The CDC decision to change Covid isolation guidelines pushes us further into a culture of forced infection, disability and eugenics in the name of capitalism. It will disproportionately harm disabled, marginalized, unhoused & low income people. A 🧵 on social justice & Covid /1
If you were someone who wasn’t taking Covid seriously - then of course you don’t care if the guidelines are changed. If you’re someone in a position of privilege - who can afford to isolate when sick & is otherwise healthy? Maybe you don’t think it’s a big deal. But it is. /2
Many people in the U.S. are without paid time off, access to childcare, health insurance & more. There’s incredible disparity. Not to mention MANY vulnerable people are struggling financially so a “you do you” approach that puts all the onus on them to stay safe is unjust. /3
There’s many people out there who would isolate if they could afford to. Many people want to do the right thing and protect others but are FORCED to go to work due to inadequate paid sick time. This is forced infection. Everyone they work around are put at risk as a result. /4
There’s also people who NEED to stay home. Maybe your Covid infection is severe. You need to stay home and recover. Now you can’t because the CDC says it’s no big deal & one day is enough. Long Covid risk goes up when you push during the acute phase. This is forced disability. /5
People say “well if they’re worried they can get a doctors note”. It’s not that simple. Many can’t afford the time off to see a doctor, don’t have access to a doctor or lack insurance to PAY for a doctor. These same people won’t be able to afford care if Covid disables them. /6
Other people may not be in a position to push back even WITH a doctors note. If CDC says 1 day is sufficient employers will use that to punish those who need more time. Many ppl are 1 paycheque away from losing their homes & being unhoused also increases risk of Long Covid. /7
“Your health isn’t my responsibility. If you’re worried protect yourself.” Good quality respirators cost money. As do tests, air filters, nose sprays and mouth wash. Mitigation tools SHOULD be free - but they aren’t. “You do you” leaves our most vulnerable by the wayside. /8
Speaking of the vulnerable - disabled people have been screaming for years that the Covid response is inadequate (at best) and eugenics (at worst). Now the CDC are actually trying to claim that the reduced isolation guidelines were done to PROTECT the vulnerable. /9
Their argument is that the easier a guideline is to follow - the more people will do it. This is absurd. Those who don’t want to follow the rules aren’t going to. No matter what we do. These changes make it impossible for those who WANT to do the right thing to be able to. /10
High risk people haven’t been safe for years. We’ve been screamed at & attacked for masking and told to “just stay home.” In many cases we can’t even access safe healthcare which is the ONE place we absolutely can’t avoid. This decision was NOT made to help us. /11
I don’t know where we go from here - but I know this is wrong. Forced infection with a deadly & disabling multi system virus is WRONG. Creating a system where only the most privileged among us have a fighting chance at avoiding infection is WRONG. /12
Is no one capable of thinking about anyone other than themselves anymore? Or of those different from them? Is that why most people seem fine with this decision? I genuinely don’t know - but I hope not. /13
At the end of the day I want to believe in the goodness of my fellow human beings. I want to believe despite all the anger & division we still care about one another. That if we had good public health guidelines & access to social supports - people would do the right thing. /14
It’s hard to keep that hope on days like today. Many of us are hurt, angry and grieving. And that’s ok. Let’s feel & recognize that hurt and then find a way to fight back together. /15
We all share the air. We will succeed or fail together. It’s high time we recognize that & start working collectively to protect everyone. When the most vulnerable are safe - everyone else will be too. It’s possible & we have the tools - we just have to remember how to care. /end
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“Why should I bother testing for Covid? If I’m sick I’m sick. Knowing it’s Covid doesn’t change anything.” Actually - it does.
If you know it’s Covid there are things you can & should be doing differently - despite what the CDC or other people want you to believe. A 🧵/1
First off - stay home. If it’s at all possible for you to isolate please do so. These guidelines that suggest you can go back into the world as long as your fever is gone or symptoms are improving make ZERO sense. If you’re testing positive - you’re contagious. /2
Second - if you share a home with others (yes this includes pets) isolate away from them. Ideally in a room with an open window & HEPA filters. Wear a respirator whenever you go into other areas of the house. /3
Many folks are pushing to go “back to normal” because they’re upset that their lives were upended in early days of Covid pandemic. I get it. My life was upended when I became disabled. But here’s the thing - “normal” isn’t working. It’s a mirage. 🧵 on denial & false ‘normal’ /1
When Covid first hit we saw most governments put measures in place to try & limit spread. Initially there was a feeling of camaraderie and “we’re all in this together”. There was a push to protect HCWs and vulnerable people. The world shifted & adapted to become more inclusive /2
It was actually extraordinarily impressive how fast these changes were implemented. Seemingly overnight we had work from home options, telemedicine, expanded delivery services and community volunteer groups. /3
Covid policies and mitigation are a social justice issue. Low income & marginalized individuals are at much higher risk. Adele is a multi millionaire who recently began wearing a respirator & had plans to improve air quality at her venue. Now she’s cancelling multiple shows. 🧵/1
First off - I sincerely hope Adele makes a full recovery & I applaud her for the steps she’s taken recently to minimize her risk of Covid. I also recognize we can’t know with 100% certainty she’s dealing with Covid. But there are many signs to indicate she is. /2
Generally speaking we know many people don’t take more precautions until faced with a bad covid infection and/or Long Covid. Her statement says she was previously ill and has not fully recovered. /3
Friend was traveling & wanted to visit - I declined because they don’t take Covid precautions. They get home & tell me “omg I’m so sick - it’s a good thing we didn’t visit as this would kill you.” I asked if they considered the other people like me they exposed on travels. A 🧵/1
I’m severely immune compromised and high risk - so given we’ve abandoned all mitigations at a societal level I’ve been forced to isolate to protect my health. I’ve lost many friends as a result. When someone offers to come see me - it could provide a much needed boost. /2
Anyone in my life knows exactly WHY I’m so high risk - and thankfully most of the people left in my circles take precautions to protect me. If someone won’t take any then I decline a visit. I’m too exhausted to argue - if you don’t want to mitigate I simply won’t see you. /3
In the early days of AIDS epidemic a grassroots organization called the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) was formed. They did incredible work for patient advocacy - including devising a “buddy system”. A 🧵 on how a similar system could assist disabled & Covid conscious patients /1
Early HIV/AIDS patients faced tremendous barriers to care. The disease was poorly understood and originally named GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency) and as a result there was rampant discrimination against gay men. /2
In many cases even doctors & hospitals would deny treatment - and men were left to die at home with only their partners to care for them (many of whom were sick themselves). The GMHC was formed and in 1982 instituted a volunteer “Buddy Program”. /3
It’s 2024 - can medical professionals PLEASE stop accusing those of us masking in hospitals of having “anxiety”?There’s an airborne pandemic disabling & killing millions. If I’m sick enough to need the hospital I’m too sick to get Covid. A 🧵 on HCW pushback on masking /1
I had to go to the hospital this past week and specifically chose a facility that has an active mask mandate. I figured with a mandate in place there would be a) more masking and b) less eye rolling at MY mask. I’m very high risk & wanted as much protection as possible. /2
Imagine my shock when I walk in and realize that the “mandate” only applies to clinical areas and waiting rooms. Not the lobby, elevators, stairwells, shopping area or volunteer desk. Covid must be very obliging to just naturally avoid all those areas. /3