Holy sh*t, Trump's language problems are clearly worsening, and his medications are being ratcheted. Yesterday, several forms of aphasia were at play, and the energy level at Wisconsin and Michigan were markedly different.
Sometimes, he just mispronounces, sometimes he makes up entirely new words, and most times he doesn't quickly catch the gaffes and correct them anymore - which is significant evidence that he's worsening. And sometimes now he short-circuits like a computer with frayed wires.
I'm going to pull no punches here:
Dr Gartner's well-covered chronology of Trump's cognitive issues has proven accurate. He's now supported by more than a small army of influential clinicians and mental health pros. As you've heard me say many times, neurological decline is not linear but as any of us who've lost loved ones to the disease can attest - when it goes bad ... it goes bad.
Having said all that, the MAIN POINT I want to reiterate is that Trump's neurological decay is the new Big Lie. I guarantee - GUARANTEE- that this IS being medically and otherwise addressed. His aides know much of the truth, if not all. They guard this secret with their lives. None of them care about Trump the man, but they very much care about Trump, the conduit to power.
I don't know how many more rallies we'll see. He can't sustain cogency after a while. His oratory is really limited to super-friendly environs for short periods, where he can speak on repetitive autopilot, or to a camera with no interplay, like outside court.
There must be a team figuring out not only how to keep it secret, but how to medicate him, how to recalibrate him afterward, what the rest pattern is, etc. Some in his circle must privately wonder what he will look, and sound like by Nov.
The MSM is starting to cover the gaffes more, but they're so selfishly careful to stay away from references to medical issues or declines, which they still consider conjecture. How much is legal concerns, and how much is willful blindness, we cannot know. We do know that Trump is their meal ticket. And I suspect that as soon as they report objectively on this, which I believe they will have to do at some point, it will probably move the needle in the polls, and impact everything else - including who he selects as a running mate, whether donors want to feed money to a guy who will - eventually - begin to lose self-awareness.
I'll just add a couple of things to look for: Watch his mobility, his gait, and his physical appearance - dementia eventually impacts these. The "falling asleep in court" is significant. Also - see whether he again references his cognition - Trump likes to get ahead of negatives by saying the opposite of truth, and as we all know - his projection is often a confession.
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(1/13) When we roll our eyes at MAGA, I think we're often asking the wrong question. Instead of asking: "How can they believe this nonsense," or "how can they follow and support the worst human being ever," I think we should ignore what they say they believe, and even put Trump aside long enough to instead ask: "What IS it about being in MAGA that endears them to it, and makes them so willing to suppress reasoned thought?"
2- Put aside judgmentalism for a minute. There are a lot of answers to the question of what they get out of being part of MAGA. First and foremost is "the need to belong." They can share and do stuff together - it's a brotherhood of purpose. Second is "the need to believe." Some people are wired to believe things, like the "faith" part of religion. AND - let's face it - it's easier to "believe," than to think.
3 - We're often asked if MAGA is a cult. The short answer: YES, it is. A cult is defined by an unusual, unwavering interest or belief in a particular personality or goal, where devotion transcends reasoned thought. When you make a habit of transcending reasoned thought, you can more readily transcend science ... or math ... or facts.
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Propaganda ... Disinformation ... False Narratives ... UNTRUTHS ... Lies for Power ... Lies for Profit ...
THIS is our #1 enemy!!!
Trump is being normalized and Biden is being demonized.
And it's risking Democracy!
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Do Trump supporters really believe what they say they believe?
Why are so many Americans susceptible to false narratives?
How can so many Americans follow such a flawed leader?
Why do so many distrust and eschew science, experts, and authority?
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WTF can we really do about the rampant spread of disinformation?
How much of what happens to America depends upon what happens to Trump?
Will Trumpism survive after Trump?
How the hell did we get here ... and what can we do to protect Democracy NOW?
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We've received many requests for an UPDATE on our film #UNTRUTH. This THREAD updates the film, the content, who's in it, when it'll be released, why we think it'll be so important, PLUS a link to a trailer we hope everyone watches.
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#UNTRUTH is a follow-up film to #UNFIT - which was released before the election in 2020 and has been seen by millions. #UNFIT, as many know, was about the Psychopathology of Trump. It introduced Malignant Narcissism into the lexicon.
#UNTRUTH is about 2024 - today - the rampant disinformation we face - the Psychology underlying TrumpISM and the cult -- and the War for Democracy.
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#UNTRUTH - like #UNFIT - will put psychological (and sociological) science above politics; it will put facts above feelings; and it will put information above judgmentalism. It's meant to educate and inform AND - it will cross over.*
* Like #UNFIT did, #UNTRUTH will cross over, from the left into the middle, the undecided, and the soft right. There are more voters in that space today than ever - much more so than most people realize. It's safe to say that the election can be won in that space.
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You knew it - originally - as PROPAGANDA.
With the advent of social media algorithms, it became DISINFORMATION.
When a pathological liar ascended the political ladder, it became FALSE NARRATIVES.
At the end of the day - it's all under the umbrella of.... UNTRUTH. It's our #1 public and private enemy.
We're making a film about it, aptly named #UNTRUTH - and we've got news.
(I've been waiting eagerly to be able to finally post this.)
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#UNTRUTH is a follow-up film to #UNFIT - which made a difference in 2020 and has been seen by millions. (You can still watch it free, on Prime Video.)
#UNTRUTH will put psychological (and sociological) science above politics; facts above feelings; and information above judgmentalism. It will educate and inform.
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*** And like #UNFIT did, it will cross over from the left into the middle and into the soft right. There are more voters in that space today than ever, much more than most people realize. It's safe to say that the election can be won in that space. ***
(1/8) Today is going to be VERY interesting. Trump has rallies in Wisconsin and Michigan. He hasn't had rallies lately. Even though he's had many opportunities for them, he's chosen to golf instead, which tells us some of what we need to know.
(2/8) Trump NEEDS his rallies. They provide narcissistic energy to offset the narcissistic beatdown he's taken in court and elsewhere. Narcissistic energy is what toxic individuals, such as Trump, feed off to prop up their false constructs. It's the fuel for their controlling behavior, and the mechanism whereby they prove to the universe that they're strong, smart, successful ... grandiose. We tweet often about how crucial narcissistic energy is for Trump.
(3/8) We ALSO tweet often about how Trump has cognitive decline and appears increasingly diminished and flummoxed. We speculate that his top handlers - Miller and Epshteyn among them - guard the truth about his decline with their lives. This would involve whatever treatment he receives (meds, rest, other recalibration) as well as whatever they can do to ensure he is in measured circumstances that keep him from gaffing in an embarrassing way.
(1/4) With all the MAGAs being triggered, defensive, and defiant today over the upcoming criminal trial (and boy, are they ever) - it's a good day to speak to MALIGNANT NORMALITY. Psychologist Robert Jay Lifton coined the phrase: a degenerative societal phenomenon where mass numbers of people view reality through a skewed lens of a "leader", adopting his traits. When Trumpers act LIKE Trump, see him as speaking truth, and even seem to be reacting as if they are feeling exactly what Trump says HE feels, THAT'S WHAT IT IS.
(2/4) "Cult" is a simpler word, easier to process. But "malignant normality" is more accurate. Trump is a narcissist AND sociopath. His supporters, by and large, are not. They ARE imitative. They are emotionalized. They have been fear-mongered. They were susceptible. Why? Many reasons. For some, it was the lure of the crowd, or what they saw as the movement, or the brotherhood. Many other reasons. Then they got opinion disguised as information in echo chambers, and got dopamine rushes every time a world view that was placed upon them got validated. They tell themselves it's about winning and doing something noble, but it's really about beating the other side, and getting that next rush, even if it means adopting a position that works against their own interests.
3/4) But don't confuse the malignantly normal MAGA base with Republican enablers. The latter are, for the most part, performative. Stefanik and Cruz and others are performing. They are opportunists and grifters, seeking fame/fortune from the malignantly normal base in alignment with the leader. They show no shame, because Trump shows no shame - because they know they're speaking to those imitative of him. So, by parroting him, they are an extension of him.