Today's Sean Feucht podcast episode offers a textbook example of the charismaticization of the far-right & the radicalization of young Christians.
That might sound like an odd combo, but it's a very real & unstable paradox in our politics. Read on... 1/…
As I gestured to in Charismatic Revival Fury (), a major & underreported trend in right-wing politics is the spread of charismatic Christian spirituality.
"Charismatic" here means focused on restoring supernatural & ecstatic aspects of Christianity. 2/…
Sean Feucht is a pioneering new prototype of the juncture of far-right activism, California hipsterism, & charismatic spirituality.
During the summer of 2020, he launched an insurgent worship crusade, violating local COVID regulations & counter-programming BLM protests. 3/
Today, Feucht is among the most recognizable evangelical faces in America, w/ an ongoing 50-state-capitol (overtly pro-Trump & Christian nationalist) worship tour where he leads revival meetings & attempts to cast the demons out of that--almost always Democratic--city. 4/
Feucht's podcast episode entails him interviewing a young man named "Thomas" (no last name). A Capitol Hill staffer closely tied to Camp Elah, Feucht's "rallying point for the Hill." Camp Elah is a row house a few blocks from the Capitol where charismatic young folks gather. 5/
But as this Camp Elah short video makes clear, the goal is to gather, mobilize, &, dare I say, radicalize Capitol Hill staffers & young gov't employees in DC.
Mind you, Feucht has proudly posed w/ Proud Boys acting as security guards at his rallies. 6/
"Thomas" tells his story (w/ probably a few too many details if he wants to remain anonymous) of going from pothead frat bro to sold-out-for-Jesus Hill Staffer through attending Feucht's "Let Us Worship" tour. These are raucous charismatic events. 7/
Indeed, "Thomas" describes his own experiences of being "slain in the spirit" (an ecstatic spiritual fainting fit) on stage at Feucht's rally.
Then he quotes a famous charismatic quip from evangelist Leonard Ravenhill that tells you a lot about charismatics & how they think. 8/
Ravenhill: "A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument."
Or as "Thomas" quotes: "I am no longer at the mercy of a man with an argument."
Just pause for a second & think about what that implies. 9/
A Hill Staffer is affirming that because of his ecstatic experiences at a Sean Feucht concert, he is no longer susceptible to rational debate.
"Thomas" goes on to describe how he began leading worship sessions out of Camp Elah & gathering dozens of other Hill Staffers. 10/
Feucht & "Thomas" go back & forth describing the wild charismatic experiences these young DC Christians are having, with demons coming out of them (demons, by the by, who Feucht says became attached onto them through their government work & the polluting darkness of DC). 11/
Then Feucht sums up: "They're taking that breakthrough, and they're going back to their jobs. They're going back into the Senate bldg, into the House bldg, going back into the Capitol, going back into their different departments. And, really, that's the dream." 12/
He continues: "God is writing a story, he's moving through young people like Thomas and his friends... It's infecting the offices of senators and congress members. After we leave today, we're gonna have members of Congress in here... We're gonna be ministering to them." 13/
I have nothing against charismatic Christians; in fact, I grew up in a charismatic community myself. I understand the power of immersive devotional experiences.
Religious freedom says that peoples' beliefs, expressions of piety, & interior experiences are their business. 14/
But we are witnessing a fast-paced, Trump-centered, manipulation of charismatic Christian experiences toward right-wing political ends.
Far-right talking points, Trumpified prophecies, & militant spiritual warfare paradigms are packaged with these charismatic experiences. 15/
Convinced through these charismatic experiences that they have found the one true Christian vision, these young Republican staffers are the loafer-wearing shock troops of the modern religious right.
Their Christian nationalist agenda is totalizing & self-righteous. 16/
The violence of Jan 6th was spurred by & enmeshed with this ecstatic charismatic ethos & charismatic spiritual-warfare campaigns.
And it was preceded by "Jericho March" prayer events in DC & in swing-state capitols, doing spiritual battle for Trump. 17/…
In fact, January 6th itself was pitched in charismatic media as another culminating Jericho March, the final battle in a long-running spiritual warfare campaign to overturn the certified results of the 2020 election. 18/
First, let me be clear that no NAR leader I've spoken to & no NAR-authored book I've read says they don't believe in the absolute primacy of the Bible. The NAR is contiguous enough with broader evangelicalism to know that crossing that line would be a big no-no. 2/
They know this is a touchy subject & a wrong-answer could lose them a lot of Christian credibility, so they're careful to affirm their robust view of the total authority (sometimes they'll even throw in the old evangelical shibboleths: inerrancy or infallibility) of the Bible. 3/
Among my most painful cuts in writing Charismatic Revival Fury was I didn't get to lay out Lance Wallnau's own disavowal of the origins of his Seven Mountains prophecy.
I'm so glad @wthrockmorton has told that story in his latest Telling Jefferson Lies:
In truth, my Charismatic Revival Fury episode on Wallnau (Ep. 3) was already verging on 2 hours - yikes! - & I couldn't justify the 10-15 minutes it'd take to contextualize & explain how Wallnau admitted the Seven Mountains image was based on a fake (or imagined?) prophecy.
When you consider how far this Seven Mountains teaching has spread, so that roughly 1/5 of all Americans affirm it () and how Wallnau built a career of fame on it, hearing him admit *in his own words* that it was all a bit of flim flam is…
Please, please, please pay attn to what is happening here:
Lance Wallnau is one of the most effective Christian Trump propagandists. He was central to mobilizing Christians for #January6th through this exact style of rhetoric -- literally demonizing their political enemies. 1/
If you doubt it, watch this 25-minute documentary that demonstrates how Christian leaders (especially Wallnau) & their demonizing rhetoric fed directly into the Christianity on display on #January6th:
How do you get Christians (whose self-image is that they love people, love democracy, & love America) to violently attempt to overturn a democratic American election?
You tell them that "We don't hate our enemies; we hate the demons controlling our political opponents." 3/
Many New Apostolic Reformation leaders & other charismatic apostles & prophets posted photos from an invitation-only conference of apostles & prophets in Dallas last wk.
Here we can see the inklings of another January 6th...
Keep reading! 1/
Unlike other NAR conferences with thousands in attendance, this gathering (titled the National Apostles & Prophets Conference 2024) was specifically for the dozens of apostles & prophets themselves to collaborate.
(h/t to @KiraResistance who found photos from the event). 2/
A major focus of the gathering was to honor Bill Hamon, a long-time prophet who was part of C. Peter Wagner's inner circle in the NAR (a.k.a., EVAT - the Eagles' Vision Apostolic Team).
Hamon turns 90 this year, & they were celebrating his 70 years in ministry. 3/
An anonymous source told me about an invitation-only gathering of apostles & prophets (from the New Apostolic Reformation & other movements) last week.
My source--who is anti-Trump & devastated by the prophetic debacle in 2020--expressed real worry about what they witnessed. 1/
Unlike other NAR conferences with thousands in attendance, this gathering (titled the National Apostles & Prophets Conference 2024) was specifically for the dozens of apostles & prophets themselves to collaborate.
(h/t to @KiraResistance who dredged up photos from the event). 2/
A major focus of the gathering was to honor Bill Hamon, a long-time prophet who was part of C. Peter Wagner's inner circle in the NAR (a.k.a., EVAT - the Eagles' Vision Apostolic Team).
Hamon turns 90 this year, & they were celebrating his 70 yrs in ministry. 3/
There's a lot of talk of "Christian nationalism" today, & many Christians in the U.S. are pushing back, saying that CN is just a slur against conserv Christians.
Take a minute to watch this clip of OK State Sen Dusty Deevers preaching at a conf this month, then read below. 1/
As a scholar of religion who's studied this for years, "Christian nationalism" is not a slur but a diagnostic, descriptive term for how people blend their Christian religious ID w/ their national/political ID.
This is not unique to Christianity, nor unique to America. 3/
In fact, "Christian nationalism" is a species of religious nationalism, a global set of phenomena we see across religious traditions. Here is a little chart I made using the Kingdom-Phylum taxonomy system from the biological sciences as an analogy. 3/