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May 9 25 tweets 5 min read Read on X
In 1981 Stephen, a 14 yr old Trans boy in Pittsburg found a psychiatrist who would listen & asked for a 'sex change'. The psychiatrist spent 5 months analysing Stephen, & decided rather than provide hormone treatment he would prescribe anti depressents.. CW next tweet suicide 1/
Therapy' & antidepressents made things worse. Stephen had a number of suicide attempts immediately before or during menstruation. The psych to his credit, realised his treatment wasn't working & contacted an endocrinologist with experience working with 'Transsexuals' 2/
The Paediatric Endocrinologist, Dr Peter A Lee, prescribed medroxyprogesterone acetate, as a puberty blocker (now not used as less effective than GNrH agonists with a lot of side effects). Stephen had another period & took an overdose of amphetemines requiring intensive care 3/
Recovered & pleased to be alive Stephen returned to school. Over time Stephen's mental health improved & when the medroxyprogesterone stopped working, he was given Danazol, another drug used to block puberty, alongside mild masculanisation & later testosterone 4/
His psychologist made him wait until after he'd finished high school to publicly transition, which he did, in some style, at a family wedding "Steven attended, dressed in suit and tie, looking like a quite ordinary mid-adolescent boy" 5/
Stephen, his mum, sister and Grandma, met ahead of time to plan out how to best tell the wider family. Everything went well "Extended family members, although shocked when told, responded in a positive and supportive way." The year was 1982. 6/
Whilst he was happy with his deepening voice & increase in body and facial hair, Stephen had dysphoria around his chest, which he bound, & ovaries & uterus which he didn't want. On his 18th birthday, Stephen had successful bilateral mastectomy, hysterectomy, & oophorectomy 7/
Stephen was able to think about the rest of his life. He was looking at potential universities, at jobs, he was engaging with Trans media (2 early TV talkshow representations) & was writing to other Trans people via a newsletter - until then he had known no other Trans people 8/
Stephen's story is written up by his Psychologist & Endocrinologist in a 'Case Report'. The language is stigmatising & the early 'treatment' Stephen sufferred before trans healthcare, was conversion therapy in an attempt to create a "stable heterosexual or homosexual outcome" 9/
Despite obvious flaws Stephen's Case Report is a more authentic to Trans lived experience than the entire 'Cass Report'. Stephen endured conversion therapy, sedation, psychological examination, suicidality, & hospitalisation but never shifted from his conviction he was Trans 10/
As the Case Report states: "At no time did Stephen waver in his belief that he was a transsexual or in his desire for gender reassignment" and ..."By the end of this period, neither Susan's mother nor his psychiatrist (M.D.) had any doubt of his gender identity as a male". 11/
Stephen's doctor tried Psychotherapy, to 'cure' him, & it didn't work :"although helpful in many ways, has been unable to elicit or produce even the slightest ambivalence in Steven's expressed gender identity." 12/
Stephen's doctor tried anti depressents which didn't work . [anti depressents] "led to an improvement in sleep, concentration, & depressive affect, but the discordant gender identity and precipitous paramenstrual suicidality remained". 13/
Like today's Trans youth, 42 years ago, Stephen told anyone who would list he just wanted to "get on with my life", & when his Doctor finally listened, got an Endocrinologist involved, prescribed medication to block puberty & then testosterone. He was able to do just that. 14/
There's another lesson for Cass. Stephen's Case Report concludes "Since the majority of transsexuals refuse to participate in controlled treatment protocols, the best strategy may be early identification & systematic follow-up of children & adolescents with gender dysphoria" 15/
Even in 1981, desperate for healthcare, Stephen flat out refused to be enrolled in an controlled treatment programme. They tried to secure him in a psychiatric hospital but over the age of 14 in Pittsburg, he could legally check himself out, which he promptly did. 16/
Now, 42 years later, Cass & @NHSEngland want to make enrollment on a (as yet unknown) research protocol a requirement for healthcare. It was deeply unethical in 1981 & it is deeply unethical now. 17/
@NHSEngland Stephen wasn't the first adolescent to receive Trans healthcare, there are examples throughout the 20th century & the gender affirming healthcare he received or something very like it, soon became defined in the 'Dutch Protocol's' 1st phase in place by 1988 18/
@NHSEngland 'Puberty blockers' have been used for adolescent Trans health for 40 years. In spite of her rhetoric Cass found no strong evidence of any harm. There is plenty of evidence that Gender affirming healthcare - blockers, followed by hormones, when wanted, has really good outcomes 19/
@NHSEngland Stephen would be in his early 60s now. After desperately hard beginnings he was able to live his life because he had Doctors who were willing to learn & who did their best even lacking specialist knowledge. That's what today's youth deserve. Accessible healthcare. Not Cass 20/
We have learnt so much in the last 42 years, yet Cass seems to have gone back to the worst of the 1970s in her approach. It didn't work then, it won't work now. Trans healthcare helps Trans youth get on with their lives. It is that simple. In 1982 & 42 years later in 2024. END/
ps. Stephen's Case Report (Duncan & Lee 1984) can be read via link below Note I've used Stephen's correct pronouns in the thread (the authors make a conscious change half way through) & avoided the most stigmatising language. CW abuse / suicidality…
I didn't include the anecdote included in the case report that after an overdose of speed, released from intensive care, Stephen "caught up on 2 weeks of missed work in 2 days at home".
If you have learned something from this Thread, please consider donating to @Genderintell who do incredible work, including running camps for Trans children & young people, so they benefit from a community growing up that Stephen never had.…

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May 3
Trans people have been using hormones for healthcare for around 100 years. There is 100 years of experience of Trans people helping each other source medication & use it as safely as possible working with health providers where possible in a 'least harm' approach. 1/
Under the current UK Government & NHS there is no access to adolescent healthcare. I believe there is a moral duty to help Trans youth who are accessing medication to do so as easily & as safely as possible. To highlight & mitigate the risks, & provide trusted information 2/
Further,, to enable Trans adolescents who may want access to Trans healthcare, to do so in line with International best practice & long established harm reduction guidelines. I will work with anyone with these aims & can provide resources, knowledge, platform & networks 3/
Read 9 tweets
Apr 26
The question whether the Cass review team carried out engagement with Trans communities is immaterial. The engagement was not genuine, views shared in good faith by children & young people, families & support services were absent from synthesis & final recommendations. #CassFlaws
The methodology of the Cass Review qualitiative research stated they would conduct 40 interviews, 20 with 12-18s and 20 with adults up to age 30. They managed only 14 and 12 respectively. 26 interviews which were jumped on by gender critcal parents & anti Trans 'ex trans' groups
I'll repeat, in terms of the research output, the Cass York team conducted only 14 interviews with Trans children. 14 not even meeting the miniscule target set out in their research methodology.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 25
I'm working my way through the Cass Sytemic review on Clinical guidelines for children & adolescents experiencing gender dysphoria or incongruence: it is very difficult to lack of access to the standards they review. There are also methodological issues 1/…
I'm going to talk about the two standards the Cass research team rated highest & which the Cass Final report is most closely matched to in terms of recommendations - namely The Swedish and Finland protocols 2/
It's important to note neither of these guidelines is published in English. Originally Cass research team had stated they would exclude non English language guidelines, this is repeated in the overarching criteria of the Cass Report (screenshot 1). However they made exceptions 3/ Cass review overarching inclusion and exclusion criteria (studies not reported to English language in Exclusion criteria) from Final Cass Report
Read 25 tweets
Apr 22
I've been looking at a paper cited in Cass (recreating a graph introducing new spelling errors). I have thoughts. It is an undergraduate author. No full is data provided - only 3 sets of extracts, which have 9 or 10 respondents 1 of which repeats in error.…
The methodology section doesn't state the survey was originally a questionnaire to understand current needs of detransitioners and to produce an information booklet about detransition. I wonder if ethics approval was given for this - any German Trans academics can help check?
r/detrans reddit post "Information booklet about detransition: we need your input! "we've created a small set of questions addressed to female and male detransitioners and desisters that is aimed at gathering more knowledge and experiences. The answers will be collected anonymously and used to enrich the content of the booklet with insights, advice and perspectives coming from detransitioners themselves"
A cross-sectional survey was conducted, using online social media to recruit detransitioners. Access to the questionnaire was open from the 16th of November until the 22nd of December 2019. Any detransitioner of any age or nationality was invited to take part in the study. The survey was shared by Post Trans (—a platform for female detransitioners—via public posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Participants were also recruited through private Facebook groups and a Reddit forum for detransitioners (r/detrans). Some of the latter platforms were addressed exclusively to...
The survey was shared on Twitter, Reddit (R/Detrans), Facebook & Instagram. I've looked at these posts. There was minimal interaction which makes me suspicious of the claimed 237 respondents - much higher than more publicised surveys ie Littman (2021) 101 responents in 4.5 months

lisamarchiano This is great to see! I am a a therapist who is working with some other professionals to create a survey on this subject as well. Would you be willing to share your findings with us?   post_el OP Yes! I would also be glad to hear more about this survey. I will contact you by private message
Read 5 tweets
Apr 12
I've been reading of the Finland youth gender centre in Tampere which the Cass review lauds. It was recently revealed the head of the centre is on the Cass advisory group. CW In following tweets I relate extremely disturbing accounts from parents & youth of what they endured 1/
This is by 'Spinner' for Kehraaja (Nightjar in Finnish) 19.3.2021 "Describe to me how you masturbate?" - the position of trans youth in the treatment system is bleak" 2/…
Content Warning in the article is as follows "we recommend using discretion when reading, as the text may shock readers. The text discusses, among other things, medical power and its use, possible violations of a child's sexual integrity, and measures aimed at trans youth." 3/
Read 35 tweets
Jan 14
There is a bad science story in Today's Daily Mail. Where an anti Trans academic has published a new study - the headline claiming Puberty Blockers lowers IQ in Trans youth. It took me 5 mins to find the study.
Here's some quick fact checking on this research: 1/
1) The study 'The Impact of Suppressing Puberty on Neuropsychological Function' Baxindale S. is pre-print & has not been peer reviewed. It is not clear where or when it will be published. A quick review sees some common factors in anti Trans studies such as 'cherry picking' 2/
2) The 'Study' presents no new data, it is a literature review, front ended with common anti Trans talking points. Many of these look familiar to simliar outputs from the author including on anti Trans lobby group Transgender Trend's website. 3/
Read 9 tweets

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