If zoomers and millennials are any indication, the segment of our population comprised of pre-adolescents up to and including age 14 - generation alpha - has been rapidly losing their predisposition for creativity and imagination
A perfect example of this are Legos. A thread:
LEGO, a company teetering precariously on the premise that kids want to be creative, has been struggling with exactly that conundrum for decades. As recently as 1990, the standard box of LEGO bricks contained anywhere from 500 to 1000 pieces
Through sales research, focus groups and peer review, LEGO now believes such a set is way, way too complex. Let's dial it back a bit: not only do children not have the patience to gather together all the required parts for a castle, or boat, or car - there isn't enough space in
their tiny, ridiculous brains to previsualize long-term plans, imagine new forms, or create the requisite custom shapes
As a response to this trend, LEGO decreased the number of pieces in each box
Instead of grappling with a full one-hundred pieces to build that Kentucky Fried Chicken or Starbucks Coffee, now you only need ten
And look: these pre-fab green umbrella straws snap directly into the miniature espresso machine - you don't even gotta build 'em. LEGO bricks have gotten bigger, as well: the size of each block in a set has increased steadily over time in direct proportion to your child's
inability to manipulate his backwards, clumsy-ass ham hands. Who needs hours of unnecessarily complicated finger work when you're trying to develop your motor skills?
Finally, the majority of "bricks" in today's LEGO kits have evolved exactly as Darwin intended: they're now shaped exactly like the cars, trees, humans, animals, ships, and rockets originally subject to interpretation by a kid's imagination
And which set of LEGO is right for you? Choose from styles like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Exoforce, Knight's Kingdom, Bionicle, Minecraft, Ghostbusters and numerous other brandy-brands too depressing even to think about
It's only a matter of time before LEGO starts packaging their product directly inside the Happy Meal carton
From little plastic bricks and imagination to electronic, battery-operated toys and program squiggly meta-scripts so his optically sensitive robots to kaput in 24 years. Not sure where along the way imagination was lost but it happened
There should be a children's aptitude test where they're in a room with 10,000 single-cell plastic bricks and given however long they want to successfully construct something from their mind
When Elmer Wayne Henley was fourteen years old, he was approached by a candy factory worker named Dean Allen Corll. Corll had an interesting business proposition: he'd give Elmer two hundred dollars for every boy Elmer brought over to Corll's home
Elmer's friend David Brooks was in on the deal too, and Corll supplied him with a car to make transporting the boys that much easier. Never mind the fact that Brooks was way too young to drive
Match Group controls 80% of more of the dating app ecosystem, which includes Tinder, Hinge, and OkCupid
They have been hemorrhaging money for a year now, and only pulled a little over $3 billion last year
For reference, Facebook is worth over $1.3 trillion right now
They are broke, and just $4 billion will buy a controlling stake in them
But I wouldn't recommend that. The truth is dating apps can’t be scaled further. They’re dead end
Western women are at saturation point, in fact their user base is dropping off. Things like Plenty of Fish don’t have any female users below the age of 35 and post 50 the jaded user base falls off a cliff
Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, born in Rome AD 121, the date of his birth being variously stated as the 6th, 21st and 26th of April. His original name was Marcus Annius Verus
His mother Domitia Calvilla (or Lucilla) was a lady of consular rank, and the family of his
father Annius Verus (prefect of the city and thrice consul), originally Spanish, had received patrician rank from Vespasian
Marcus was three months old when his father died, and was thereupon adopted by his grandfather. The moral training which he received from his grandfather
Rob Rue owns Littleton & Rue INC. Littleton & Rue INC owns Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC which owns many rental properties in Springfield, Ohio
He rents out his properties to Haitians migrants that now make up a third of Springfield using Housing Vouchers which are paid for by the United States Federal Government
He then raises the rent to 3, 4 or 5 thousand a month and the gibs go straight to his bank account
The rise in average age of parenthood is a far larger problem than people realize
One of those things that is well known in the scientific community but no one talks about it because
- the implications are uncomfortable
- it's not in anyone's political interest to talk about it
This is a gross and oversimplified explanation, but here we go:
Older fathers result in all kinds of polygenic and autosomal dominant genetic disorders, and older women literally give birth to genetically older offspring
If a woman gives birth at 40, her kid will be the genetic equivalent of a 5-10yo in terms of genomic ageing
If this kid is a girl, grows up and gives birth at 40, her kid will be the genetic equivalent of a 7-14yo. And so on