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Mar 5 25 tweets 9 min read Read on X
1/24 In this SALO we will look at Russia’s Crimea strategy. We will talk about the Tuzla incident, history and Russia’s psyops operations in gaining influence in the region. Thanks to reddituser politicalcanvas in helping me on this one. Image
2/24 Historicly The Crimea has changed hands many times. From the Scythians, the Byzantine empire, The Golden Horde Mongols, The Ottoman empire the Russian empire, Ukraine and now Russia. Image
3/24 Russia conquered the Crimea in 1783. It was the home of the Crimean Tartars, they have Turkish roots. Russia soon would colonize the area and get rid of many Tartars by purges, deportation, forced relocation, etc... this continued until 1900. Image
4/24 In 1853 Tsar Nicolas eyed an even bigger prize: the whole of the Ottoman sultanat. It started a war under the pretence of coming to aid to oppressed orthodox minorities within the mainly islamic empire. Image
5/24 Russia lost half a million soldiers, 6 times more than the opposing armies. In the Crimea (were lots of the battle took place) the Tartars thought they were liberated. The allies left and the Tartars were proscecuted as traitors. Image
6/24 During WW2 the Germans came to the pinninsula. While the Tartars hadn’t actively collaborated much Stalin saw an excuse to rid the isle once and for all of Tartar influence. The Crimean Genocide took place in 1944. Image
7/24 In 1954 Stalin successor Krustyev decided to add the Ukrainian Soviet State. Officially the occasion celibrated the 300th Birthday of the Peryslav Treaty (Ukrainian cossacks empire part of Russia)
A more practical reason was probably the potable water supply from Ukraine. Image
8/24 The Iron Curtain fell, Ukraine became independant. Deported Tartars returned from Siberia. The Crimeans got to vote and chose to remain. The Crimean region got a semi autonomic satus with it’s own parliament. Image
9/24 In 1994 Yuri Meshkov, head of the Crimean parliament,  decided to disband Ukrainian law. It left Ukraine in quite a pickle. If it would break up the movement with force Russia could come to its aid, like it had done in Transnistria. Image
10/24 Officially many Russian politicians stated not being interested in the Crimea, but Ukraine knew it could be deception. Putin claimed in 2008 having no interest in Crimea, January 2022 he denied any invasion plans. Ukraine defused the Meshkov coup with its secret service. Image
11/24 In 2003 the Putin government bluntly started to built a damn that would add the Crimean Island of Tuzla to Russian mainland. While Russia denied the claim Ukraine send tugboats to prevent it from happening. A conflict was looming.... Image
12/24 The matter got settled in the Tuzla treaty 2003 which underlined Ukraines sovereignty in the Black Sea around Crimea. There had been many treaties like the “Friendship treaty” or The Budapest Memorandum that had similar passages...tol no avail. Image
13/24 While Tuzla was settled things remained clouded. In 2008 Putin was asked by a German ARD journalist about the status of the penninsula. Putin replied: “ The Crimea is no disputed territory, it’s Ukraine off course.”…
14/24 In the shadows Russia was doing different things. It bought op local Crimean media in 2007 via businessmen, together with its statemedia they spread the narrative of a failed Ukrainian State. Russian passports where handed out like candy on the penninsula. Image
15/24 There was a generation devide on the Crimea. The older generation that watched TV leaned to Russia. Young adults who used the internet leaned more to the EU. Image
16/24 Viktor Yanukovitsj had been a loyal cog for the Kremlin Machine. When he got elected (2010) one of the first things he did was prolong the lease of the Sevastopol harbor from 2017 to 2042. Sevastopol was essential to the Russian fleet, Yanukitsj served Russian interests. Image
17/24 There's a perssistent hoaxstory of the whole Crimea being pro Russia. While in 1991 the majority had decided to remain with Ukraine in Ukraine, the poll in 2013 the results were even more outspoken. Only 23% thought it should join Russa. Image
18/24 In the aftermath of the Maidan Revolution Putin decided to use the unrest to send special forces to claim Crimea. Initially he denied involvement stating it were the Crimeans themselves. Later that changed to “off course it was us”. Image
19/24 The final proof of the planned nature of the operation came in a surprisingly small detail. Russia had handed out medals of service for those that had helped in the return of the Crimea. Russia established the medal on 21st March 2014....But lets look at the dates.... Image
20/24 On 18 March 2014 the agreement was signed to hold a 'referendum' as seen on the medal. Also present is the date 20 February 2014. Very remarking as Yanukovitsj was still in power....Russia had planned the Crimean Coup long before.....
21/24We can ask why Ukraine didn’t fight back harder on Crimea. One element was the surprise. Lesser known is that sabotage also played a role. Bureaucrats still loyal to Yanukovitsj had sabotaged army enlistment files, Ukraine lost the momentum to strike back. Image
22/24 In 2015 Russia organised it sham referendums. The Tartar population collectively blocked the whole thing. Putin came with the revelation that nearly 100% had voted yes on the matter, which was a bogus claim. Then again voting 'no' resulted into threats and intimidation... Image
23/24 VICE NEWS has a revealing docu on the Crimea that shows you how deep propaganda went. A zoo owner claimed his lions would have fought against the Ukrainians. “Ukrainian nationalists wanted to exterminate Russians.” Image
24/24 Not everyone believed the Russian propaganda though. Crimean Tartars were underterred. Currently the resistence group Atesh (consisting of mainly Tartars) is vital for Ukrainian intelligence on the penninsula. Image
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Mar 4
1/24 In todays SALO we will talk about the forgotten murder of Vyaschelav Chornovil in 1999. His passing was a ‘political chernobyl’ for Ukrainian opposition. We will dig a little deeper into the background and Russias involvement. Image
2/24 In 1960 Chornovil graduated with honours as journalist at the University of Kyv. He was also a member of Komsomol of Ukraine, an organisation for young communists. As a journalist he would work in Kyiv and Lviv. Image
3/24 In 1965 Chornovol went from Komosol partymember to dissident. He protested outside a movietheatre for more Ukrainian independence. He also wrote a revealing story about the imprisonment of Ukrainian intellectuals. Image
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Mar 3
1/21 In  todays SALO we will talk about the poisening of Viktor Yushenko, he’s the former president of Ukraine. But also the aftermath and the 'forgotten' Eastern Ukrainian coup attempt in 2004. Image
2/21 Leonid Kuchma had been Ukraines president for 8 years. His successor would either be his prime minister Viktor Yanukovitsj or the competition: Viktor Yushenko. Yanukovitsj also had the endorsement of Vladimir Putin. Image
3/21 Until 2004 The Kremlin and Ukraine had had very few differences. The small Crimean ‘94 coup by Yuri Meskov died out quickly. There had been the Tuzla dispute over a small island in the Crimea but that had been resolved by a treaty. Image
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Mar 1
1/24 In this SALO we will talk about György Schwartz better known as George Soros. He's a very succesful businessmen and filantropist. Unfortunately his name was stained by a highly effective smear campaign connecting him to all kind of ludicrous conspiracies. Image
2/24 . Born in 1930 he grew up in Hungary, his Jewish father decided to change Schwartz to the more Hungarian sounding Soros. Having survived nazi occupation he wanted to leave the new USSR opressor. An London Esperanto conference in 1947 was his escape. Image
3/24 Soros never returned to Hungary, in 1956 he left for America. It would be the start of a real succesful career as a hedgefund manager making billions. Soros had become inspired by the philisophy of Karl Popper and believed in a responsibility to defend liberal values. Image
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Feb 28
1/22 In this SALO we will talk about the small breakaway republic of Transnistria. It’s a small region forgotten part of Europe that recently gained attention for it’s plans to join Russia. I visited Tiraspol myself, thus I will also share some personal anecdotes in this story.
2/22 Transnistria once belonged to Moldova, it was Stalin that added the small strip of land to the Soviet Republic of Moldova. A cunning move as the strip alongside the Dnestr habitated Russian and Ukrainians. It would be way harder for the small republic to ever revolt. Image
3/22 The ‘Moldovan’ part had mostly Romanian speakers living there. To make it even more confusing, Moldava borders the Romanian province called Moldova. In southern Moldova there’s a huge Turkish minority living in a semi indipendant region called Gagaouzia. Image
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Feb 27
1/22 In this Salo we will talk about the second chapter on how Russia has sabotaged and underminded Europe for 30 years. We will focus on revolutions and coup d’etats that Russia stirred up or tried to use for its benefit. Image
2/22 Did you miss the first chapter about how Russia sabotages militairy organisations and infrastructure read here
3/22 A core tactic of Russia has been to find weaknesses in between Europes unity aswell as exploit seperatist movements. For Russia the prize was sometimes a direct region of influence, in other cases indirect in weakening a country. Some coup d’etats failed of course. Image
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Feb 26
1/17 In this S.A.L.O. we’ll discuss the mirky mafia escapades of  Viktor Orban. The Hungarian ruler went from opposing Russia to Putin turncoat. Digging in his past we’ll find suitcases of money and notorious gansters. We focus on the 1990s while pointing out todays implications Image
2/17 When the Iron Curtian fell many FSU states were struggling with their economies. Instability and uncertainty helped local mafias. Some compare Russia’s ‘90s period with the Chigaco of the 1930s. Russia also had it’s own Al Capone; Simeon Mogilevich; FBI's most wanted. Image
3/17 Mogilevich, linked to Solntsevskaya Bratva Russias, set up shop in Budapest. It was the perfect place to launder money via Vladimir Vinogradovs Inkombank. If Vladimir was forced or just happily went along is unclear. The bank would later go under in dubious circumstances. Image
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