.@thrasherxy manages to remain on the faculty of @NorthwesterU from the “Gaza Solidarity Zone.” Nah, he isn’t a Hamas supporter! Just a loving guyyyy!
@thrasherxy The more news I watch about these campus terror love-ins, the clearer it becomes that the professors are the problem. They cannot seem to function as as responsible adult professionals.
@nyuniversity @Columbia @NorthwesternU
@thrasherxy @nyuniversity @Columbia @NorthwesternU It is one thing when a vulnerable student is targeted and recruited. But it’s another when a professor is actively doing the work of Hamas, and even indoctrinating students against American police.
@thrasherxy @nyuniversity @Columbia @NorthwesternU As a sociologist who went to @cunygcsociology I received a good education. My professors never put their ideology on me or asked me to do anything except my research.
@thrasherxy @nyuniversity @Columbia @NorthwesternU @cunygcsociology To me it seems like a form of child abuse for a professor to cross so many lines. I wouldn’t want them doing that for Israel, and I don’t want them doing it for Gaza either. Just teach.
@SpiritAscending @RealCandaceO There is nothing bigoted or phobic about stating a fact. The real challenge with this legislation however is that it will spawn other legislation aimed at defining what is anti-Christian, what is sexist, what is racist, and on and on and on. This can be weaponized.
@SpiritAscending @RealCandaceO I remember at VA they allowed people to put religious symbols on a national cemetery gravestone and it got crazy with all sorts of applications for religious symbols. How can you deny anyone?
@SpiritAscending @RealCandaceO The problem is not legislation but the limits of the bureaucratic state in managing social disorder. Overreliance on law. Lawfare is the result.
@heliothorn @EmeraldRobinson David was poisoned by handshake.
Other than that, he seems to be channeling John Cusack here.
Let’s take the tweet apart point by point. /1
@SpiritAscending @PetrusMax4
@heliothorn @EmeraldRobinson @SpiritAscending @PetrusMax4 Let’s start with the genocide claim. I was in favor of Israel blowing Gaza to smithereens after what they did. The civilians all supported it. No need to sacrifice Jews after this filth. But Israel is moral and didn’t go that route.
@heliothorn @EmeraldRobinson @SpiritAscending @PetrusMax4 The reality is that Israel proceeded very carefully and evacuated the civilians as much as possible. However, Hamas kept shooting at them, telling them not to leave, and exclaiming that they wanted the martyrs.
As an example, what happened to Aidan Parisi, a social work student who obviously cares, to turn him into such a rabid hater of his own country, as well as Israel? Obvious - grooming and indoctrination into a terror network.
Looking through my tweets from January 6, 2021 under my old account (the one that was unfairly suspended on January 8, 2021, which contains all my research from a number of years.) - thread.
2:22 p.m., January 6, 2021: They let the protesters into the Capitol. The doors were opened for them.
2:28 p.m., January 6, 2021: PBS/Judy Woodruff's show - reporter talks with protester. They are wandering around taking photos.