The 2nd failed 'isolation' attempt (1937) where the chemical formula was given (by Karrer) even before the isolation experiment. Since Vitamin A was unknown, how could one be sure 60 rats were "depleted of Vitamin A"? #ReificationFallacy
@1smyy_ @HamHead5813 @3dom13 The 2019 heliocentric cultist SI redefinition is to hide the truth and to take the truth verification ability away from the mass.
Take metre (m) as example. It was decided by a political vote.
@1smyy_ @HamHead5813 @3dom13 Under historical definition, a commoner could independently verify the duration of a second and conclude through a simple pendulum experiment that it is comical that the measurable 'gravity' (g) "decides" the earth size:
L = (T/2π)² * g ( when T=2s, L = 1 "metre")
@1smyy_ @HamHead5813 @3dom13 Since no one has access to "vacuum in space" or the non existent caesium, the heliocentric priests secured their rent seeking parasital life style for another 50 years. 3/3
@canhumanslearn @Alec_Zeck The viral sorcerers are claiming until today (2024):
- "Viruses' do not cause diseases;
- 99.995% "viruses" are unknown;
- "Viruses" are the dark matter in "life science".
@canhumanslearn @Alec_Zeck This means:
- No one could ever provide a pure "virus" sample;
- No one could claim any bodily fluid of a healthy person is "virus" free.
Hence there is no way to carry out a biology experiment with control groups.
@canhumanslearn @Alec_Zeck Since the classic "virus" discovery pseudoscience procedure involves eliminating all known "viruses", the findings can not be conclusive at all due to 1/4 (see above).
@weldonwilliford @RameseSanders @SavoySir Chemistry industry fabricated the synthetic "Vitamin" market and certified it by the #dynamitetrash prize, because they could.