At about 119 meters (390 feet), the famous Atacama Giant is the largest prehistoric anthropomorphic geoglyph on Earth.
This massive figure served as an early astronomical calendar, aligning with the moon to indicate the day, crop cycle, and season.
3. Nile River seen from space
The Nile is Africa's longest river and has often been regarded as the longest river on Earth. However, some studies argue that the Amazon River may surpass it in length.
Thread of beautiful colorized photos you've (probably) never seen before 🧵
1. "A few seconds before happiness"
2. The Kiss of Life
Randall Champion accidentally touched a live wire, causing a fatal electric shock that stopped his heart. Fellow lineman J.D. Thompson gave CPR until paramedics arrived. Champion survived and lived until 2002. The photo won the Pulitzer Prize in 1968.
3. British soldier playing with a kitten in the snow, in Neulette, Northern France. December 17, 1917.