1/15 Q: What is the difference b/n an Internet Gateway (IGW) & a NAT Gateway in AWS networking?
A: An IGW allows communication b/n instances in a VPC & the internet, while a NAT Gateway enables outbound internet traffic from private subnets without exposing their IP addresses.
2/15 Q: Explain the concept of VPC peering in AWS.
A: VPC peering allows connecting two VPCs privately to share resources, like EC2 instances, without traversing the internet. It enables communication using private IP addresses across peered VPCs. #AWSNetworkingInterview
3/15 Q: What is the purpose of a Network Access Control List (NACL) in AWS?
A: NACLs act as a firewall for controlling traffic in and out of subnets in a VPC. They operate at the subnet level and evaluate traffic based on rules defined for inbound and outbound traffic.
4/15 Q: How does Route 53 differ from traditional DNS?
A: Route 53 is a scalable & highly available DNS service in AWS, offering features like routing policies, health checks, & traffic management, whereas traditional DNS services are often limited in scalability and resilience.
5/15 Q: Explain the use case of AWS Direct Connect.
A: It provides a dedicated network connection b/n an on-premises data center & AWS, offering consistent network performance, lower latency, & potentially reduced data transfer costs compared to internet-based connections.
6/15 Q: What is Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) in AWS networking?
A: ELB automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses, to ensure high availability and fault tolerance of applications.
7/15 Q: How does AWS Lambda integrate with networking services in AWS?
A: Lambda functions can be integrated with networking services like VPCs and security groups to access resources securely within a VPC and to control inbound and outbound traffic to Lambda functions.
8/15 Q: What are the benefits of using AWS Transit Gateway?
A: TGW simplifies nw connectivity by allowing centralized mgmt of VPC connections, VPNs, & Direct Connect gateways. It enables transitive routing b/n connected networks, reducing complexity in large-scale architectures.
9/15 Q: Explain the difference b/n TCP & UDP.
A: TCP provides reliable, conn-oriented communication with error checking & flow control, suitable for apps requiring data integrity. UDP offers connectionless, unreliable communication, ideal for real-time apps like video streaming.
10/15 Q: What is the purpose of an Elastic IP (EIP) address in AWS?
A: An Elastic IP addr is a static IPv4 addr designed for dynamic cloud computing. It allows you to mask the failure of an instance or software by rapidly remapping the address to another instance in your account
11/15 Q: How can you secure data in transit in AWS?
A: Data in transit can be secured using SSL/TLS encryption for HTTPS traffic, VPN connections for secure communication between networks, and by using services like AWS Certificate Manager for managing SSL/TLS certificates.
12/15 Q: What are the different types of load balancers available in AWS?
A: AWS offers three types of lb's: Application LB (ALB) for HTTP & HTTPS traffic, Network LB (NLB) for TCP, UDP, & TLS traffic, & Gateway LB for deploy, scale, & manage ur third-party virtual appliances.
13/15 Q: Explain the concept of VPC.
A: A VPC is a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud whr u can launch AWS resources in a virtual nw defined by ur specs. It enables u to control ur virtual networking env, including IP addr ranges, subnets, routing tables, & nw gateways.
14/15 Q: What is the purpose of Security Groups in AWS?
A: Security Groups act as a virtual firewall for your instances, controlling inbound and outbound traffic. They enable you to specify which traffic is allowed or denied to reach your instances based on defined rules.
15/15 Q: How AWS WAF enhances security in web apps?
A: AWS Web App Firewall protects web apps from common web exploits by allowing u to control which traffic is allowed to reach ur apps by defining customizable web security rules. It integrates seamlessly wid CloudFront & API GW
Bonus Time 🔥💰😍
Q: How does AWS Global Accelerator enhance network performance? 🚀
A: AWS Global Accelerator uses the AWS global network to optimize the path to your application, improving global traffic distribution and reducing latency.
Q: What are the differences b/n an Internet Gateway (IGW) & a NAT Gateway in AWS? 🌐
A: An Internet Gateway allows communication /n instances in a VPC and the internet, while a NAT Gateway enables instances in a private subnet to access the internet while remaining private.
Q: How do you secure data in transit in AWS networking? 🔐
A: Data in transit can be secured using SSL/TLS for encryption over HTTPS, IPsec VPNs for secure communication between networks, and AWS PrivateLink for private connectivity to AWS services.
Q: What is the purpose of a Route 53 latency-based routing policy? ⏲️
A: Latency-based routing policy in Amazon Route 53 directs traffic to the AWS region that provides the lowest latency, improving application performance for end-users.
Q: What are AWS PrivateLink endpoints, and how do they enhance security? 🔒
A: AWS PrivateLink endpoints enable private connectivity between VPCs and AWS services without traversing the internet, reducing exposure to security threats.
Q: How do u implement cross-region replication of data in AWS networking? 🔄
A: It can be achieved using services like Amazon S3 Cross-Region Replication for object storage or AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) for db replication, ensuring data redundancy & Disaster recovery.
That concludes the thread. Thanks to everyone for sticking around till the finish!
1/ What’s the difference? 🤔
All these roles focus on improving software delivery and reliability but have different goals. Here’s a quick breakdown:
2/ Platform Engineer 👷
👉 Goal: Make life easier for developers.
• Build tools & platforms (e.g. CI/CD pipelines, Kubernetes)
• Standardize workflows for efficiency
• Create self-service systems so developers can work faster
🛠️ They focus on improving developer productivity.
A List of critical #AWS services and their limitations 👇
1. EC2 – Instance limits by region, instance type restrictions. 2. RDS – Max database storage limits, instance size restrictions. 3. S3 – Max object size is 5TB, bucket policies can limit access. 4. EBS – Volume size max of 64TB, 20,000 IOPS for io1/io2 volumes.
5. IAM – Max 5,000 roles per account, policy size limits. 6. Lambda – Max execution timeout of 15 minutes, memory max 10GB. 7. DynamoDB – Partition throughput limits, item size max of 400KB. 8. CloudFormation – 200 resources limit per stack.
🧵 Mastering Docker Troubleshooting: 15 Key Tips for Developers and DevOps Engineers!
A Thread 👇👇
1/ 🐳 Check Container Status
Use docker ps -a to view all containers and their statuses. A container may have exited unexpectedly.
Look at STATUS and RESTART policies to identify potential issues.
2/ 🔍 Inspect Logs
Run docker logs <container_name> to see the container logs.
This helps troubleshoot crashes, errors, or other issues within the app or service.