I've been reading of the Finland youth gender centre in Tampere which the Cass review lauds. It was recently revealed the head of the centre is on the Cass advisory group. CW In following tweets I relate extremely disturbing accounts from parents & youth of what they endured 1/
This is by 'Spinner' for Kehraaja (Nightjar in Finnish) 19.3.2021 "Describe to me how you masturbate?" - the position of trans youth in the treatment system is bleak" 2/kehraaja.com/kuvaile-minull…
Content Warning in the article is as follows "we recommend using discretion when reading, as the text may shock readers. The text discusses, among other things, medical power and its use, possible violations of a child's sexual integrity, and measures aimed at trans youth." 3/
Like GIDs, Finnish gender services operated as a monopoly, with little scrutiny leading to "offensive and questionable practices". An account is given of a 13 year old Trans girl asked by male Drs to "explain what she thinks about her naked body when she looks in the mirror" 4/
The child is shocked and tearful which only confuses the clinicians who probe with more questions. This practice within the Trans Clinics is described as ubiquitious with young people under 16, asked inappropriate, painful and disturbing questions. 5/
Families relate the clinician intimidation tactic of graphic & intentionally stigmatising descriptions of gender surgeries to young teenagers who were not prepared to be confronted with such. One teen relates this frightened them into temporarily questioning their identity 6/
After years of diagnostic process, a Trans teen was told he did not meet diagnostic criteria because "his hobbies were too "girly" and because he didn't have boys of the same age as friends." 7/
Trans girls recieve similar scare stories, that possible treatments would affect the amount of penile tissue available for vaginoplasty & result in poor surgical outcomes. Alternative techniques which do not require growth were not discussed. [This shows up in Cass Review] 8/
Young people were routinely & repeatedly called their 'old names'. Misgendered, & unaffirmed, this was regardless of any changed name or social transition prior to starting with the service. A required 'real life test' would last a year & only begin once diagnosis was made 9/
Several families related that they had accessed their records & found that they had been altered, listing false facts which contradicted information they had given in sessions. When challenged, families were told this could not be altered 10/
Families describe the Transpol staff as inflicting "psychologically harm". A mother says their son "had been criticized for everything from his clothes to his way of speaking, & that he had been expected to exhibit stereotypical masculinity" which was then mocked by staff 11/
The same child was asked by a clinician
"– How do you feel when you will never be as good as real men?".
Similiar experiences of belittling gender of trans youth were shared independently in 'interview after interview' with families 12/
Due to long delays one family was prescribed puberty blockers (legally) by their GP. In response the Transpol clinic filed both a child protection report and a criminal report on the mother. Following investigation the family was cleared entirely however, the clinic responded 13/
In what is described by the family as retributive action, the young person's long history of appointments and 'gender mapping' already taken was declared as inadequate, and the diagnostic process halted. 14/
Other disturbing accounts from family interviews are "the way in which children were pressured to talk about their naked bodies, genitals and sexuality to unfamiliar adults". Children were asked to describe the way they masturbate, & the sensations & of their naked body 15/
Others describe "unnecessary gynecological tests" they were made to endure, and unjustfied questions where children were "asked to assess whether there has been sexual abuse or violence in their family history." 16/
unnecessary gynecological tests, and the children have been asked to assess whether there has been sexual abuse or violence in their family history.
One 13 year old boy was encouraged by clinicians to "acquire sexual experiences in order to "know what he is missing out on"" 17/
Another parent of a 15 year old said the Clinic had interpreted the child's sexual development as delayed, as the boy "had not had vaginal, penetrative intercourse". The age of consent in Finland is 16 years. 18/
A trans girl was asked by a staff member of the TRANSPOLIKLINIKA clinic "to what extent do you feel it would be better to be dead than a boy?" 19/
It is not surprising that those interviewed for the investigative report piece found their experience of the Finnish youth clinics reprehensible & offensive. A view shared by both those who were diagnosed & who for whatever reason, didn't receive a diagnosis 20/
"The Finnish trans police system is comparable to torture. It is a system of bureaucrats whose purpose is not to treat trans people, but instead to weed out as many of them as possible. Transpoli is not for trans people, but for nontrans people who are afraid of them". 21/
Given no alternative, families described how the Transpol gender clinic led to sourcing healthcare through unofficial & less safe routes.
"-A bit like abortion, if it is banned, they will still be done illegally, & not as safely. Desperate people do desperate things" 22/
Following publication of the Kehraaja article, Riittakertu Kaltiala , chief physician of TAYS youth psychiatry, & Laura Häkkinen, head physician responded claiming the article was "deliberately negative publicity & not in the best interests of our patients". 23/
Given right of reply, the clinic denied claims (encouraging underage sex) or downplayed them describing adverse experiences such as sexual abuse or assualt as "an important part of psychiatric assessment" 24/
On masturbation, clinician questions were "deliberately distorted" & such discussions were "a normal part of assessment of adolescent health". Misgendering was played down "but in official papers it is mandatory to use the legal name" 25/
Whilst the intimidating descriptions of surgery & intrusive questioning were responded to only by the Clinic heads with "it is their job" to tell them about the risks & side effects & to counter "subjective experiences" & "disinformation" viewed online. 26/
Whilst the clinic denied or downplayed family & youth testimonies of trauma, the comments on the article post publication confirmed reports. User- 'I was 16 years old' relates "I was asked in Tampere if I have been raped, how I masturbate and what sex positions I use" 27/
Another user 'Not trans enough but too trans' comments: "the much older doctor started listing sex positions & told me to answer them with my opinion from positive to neutral or negative. I think I was 17. Things can't go on like this". 28/
Another user 'Come visit us': "I was 14 years old, the EVA specialist got angry when I announced that some of the questions here were outrageous....There was also an argument that if I tell the school that I'm a boy before their diagnoses, it's an identity crime" 29/
These first hand experiences of the Finnish gender service are shocking. Riittakertu Kaltiala, the Head of the Children's service in Finland is cited 7 times in the Cass Report. Within the report, the Finland model is directly compared as closest to the UK GIDs gender service 30/
Riittakertu Kaltiala is a member of the Cass Advisory Board.
@ZJemptv Riittakertu Kaltiala is associated with Bob Withers, a UK Jungian psychoanlyst. Withers was sanctioned for misconduct by the UKCP transiness.com/post/the-full-…
@ErinInTheMorn's piece on the Finnish study on suicide co-authored by Riittakertu Kaltiala & cited in Cass Review also detailing her contributions as witness supporting the Transgender healthcare ban in Florida. erininthemorning.com/p/fact-checked…
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There is a bad science story in Today's Daily Mail. Where an anti Trans academic has published a new study - the headline claiming Puberty Blockers lowers IQ in Trans youth. It took me 5 mins to find the study.
Here's some quick fact checking on this research: 1/
1) The study 'The Impact of Suppressing Puberty on Neuropsychological Function' Baxindale S. is pre-print & has not been peer reviewed. It is not clear where or when it will be published. A quick review sees some common factors in anti Trans studies such as 'cherry picking' 2/
2) The 'Study' presents no new data, it is a literature review, front ended with common anti Trans talking points. Many of these look familiar to simliar outputs from the author including on anti Trans lobby group Transgender Trend's website. 3/
BREAKING: WPATH release statement on NHS Trans health interim service specification for children & young people "An unconscionable degree of state intusion into personal & family medical decision making" with "serious flaws...likely to cause enormous harm" #TransHealthCrisis
WPATH, ASIAPATH, EPATH, PATHA, and USPATH Response to NHS England Statement regarding the Interim Service Specification for the Specialist Service for Children and Young People with Gender Dysphoria (Phase 1 Providers) by NHS England* listloop.com/wpath/mail.cgi…
This is one of the best crafted, and referenced critiques I have ever read. To be issued by the deeply conservative WPATH & by all major international Trans health organisations, demonstrates just how far the NHS has strayed into moral panic over evidenced based Trans healthcare.
If a post adolescent Trans young person can give consent, has both support at home and from their medical team, then there should be a route to gender surgeries where that young person wants and understands the treatments involved. I'm very glad WPATH SoC8 gives space for this.
For those who criticise this opinion, I'd reply that other people's medical care is none of your business. That these are personal decisions which are carefully considered by the people best placed to make them. Body autonomy is a human right.
There is a lot of evidence that Trans people delay their education, relationships, jobs. Those who are able to receive the appropriate healthcare for them & at the appropriate time, are able to more quickly reach their transition goals & stop delaying important life milestones.
Reminder that Puberty blockers were first used for trans health in 1988. The adolescents who received them, in the Netherlands, are now in their late 40's & doing great according to decades of follow up studies. This treatment is not experimental it is evidenced best practice.
I've made an effort to build a curated list of research in the last 5 years that supports a Trans affirmative approach to healthcare & education. There are over 100 studies referenced here
"We need more research about Transgender children" is the claim (by those who argue against Trans healthcare).
Well, here's just some of the research that's been carried out in the last 5 years supporting the finding that Trans healthcare is healthcare THREAD: 1/
Mental health and self-worth in socially transitioned transgender youth. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Durwood, L., McLaughlin, K. A., & Olson, K. R. (2017) doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac… 2/
Prepubertal social gender transitions: What we know; what we can learn—A view from a gender affirmative lens. International Journal of Transgender Studies Ehrensaft, D., Giammattei, S. V., Storck, K., Tishelman, A. C., & Keo-Meier, C. (2018). doi.org/10.1080/155327… 3/
The Equality Act 2010 is the main reason why you have heard of Trans children. Before it was in place, there were no protections to allow children who were Transgender to be recognised or protected at school & in society. 1/
While there were legal protections for adults for example in employment & in healthcare, for Trans children & young people, only from 2011 onwards (when the act came into force) were they recognised in the protected characteristic of gender reassignment & legally protected 2/
While there have always been Trans kids, The EA provided a solid foundation of legal protection to recognise the rights & freedoms of Trans children. They could point to statute & say, this is me, you have an obligation & duty not to discriminate against me. 3/