I’m tired of correcting ignorant posts about “why can’t Biden just fire DeJoy” so here’s the fucking civics lesson you’re all too lazy or intellectually dishonest to Google. 1/
The Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 made the US Postal Service an independent organization. It hasn’t been part of the Cabinet for over half a century. 2/
The President *can* appoint members to the US Postal Service’s Board of Governors which he hopes will align with his wishes, but only with Senate approval.
He cannot fire the US Postmaster General. 3/
There were vacancies to the board that could have been filled under Obama. But Obama’s nominees were held up and denied by — wait for it — BERNIE SANDERS. 4/
Because Bernie held up Obama’s nominees, those vacancies were filled with Trump sycophants.
That’s how we ended up with DeJoy and all his gifts that keep on giving. 5/
After Trump was dragged out of office, Biden began filling vacancies. But Biden has had to wait for vacancies when board members’ terms expire. Three are already seated. A fourth — Marty Walsh — was approved by the Senate just last month. 6/
Biden can appoint one more nominee from the Dem Party. The Board is limited to a maximum of 5 members from any given political Party (there are currently 4 Republicans, 3 sitting Dems, 1 Independent, 1 pending Dem). 7/
Hopefully Biden has someone in mind to nominate and the Senate can approve them before November. Then, hopefully, the Board will choose to oust DeJoy. 8/
So the answer to your question of “why hasn’t Biden fired him” is LITERALLY that Congress took that power away from the office of the President over fifty years ago and you can look that easily obtainable information up at any time. 9-end/
**FOOTNOTE: It looks like the source I used that said Marty Walsh was confirmed last month may have confused this with his previous position in the Biden admin. So, he may still be pending Senate approval. Call your Senators if you want to put pressure on his confirmation.
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Here is what pisses me off about intellectually dishonest asshole takes like this one — Biden and Dems cannot fight an entire country that doesn’t want to accept the reality of a pathogen.
I have had to structure my life around my compromised immune system long before COVID and I can tell you one truth that doesn’t change — the vast VAST majority of humanity would rather kill you than compromise their own convenience at any level.
Our one chance to have COVID taken seriously was to have responsible people in charge when it hit. But we didn’t. Because white America voted for white supremacist game show jokers or sat out pouting, insisting they wouldn’t be held hostage by Supreme Court picks.
Mutuals, if you’re in my demo, I need you to understand something.
If I see you insert yourself into the mentions of Black/WOC accounts wagging your ass stealing their energy and harassing them with your nonsense it becomes my entire day’s goal to exhaust you.
I want you to sit there sad, exhausted, and confused at how your ww tears did nothing to save you. I want you to be afraid to ever, ever do it again.
Because there is no room for this bullshit. None.
If common sense and decency will not keep you in your own lane maybe this will.
Black women are the voting bloc that is almost single handedly keeping us from the abyss. You do not get a pass to attack their spirit and energy.
Okay, I read that whole CNN article and all I can say is this…burn it all down. Nuke it from space. Only way to be sure.
Also The Atlantic writer makes it clear that expecting white dudes to hold their peers accountable is why American newsrooms are so very broken.
You can just smell the GOP-complicit “but let’s call ourselves libertarians” douchebaggery as you read. Especially when you get to the part where they both agree that no matter what else happened, Don Lemon was certainly the biggest problem at CNN.
Seriously, go to The Atlantic and read. These dudes will burn America to the ground while lecturing us about how they’re the only ones that know what they’re doing.
The thing about this gifter that annoys me is not that he constantly tries to rewrite history (all grifters do that) it’s that he constantly tries to rewrite RECENT history.
Daou’s schtick of pretending to be so fucking progressively holier than thou only developed because he was too inept and unlikeable to leverage his contacts within the Democratic Party to any significant role after 2008.
You know how “progressive” the douchebag was? During the 2016 campaign season he would often post musings like “maybe Dems should concede on abortion if it means winning a few more seats.” Then, when people like me challenged him on his bullshit, he’d delete.
It’s been a while since I’ve plugged anything from @BF_Makeup but I just want to let you know that my favorite soap — Sirens and Satellites — is mermaid themed and has a special PRIDE edition where a percentage of sales go to the It Gets Better Project. …autiful-freak-cosmetics.myshopify.com/products/pride…
BF is a very small company where one exhausted Xer makes everything with her own gothy hands. You can, however, request your own colors for the hand painted mermaid tails if you prefer.
All of BF’s soaps are works of art but this one is my favorite.
“Believe Women” was never intended to be about blind acceptance or never question anyone. It was about recognizing that assault, harassment, and threat are happening all around you and have been going on forever. It was about listening to those coming forward with an open mind.
It was a slogan to raise awareness and drive a point.
The media allowed it to become weaponized by bad faith actors because the media was being revealed to be one of the biggest industries that shelters abusers.
Gabby Petito might still be alive if the police had believed her instead of her abuser and eventual murderer when they responded to a domestic dispute.
That’s what “believe women” and “believe victims” was for.