9 timeless wisdom from one of the most prolific and cherished Indian authors, Ruskin Bond.
He turns 90 today. Happy Birthday!
1) “It is always the same with mountains.
Once you have lived with them for any length of time, you belong to them. There is no escape.”
— Ruskin Bond
2) “It's courage, not luck, that takes us through to the end of the road.”
― Ruskin Bond
3) “You may not enjoy loneliness, because loneliness is sad.
But solitude is something else; solitude is what you look forward to when you want to be alone, when you want to be with yourself. So, solitude is something we all need from time to time.”
— Ruskin Bond
4) “Book readers are special people, and they will always turn to books as the ultimate pleasure.
Those who do not read are the unfortunate ones. There's nothing wrong with them; but they are missing out on one of life's compensations and rewards.
A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again and the joy first derived from it will still be there.”
— Ruskin Bond
5) “The past becomes the present, and the present fades into the past.
But the future remains uncertain, and we must make the most of the present.”
— Ruskin Bond
6) “You must never stop doing doing the thing that has made it possible for you to live the life of your choosing.
Carry on doing the thing that gives you joy. Don't stop!”
— Ruskin Bond
7) “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”
— Ruskin Bond
8) “Live close to nature and your spirit will not be easily broken, for you learn something of patience and resilience.
You will not grow restless, and you will never feel lonely.”
— Ruskin Bond
9) “The more you write, the better you will write! So – keep at it!”
— Ruskin Bond
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Follow me at @readswithravi for more book learning, reviews, lessons and recommendations.
A compelling and insightful read which offers keen insights into how to build wealth through a systematic process. Prof Galloway explains the complexities of modern finance in a very clear and concise manner.
12 lessons from the book🧵
1) The Algebra of Wealth has four components:
Wealth = Focus + (Stoicism x Time x Diversification)
2) Match your actions to your intentions:
Economic Security isn't the product of an intellectual exercise, it's the result of a pattern of behavior.
The key to matching your actions to your intentions is character. It is our defense against the weaknesses of our species.
Elegant, startling, and universal in its applications, this book explores the extreme impact of rare and unpredictable events and will change the way you look at the world.
2) The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch
It explores and establishes deep connections between the laws of nature, knowledge, and the human potential for progress.
Highly recommended book by @naval and @sama too.
3) Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer
It explores the history and science of memory, as well as the techniques used by memory champions to perform incredible feats of recall.
Straightforward, inspirational and a book of true wisdom. It shows us a practical way with simple rules and an easy-is-better approach to succeeding in business. Highly recommend it!
10 lessons from the book 🧵
1) Today anyone can be in business. Tools that used to be out of reach are now easily accessible.
Starting a business on the side while keeping your day job can provide all the cash flow you need.
2) Make a dent in the universe:
To do a great work, you need to feel that you're making a difference.
Don't sit around and wait for someone else to make the change you want to see. And don't think it takes a huge team to make that difference either.
He is a co-founder of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz - one of the most influential venture capital firms in the tech industry, and the author of the great book The Hard Thing About Hard Things.
Here is the list of his 20 recommended books:
1) Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life by Nassim N. Taleb
“A book about the dynamics of how large-scale, highly random systems behave.” — Ben Horowitz
2) High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove
“Andy Grove, who built himself from nothing to run Intel, stopped what he was doing to teach us his magic. And not through some ghostwriter either — Andy wrote this book himself. What an incredible gift.”
10 Best Books on Business Management and Leadership 🧵
1) The Effective Executive by Peter F. Drucker
This timeless classic remains a crucial guide for leaders in various sectors, providing practical insights and strategies for enhancing personal and organizational effectiveness.
2) How to Lead by David M. Rubenstein
The book distills the key qualities of effective leadership, highlighting traits such as focus, communication, and the ability to learn from failure.
3) Start with Why by Simon Sinek
It explores the concept of finding and understanding one's purpose, or "Why," as a foundation for effective leadership and success in both personal and professional life.