Would you fly on an electric plane? And what technology is needed to make this unholy powertrain work? The challenges will lead to extraordinary designs...
This is the electric aviation thread!
In this thread we'll cover:
-Different electric & hybrid aircraft power systems.
-The challenge of full electric: Closing the energy gulf.
-Enabling tech: Batteries, motors, aerodynamics.
-Will it work?
Expect incredible concepts & links to specialist aerodynamics threads!
Cycle 1: Turbo-electric power.
A gas turbine engine with generator, DC buses & convertor drives electric motors, no battery storage: This could eat 10% efficiency, but buys the ability for integrated airframe concepts such as boundary layer ingestion & distributed propulsion.
Like a car engine, an aircraft engine is most efficient at it's design cruise condition. By using rechargeable batteries & electric motors, hybrid cycles try to smooth out engine demand so it spends more time at it's most efficient point.
Cycle 2: Series hybrid.
A turbo electric layout plus a battery bank, the propulsor is electrically driven. Heavier even than the turbo electric cycle, it does however allow the engine to stay at optimal running condition, a net benefit for short haul & regional aircraft.
Cycle 3: Parallel hybrid.
A transmission box allows either engine or electric motor to power the prop. More complex but lighter than series hybrid with fewer conversion losses, but leads to the engine running off-design more often. Considered less efficient than series hybrid.
The trouble with hybrids is that, just as a hybrid car is best at town & city driving, a hybrid plane is best at short haul & general aviation: Long haul aircraft spend too long at their design condition for hybrid power systems to be of much use.
What about pure electric?
Cycle 4: Battery electric.
Conceptually the simplest setup, it's simultaneously the most "green", as a zero emissions aircraft, and the most difficult, which we'll get into.
Pictured: The RR 'Spirit Of Innovation' demonstrator. At 345mph, the fastest electric plane.
If we do it, it won't be for convenience: The specific energy of kerosene is 48 times higher than lithium ion batteries: An unbridgeable gulf?
Electric motors are 90%+ efficient while the thermodynamic efficiency of gas turbines are ~55%, making the ratio 'only' 1:29
Enablers 1: Batteries.
Li-ion batteries, the gold standard, max at ~250Wh/kg.
Li-sulphur, on the Airbus Zephyr have shown 500Wh/kg but so far only 1350 cycles.
Solid state: Fast-charging and 500-1000Wh/kg. Under development.
Li-Air: Potentially 1700Wh/kg, but a long way off.
Enablers 2: Motors.
Conventional motors have a specific power of 1-5kW/kg, less than gas turbines.
-In 2021 H3X & Wright Electric tested 250kW & 2MW motors with 13 & 10kW/kg.
The EU sponsored ASuMED project is developing high temperature superconductor motors for 20kW/kg.
Batteries of 800Wh/kg are probably a minimum for electric aviation: If we assume that 1000 is achievable then that brings the usable specific energy ratio with kerosene down to 1:7.
This means that aerodynamics must do some heavy lifting to get it down to low single figures...
Enablers 3: Distributed propulsion.
Electric powertrains allow this: Extremely high bypass low pressure ratio propulsors with blown wing effects maximizing efficiency.
The hybrid electric EcoPulse aircraft shown is halfway through flight testing proving this concept.
A thread on distributed propulsion is linked below, featuring the ONERA Dragon concept: A medium range airliner showing a 7%-12% efficiency benefit from distributed propulsion alone. Hybrid power storage could increase this further.
This wake energy management technique reduces flow field energy loss and can improve the efficiency of propulsors by embedding them in the aircraft boundary layer. A structurally robust well-sited prop is needed.
Definitely the biggest ask of airframers & airports, and not strictly necessary, it remains a potentially optimal platform from an efficiency standpoint, and works well with distributed propulsion & BLI.
The NASA N3-X concept uses all three aero enablers in a long range turbo-electric flying wing with cryocoolers enabling superconducting motors and higher turbine inlet temperature.
60% more fuel efficient than current state of the art, it's an idealised design but instructive.
Another rich opportunity for hybrid power is helicopter aviation, where it would be worth 10% in efficiency all on it's own without other improvements. Airbus recently tested this as part of an emergency back up power system for the FlightLab helicopter.
Novel hybrid electric/ turbo-electric power architectures, with a gas turbine engine at the core, have huge potential from short to long range, and we should move that way, but the aerospace industry might not leap without a push.
What about pure electric aircraft..?
Frankly, pure electric is a lost cause everywhere except short range and city transport niches: The specific energy gulf is just too large.
But it's still important: Electric aviation's huge energy challenge forces it to deal with unconventional design, and this is it's value.
The city eVTOL niche is tiny, almost a joke, but it's the only electric aviation sector plausible right now, making it a technology incubator.
Inconsistent regulation could kill it dead, and it's important we don't do that: Technology grows from seeds, which we should water.
So let's hear it for the challenge of electric aviation, because it might, just maybe, be a catalyst that will move us beyond the tube, wing & twin configuration.
So the future might actually look like the future.
Papers used are shown, I hope you enjoyed this!
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You can't depend on the wind, and you can't sunbathe in the shade, but the sea never stops moving… can we power our civilization with the ocean wave?
The wave power thread!
If not wind, why not waves?
It's a fair question. Wave power is much more predictable than the wind, it's available 90% of the time and has a higher power concentration per square metre of any renewable energy source.
But it's almost unheard of. Why is it so difficult?
Several things are important in wave power: How we collect the energy, how we use that energy to generate power, and how we store, control and deliver it.
We'll start with collection, which is divided into attenuators, point absorbers and terminators…
Industrial chemistry & materials science: What has been and what is coming up…
A quick thread-of-threads for your Saturday!
Jet engine efficiency is linked to the temperature of combustion, and to survive the physical extremes of burning kerosene, the high pressure turbine blades must survive in a furnace beyond imagining, while pulling 20,000 g.
To do this, we must trick metallurgy…
Cheating metallurgy and staying alive in the furnace: The single crystal turbine blade!
This is the last in my series of Generation IV nuclear reactor threads, and for the finale we’ll look at the one everyone leaves out: The weirdo, the maverick…
The Gas-cooled Fast Reactor!
Why is this one ignored?
We’ve covered fast reactors several times and the premise is simple, though hard to explain quickly: A fast neutron spectrum allows fuel breeding from plentiful Uranium 238, plus burn-up of heavy isotopes.
Fast reactors are typically cooled by molten sodium.
What about gas?
A gas coolant has advantages: Compatibility with water gives simple cooling cycles. It doesn't activate radiologically and doesn’t phase change in the core, reducing reactivity swings. It's also optically transparent, improving refuelling & maintenance.
The Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin holds the world's biggest refracting telescope. Weighing almost 6 tons, with a 40” main lens, it's so well balanced that it can be moved by hand.
Finished in 1897, no bigger one was ever made. What did we do instead?
The telescope thread…
A refracting telescope uses convex lenses to focus light. Shown are the objective lens & eyepiece, with their respective focal distances: The ratio between these focal lens gives the magnification.
This also shows why the image in a simple refraction telescope is upside-down!
A basic (but incomplete) description of refraction is that changes to the local speed of light affects the direction of light waves as they enter & exit a medium like glass or water. A convex lens exploits this.
Different wavelength’s diffraction angles differ slightly though…
This is the NASA Ames low speed wind tunnel, the biggest in the world. It can fit full sized planes and takes up to 104MW of power to run!
But why use a wind tunnel, and what problems do you run into when trying to make it smaller? Let's go deep.
The wind tunnel thread…
Why use one? For one thing, wind tunnels let you measure and visualize the flow field, using smoke, particle image velocimetry or a host of other techniques.
You can also directly measure the forces on your model with a force measuring ‘sting’ as shown.
Strange tunnels:
This is a rolling road tunnel for Formula 1 cars. The road belt needs to have a velocity that matches the airflow, and the force in the wheels needs measuring: This can be with stings on each wheel, or in pressure sensors under the ‘road’.
An advanced Nuclear Power rabbit hole! This is not your father's atom bashing.
For your reading pleasure I've now covered five of the six Generation IV nuclear reactors: Clean, safe, hot running high tech beasts, the first have started arriving.
Let's go through them…
Bringer of Alchemy: The molten salt fast reactor, thorium transmutation and the ‘infinite energy machine’.
In its liquid fuel form, it's definitely the most complex reactor type! But solid fuel, salt cooled reactors could appear soon.