Just released: Pretty remarkable 1-year durability data for Novavax 2-dose primary series. Though there is some expected waning, there was >65% efficacy at 1y (mRNA options typically wane to this level by ~4-5 months). Also fewer waning differences by age. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
To illustrate age stratified data, I took NVX data from the Japan paper and compared w/ a BNT paper from Norway. For BNT, nAbs & IgG largely back to baseline levels in older individuals by 5m, but remain at protective level at 1y w/ NVX, and more similar to young ages throughout.
Long-term durability is challenging to assess due to hybrid immunity, mutations, etc. More long-term durability studies are needed. But this adds to evidence from other observational data and animal models re: NVX durability
New RCT comparing Moderna bivalent and Novavax (original strain) as a fourth dose. Novavax has:
- lower side effects
- similar cell mediated immunity, lower IgG response
- potentially broader protection vs variants
Link to study:
Side effects are a leading cause of vaccine hesitancy. The Novavax reactogenicity shows roughly half the frequency of each symptom, and lower severity. journalofinfection.com/article/S0163-…
The IgG responses are lower with the novavax vaccine, as consistent with prior studies. The authors note that these differences may not be meaningful as other RCTs and studies show similar efficacy with these differences in IgG levels.
Having worked with many EIS officers, I can confirm they are among the best and brightest. They leave high-paying jobs to serve communities, ready to face danger at a moment’s notice. Now, the entire class has been let go. These heroes won’t be there when we need them.
One particular memory of mine that highlights the character of an EIS officer. We were on call with an EIS grad while he was in the field. Heard screeching tires and the line went dead. Called his cell, and he picked up and said calmly, "Hi, it's [name]".
I said, "oh we were worried you were in a car accident".
He said, "yeah I was. Our car flipped over. Let me call you back, I need to help our driver and check on the other car".
Results from PREVENT-19 Novavax pediatric RCT of >1,000 adolescents.
- Vaccine efficacy was 74% (original Wuhan vax vs Delta variant).
- Nearly all infections after vaccination were asymptomatic or very mild.
- Viral load lower in vaccinated, but not statistically significant
Notably, this study used twice-weekly swabs to detect asymptomatic infections. Not directly comparable, but Moderna had 39% efficacy vs. asymptomatic infections in adolescents. Ad.26 was lower at 29%. nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NE… nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NE…
BNT (Pfizer) had 87% efficacy w/ less freq sampling (weekly), but with an asymptomatic proportion (~38%) suggesting some asymptomatic infections were potentially missed.
Recent RCT: Co-administering NVX (COVID) & PCV20 (Pneumococcal) vaccines is as effective as when given separately, with no extra side effects.
This is key, as both diseases are major killers, and PCV may also reduce severe COVID by reducing pneumococcal carriage (🧵on this below)
SARS-CoV-2 & S. pneumo can increase severity together. Early in the pandemic, we used endemic hCoV data to explore risk factors for severe illness. We found high-density S. pneumo carriage increased the risk of severe disease w/ concurrent hCoV infection. journals.lww.com/pidj/fulltext/…
Nice coverage from Vox on some of the benefits of the Novavax COVID vaccine: similar effectiveness, fewer side effects, and potentially longer lasting protection.
Since concerns about the mRNA platform and side effects are leading causes of vaccine hesitancy, increasing awareness will increase uptake and have societal benefits.
Link to article: vox.com/even-better/39…
I've also found it effective to point out the novavax vaccine has similar side effects to routinely used vaccines that almost everyone has already received
Epidemiologists did remarkable work in the early days of COVID-19. Within months, they:
- Accurately predicted the timing of every major wave for the next 3 years.
- Warned SARS-CoV-2 would likely become endemic.
- Identified risk of aerosol transmission.
We knew from day 1 that airborne transmission was likely (like SARS-CoV-1).
As confusion w/ masks grew, we saw the urgent need to provide clarity on ventilation (e g. Excerpt from Drs. Prather @kprather88 and Milton, Oct 2020) science.org/doi/10.1126/sc… nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…
Leading epidemiologists also noted that herd immunity targets were likely unattainable for eliminating the virus through vaccination.
E g. excerpt from a Dec 2020 interview (prior to vaccine rollout) edhub.ama-assn.org/jn-learning/vi…