🧵Everything done to you- murder, betrayal, backstabbing, lied abt, made homeless - that's all nothing. LESS than nothing. Everything done to the other person? Murder! Criminal! Narcissist! Irredeemable! Unforgivable! Inconsolable!
Did u know this idea is Scientology "Tech"?
Yep And...it's one that is used IN REVERSE on those deemed 'enemy' or 'Suppressive Person'. Steve Hall, a scientologist who 'came out' of the church - allegedly supposedly - specifically said in 2012: 👇
"I worked undercover for the GO* for two years. My job: break up SP comm lines. My tools: ALL THE TECH IN REVERSE."
GO = Guardian Office. It means that Steve Hall worked for some handler in Bureau 1 (B1) as an intelligence operative.
This is one of those tools. It's called On Human Behavior and L. Ron Hubbard wrote it just a few short months or so after he hooked up with Miles Copeland and became a front man for "Political Operations" of the CIA. So there's that.
Hubbard, now that he had his CIA aircover in the U.S. began the actual activities of what's later called "Fair Game" with impunity against people who didn't worship his wonderfulness. Very ugly stuff. Allowing mags to crow over people driven into "spinning" - crazy- suicide etc.
That “spinning person” appears to have been John “Noyga” Neugebauer, the husband of Helen O’Brien, who many people don’t realize was actually DEAD by September of 1954 having apparently been "spun" into committing suicide by fumes from his car. That's just ONE example.
If you take what Hubbard says in this On Human Behavior "Tech" teaching of Scientology, done right when all this was going on in 1953, and substitute your name and someone who has treated you this way - for real I mean - where you see "Aberrative Personality" and "preclear" ....
You'll understand this better. Then, take it in the hands of agent L. Ron Hubbard, or an OSA agent, or CIA or whatever, TARGETING you and REVERSE the truth. U portrayed as the "aberrative personality" role with the real problem person being cast as the "preclear" aka your victim.
This IS what they do. This kind of nasty bullshit is constantly being peppered into social media posts, texts, and emails for YEARS towards me. For example, this I posted about today? Was placed on Mike and I's daughter social media where I would see it.
Quoting from the post I discussed - "their toxic mother" - not real subtle is it. Gee, who could our daughter's Tweet be referring to in choosing to requote that pile of doodoo psychobabble?
Everything she has done to me on her own and on behalf of loser operatives is NOTHING. Every single thing bad decision she made in her life, yep, you guessed it. ALL my fault. Unforgivable, TOXIC!, TRAUMATIC!.
It's like Ellul very clearly said about these kind of lying-ass misbehaving people:
This Hubbard issue is THE foundation for the later "Suppressive Person" and Fair Game 'tech'. Instead of SP, he calls them - in 1953 - "Merchants of Fear".
@fuck_jayneaaa has brought out info re: attacks on @DanaDooDah and you can see this employed multiple times against Dana.
As for me, well I'm a bad 'un, according to scaredy-pants little weener Slavemasters. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.
🧵 Part 1 CIA, Miles Copeland, Operation Paperclip, Operations in Beirut/Syria: My Family Tree research I had made public at one point, circa 2010. @DanaDooDah is going to need it, you will see, so I'm bringing portions out that relate to the OSS/creation of the CIA-the Forgans
For reference, this is only a small part of what I referred to in my "little story" as the high-level slavemaster family I was born into -
Short form tree connections. My mother's father was a Freeman. His father was the brother of Halstead Gurnee Freeman and Charles Yoe Freeman, making them my great-great uncles, I believe. Halstead married the daughter of David Robertson Forgan, brother of James Berwick Forgan...
🧵COVERT NARCISSISM - THE PROBLEM WITH THE LABEL: In my not yet proficient (to my taste) scrolling around in Twitter I come across arm-chair psychiatrists throwing labels around to try and bolster some point that is usually coming from correctly or incorrectly felt hurt/anger
All too often it is from a very angry/hurt and projecting PERSON IN ABUSE MODE who is trying to get this 👇phenomena FALSELY going towards someone else - usually someone who has done or said the equivalent of a flat out NO! to this person.
Image also both a con-artist and intelligence operative (same roots) tactic. Ellul: "First of all, the propagandist must insist on the purity of his own intentions and, at the same time, hurl accusations at his enemy. But the accusation is never made haphazardly or groundlessly.
🧵Jocelyn Hanson Case Supervisor London Scientology organization aka Mary Ann de Grimston in June 1964? Houston, I think we have a problem. 🤓
From Dana's research - later pics, @DanaDooDah can chime in with the dates.
🧵Jocelyn aka Mary Ann? Was the Case Supervisor for the HASI London HGC. That means she was the superior over all the auditing being done, training/correction of the auditors, etc., and would have likely been a full Briefing Course Grad, a Class VI, working directly under Hubbard
🧵1/6 Ref:
Mr. Lerma: "The only avenue to re-open the IRS secret agreement of 1993, is buried in that same agreement." He then quotes this part of the IRS/SCN 1993 agreement that was part of WHAT WAS DELETED out of his page in 2004 at his main website:
"c. that no Scientology-related entity or Scientology-related individual (in his or her capacity as such) has, after 1986, knowingly committed any act of fraud or criminal conduct that might constitute a violation of public policy endangering the tax-exempt status of ...
... any Scientology-related entity (assuming for the limited purpose of this paragraph that all Scientology-related entities are otherwise described in Code section 501(c) (3); and
🧵Tangier Tales - L. Ron Hubbard, Miles Copeland's CIA asset, talking about fellow CIA asset John Starr Cooke in a lecture on October 19 1956 titled: Mechanics, Tape 5610C19. Part of the 15th ACC, Washington DC from October 15 through November 23, 1956.
Brion Gysin (Tangier 1950) book (1969) "The Process" substitutes words like “GRAMMA” for Dianetics and “Logosophy” for Scientology. “Logosophy”. . . a do-it-yourself psychology system put together by a group of more or less anonymous professors working for the Ford Foundation ”
Ray Kemp and Pam were married by Hubbard in February 1956 at his HASI London lecture room. Pam later told author Russell Miller that: "...he even fixed our honeymoon, made arrangements for us to use an apartment in Tangier owned by a friend of his and paid for our air tickets.”