"The intentional perpetuation of old videos of Andrew and Tristan during that time—videos which were completely unrelated to the case at hand, as some sort of a social justification for them being locked away in a Romanian prison—was gross."
This is in reference to my first Andrew Tate video that went viral. After it got attention many conservative commentators responded by denouncing Andrew Tate including Candace's DailyWire colleagues @benshapiro & @michaeljknowles. Candace always the contrarian flew immediately to Romania where she "interviewed" Andrew Tate.
In reality she gas lit her audience and simply pushed the same narrative of lies spread by Tate.
If she had in fact read "the Romanian case file" she would know that the "old videos of Andrew and Tristan during that time" which feature Tate teaching the very same Loverboy method he's charged with in the human trafficking case in Romanian. They are in fact very much evidence and do in fact feature in the Romanian case file for proof images from the Romanian case file with the direct quotes of Tate from the videos are linked below. She lied then and continues to lie now that the videos are "completely unrelated to the case at hand."
Candace also supported Tate's claim that this video was in fact about dating and she decidedly only featured a small fraction of the video, hilariously ironic considering her and Tate claimed I took clips out of context (I've from day one challenged anyone to prove this claim & no-one has taken me up on it).
The rest of her post below is also complete BS. Her claim that she "didn't defend anyone" is transparently false, she dedicated the episode after the Tate interview to trying to discredit one of Tate's trafficking victims by reading out from the Tate's bogas lawsuit against that victim (yes they sued one of their trafficking victims!). @CrayonMurders & I did a video refuting all of her propaganda (I'll link below).
In that episode Candace defended 5 child predators, all mid 30s & over most with criminal records, including 1 that was convicted for child molestation (multiple victims) and still serving time. Candace (because she has zero morals) even bleeped the name of the convicted child molester to protect his identity while having no issues saying the name of the minor over and over again.
All 5 of those child predators had sex with Tate's trafficking victim when she was a minor & Candace took the side of the statutory rapist even knowingly reading messages where one of them admits it.
The amount of lies surrounding Candace Owens and her defence of the Tates including her remarks about the victims would take many posts but know that even her most recent "reporting" on Tate's recent UK charges received an accurate community note for spreading Tate propaganda.
So no Candace's "report on the Romanian case" has NOT been "proven right" she continues her track record of blatantly & provably lying about pretty well every aspect of Andrew Tate's case.
Here's the response to Candace attempting to discredit one of the Tate's victims by defending 5 child predators...
Here's where Candace deliberately only played a selected part of Tate's how to sex traffick women course & allowed him to lie that it was about dating...
🚨🚨(2021) TRISTAN TATE: Both of you go, kick her out of the house/hit her if necessary, I don't care/ don't let her take her things.
The context of this is because one of the victims was attempting to quit Onlyfans.
Tristan Tate's command to "hit" the victim is likely linked to his charge of instigation to assault or violence. And presumably Georgiana did hit her which is why she has an assault charge.
The Victorian State Election is next month & I'm still not seeing any ads opposing Dan Andrews that truely capture the devastation he's caused to this once great State or connect with the Vic Ppl. I'm giving permission to any opponents use of the videos below👇 (cont'd)