Instead, a business model of selling fear, stoking conflict, pandering, and pushing advertisers propaganda.
McKinsey-ification and it's consequences has been a disaster for the human species 🧵
It wasn't always like this.
In the past newspapers made money by selling newspapers, and they competed on quality of research, clarity of insight, and reliability of sources.
Then newspapers started raking in massive sums in advertising revenue and things went sideways
The issue is that the advertising revenue model fundamentally drives a race to the bottom in hacking dopamine, while favoring content that can be digestible to the largest number of people.
Clickbait for the lowest common denominator
Marketers are very overt about this
There was actually good journalism in the past and still bits here and there today.
People who research diligently, piece together complicated stories, provide nuanced views, speak truth to power
E.g. "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair
That is the media we need today
How'd we get here?
We unleashed an army of "Managerial Executives" on the economy who brought an industry-agnostic mindset of driving shareholder value by any means necessary.
Boeing used to be run by engineers. Newspapers by journalists. Hospitals by doctors.
Now's its MBAs
People who have mastered a profession know intuitively how to do things the right way. Most people want to take pride in their work.
Boeing engineers saw the writing on the wall 22 years ago when outsourcing began under the reign of Ivy League MBAS
Have been optimized into stagnancy, horizontally dissociated, regulatory capture and ineptitude
These plans looked good on paper but they are disastrous when their 2nd and 3rd order impacts mature
We've built up the manufacturing capacity of our rivals, poisoned the well of public discourse, and mined the regulatory landscape and process
Today, 10 years to build a bridge
This is all part of the The Blight that makes it $6.2 billion per mail of railway track in San Francisco
Or $10 billion spent and no miles built for high speed in California
While costs have inflated beyond control and governments ground to standstill on substantive progress, the information landscape has become so degraded most of us live in private realities that only occasionally intersect
A complete Balkanization of civil society
Unfortunately the trend is only getting worse. People are pursuing MBAs and consulting, lining up at the American Express lounge of the Corporate Class.
The best and brightest used to build, write, govern.
Now the dream is to be a VP or a capital allocator
The net effect beyond destroying our institutions, democratic process, ability to innovate and govern effectively is this:
It drives a casino economy where returns concentrate to capital over labor
It disincentivizes hard work
It sullies the American Dream
And the media capitalizes on this collapse of civic society by selling more fear, more hysteria, inventing more wedge issues and clickbait outrage every day
Gaslighting a generation into not having kids, opposing economic growths, and hating their own country
Probably there is no greater needed remedy in all this than new narratives that are investigative, genuine, impartial, and don't avoid complexity but seek it out and make it communicable
Expose The Blight wherever it festers and burn it out with the light of day
A neat coincidence is how the Earth has naturally resonant frequencies if you think of the ionosphere as an electric 'drum', and this frequency range corresponds to the brains frequency of operation while meditating
Whats weirder is how solar activity might affect how you feel
There are some theories of consciousness that posit it inherently depends on the synchronization and resonance of electromagnetic fields across the body, so, not just neuronal firings but the fields those firings produce, across the somatic nervous system, vagus nerve, etc
What's known for sure is that brain wave patterns are very consistently tied to different kinds of cognitive activities, with higher frequencies associated with more excited states of alertness, concentration, creativity, etc
- There is a single objective reality
- Things outside your future light cone can't affect you
Yet quantum mechanics breaks at least one of these
Here's why Wigner's Friend thought exp. shows reality is stranger than we think 🧵
The setup is simple:
One person is in a lab making a measurement of a particle either spin up or spin down
Someone outside is waiting to hear the result. To the person outside, the lab is one big quantum system in superposition of two states
In 2009 Rachiger and Renner published an article that extended this simple thought experiment to involve many labs performing similar measurements in succession.
They reached the profoundly shocking conclusion that "Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself"
This is the most interesting physics paper I've ever read.
Maxwell's original equations have been greatly simplified to leave out an important part: Scalar Waves.
But the CIA already knew this.
If you want to know how electro-gravitic drone propulsion works, this is it: 🧵
Maxwell originally wrote out 20 equations in quaternion form which were then simplified into the familiar vector equations we all learn in undergrad physics that look like this.
The equations are the basics of all modern electronics, telecoms, power, energy, etc.
The hypothesis here is simple: what if instead of modeling electromagnetism with vector equations we stuck with the original quaternion form?
Quaternions are like imaginary numbers but with 4-components: three are vector components, one is a scalar.
"Stigma" is how a small minority can persuade a large majority to not pursue the truth when it would be inconvenient to that minority.
There are many topics that are now too-stigmatized to discuss openly even when that discussion would be in everyones long-term benefit. 🧵
This is especially true when it come to the origins of crime and inequality in society. There are many explanations for the observed outcomes that are not investigated scientifically because they are politically untenable or deemed too offensive.
Another is in interpretations of modern day military conflicts or political events. There are many cases where there are a multitude of possible interpretations yet the branches of discussion are pruned ahead of time for us. Why?
This could be an incredible revolution in Cosmology.
The Dark Energy model of the universe, which won a Nobel Prize in 2011, may be completely wrong.
The accelerating expansion instead is simply because time runs faster in the voids between galaxies.
Let me explain:
The standard workhorse of cosmology for the last 25 years has been the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) which assumes the universe is roughly homogenous.
Originally Lambda was Einsteins 'fudge factor' to explain why the universe wasn't collapsing under its own weight
In his time, scientists thought the universe was static, neither expanding or contracting. Within GR however it should be collapsing under the force of gravity.
Einstein added this Lambda parameter to balance the force of gravity to yield a static universe
Quantum Computing can revolutionize our ability to simulate the natural world
Yet a lot of QC experts have given up and moved to other industries, believing a useful QC platform won't be here until <2040.
Can QC be saved this decade? Yes.
Here’s my contrarian QC thread 🧵
Quantum mechanics dominates the world of the very small, but determines properties we measure macroscopically. Nowhere is this more important than materials science.
Yet simulating crystal formation is a profoundly difficult task for classical computing. Why is it so difficult?
To accurately predict material properties we must understand that crystal structure depends on the electronic orbitals of individual atoms.
Predicting orbitals interactions means solving the Many-Body Schrodinger Equation, an impossible task for classical computing