There will come a day where the dangers of COVID are as widely-recognized as the toxicity of asbestos or lead.
By then, there will be layers of plausible deniability in place for the people who sacrificed the health of our children in exchange for short-term economic interests.
If you're curious about what the authorities know, and why they're not saying a thing about long COVID, this thread is a good place to start. And it's just scratching the surface.
It all comes down to evading liability for severe health deterioration.
In fact, we know that some authorities were aware at least as early as 2021 of evidence showing overt long term consequences of COVID-19, often in 30% or more cases studied.
And that's not even counting subclinical cardiovascular damage that appears 6 months to a year later.
How do we know what authorities knew and when they knew it? Freedom of Information petitions.
Consider this example from the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Evidence was streaming in from around the world in 2021.
To sum it up, authorities around the world know that COVID causes severe health issues even in healthy individuals, but they can't admit it in public or they would be sued into oblivion.
So instead, they choose to ignore it. Or at least, they pretend to ignore it.
Also, the virus causing COVID is a SARS virus. The long term effects of SARS viruses (e.g., SARS1, MERS) were well-known before the pandemic.
In terms of medical evidence, it is neither surprising nor controversial that SARS-CoV-2 has long-term effects.
For anyone wondering, the screenshot from the first tweet is from an American Medical Association article titled "What doctors wish patients knew about COVID-19 reinfection".
@broadwaybabyto for the main idea behind this thread.
@RealCheckMarker has been doing insightful scientific analysis of COVID for a while now. Check them out.
@sasswashere dug into the NB Freedom of Information request shared by @HallwayOrchard.
"We observed Lewy bodies in brains of all rhesus macaques. These data emphasize the virus’ capability to induce neuropathology in this nonhuman primate model for SARS-CoV-2 infection."
"As in humans, Lewy body formation is an indication for the development of Parkinson’s disease, this data represents a warning for potential long-term neurological effects after SARS-CoV-2 infection."
The Centers for Disease Circulation has decided that you must sacrifice your future health to prop up the economy temporarily.
Here's the problem: exposing everyone to COVID while they're contagious is guaranteed to devastate both our bodies and the economy in one fell swoop. 🧵
Removing the minimum 5 day isolation period is just adding fuel to the fire of an already bad situation.
It sends the wrong message to employers, and employees are guaranteed to suffer lifelong consequences as a result.
It's the last thing we need.
Our economy is already hanging on by a thread. Removing a ton of people from the workforce due to sickness is not going to help them or the economy.
Novavax is claiming that their animal data is showing that it induces cross-neutralization against the JN.1 variant.
I'm eager to see the data published but it's an encouraging signal nonetheless, considering some of the data we've been seeing about JN.1's immune evasion.
Novavax works on a principle called epitope spreading, resulting in broadly-neutralizing antibodies. It increases the chance that antibodies will work against other variants.
Each dose builds on this effect, honing in closer towards a common denominator.
COVID spreads like smoke. Respirators like N95s protect against it.
But a CDC committee (HICPAC) is trying to make it easier for hospitals to avoid protecting patients from aerosol-based diseases.
TODAY is the last day to comment before the committee meets. 🧵
If you already know all about the key points and you're ready to comment, send an email to the address shown in the image below. There's a few key points in the quoted post.
I never set out to be a one-man Novavax finder. My journey here was organic.
In early 2023, Novavax was facing serious challenges. Without a stated clinical rationale, the FDA was restricting access to Novavax for people who had had mRNA vaccines.