of the votes counted, the number of irregularities being reported in the count is growing by the minute.
The math ain’t mathin’ folks. Pull up a chair and let me show you what I’ve found:
First things first: how the count works in Arizona. First off votes fall into one of the following categories:
Early vote/early drop off (voters request an early ballot and return it to a drop off location *before* Election Day)
Early vote/Election Day drop off (voters request an early ballot and return it to polling place *on* Election Day)
Election Day vote (i.e. normal voting)
Provisional ballots (there was a hiccup in the system on Election Day identifying the voter and/or confirming their eligibility at the polling place so their ballot is placed in provisional status until it can be verified)
Arizona uses a “First In First Out” system to count. First ballots returned are the first ballots counted. Every early ballot must be signature verified before being considered “ready for tabulation.”
However, and here’s where the waters get muddied, all the “early vote ballots” whether they were returned before Election Day or on Election Day get lumped together when reported on the Ballot Progress page.
“We must always defend the only Democracy in the Middle East”
This is Entisar Hijaze, she’s a 23 year old teacher from Nazareth.
Late last night Entisar’s home was raided and she was blindfolded, handcuffed and arrested for the grave crime of sharing a TikTok memory.
I’m not kidding. Entisar was arrested and is being held in prison for at least 3 days bc she shared a memory on TikTok yesterday from 1 year ago.
According to National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir this video is evidence of Entisar “celebrating Hamas’ attack”
According to the asshats who run our govt, democracy is when fat elected slobs like Ben-Gvir take innocent songs like Charlie Puth’s “Betty Boop,” rename it to lie about the lyrics and then order his private army of goons to conduct midnight raids on the homes of school teachers bc they use that song in one of their TikTok videos.
Remember that time Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking children to… no one? That was crazy, huh? Well the case of Ozzie Myers is kinda like that except with election fraud.
Settle in friends and let me tell you a story about how a former congressman turned felon turned political consultant was caught and convicted of rigging the Democrat primary in 3 consecutive cycles and yet not a single one of his clients has ever been named or exposed… until now.
Michael Joseph Myers, aka Michael Ozzie Myers, is somewhat of a prodigal son of South Philadelphia. Nominated by the Dem Party of PA to fill the vacancy in PA’s congressional delegation that opened on the death of Bill Barrett in 1976
Ozzie was ousted from Congress just 4 years later after getting caught on camera accepting a $50,000 bribe from an undercover FBI informant in what later became known as the ABSCAM scandal.