1. You don't have to return an HTTP 400 and force the user to update their browser. The API can reply with a successful request instead (like an HTTP 205), or include an "x-stale-ui" header in the response to notify… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
As a consultant, I work with dozens of teams. I see massive differences in developer output.
Here's an example on the same team:
Dev 1: 45 PRs/month
Dev 2: 1 PR/month
I did code reviews. Dev 1 had higher code quality too.
And yes, stats can be gamed. So, I don't recommend managing based on stats. But when stats are wildly lopsided, there's often a root cause worth exploring.
In this case, the dev who completed 45 PRs had many PRs that were more complex than the 1 PR merged by the other dev.
A related law:
Price's law: 50% of the work is done by the square root of the number of employees.
If you have 10 employees, 3 do 50% of the work.
Continuous integration:
✅ No PRs
✅ No branches
✅ No gating code reviews
✅ Commit directly into trunk
Frequent Integration:
✅ Small PRs
✅ Simple, short-lived feature branches
✅ Code review before merge
✅ Merge branches ~daily
Frequent integration is often good enough.
For many teams, "frequent integration" is the sweet spot.
Doing code reviews before merge assures reviews actually happen. (you can pair, but few devs do consistently, and outside reviews are useful when pairing too)
Integrating work approximately daily is frequent enough.
In summary, truly Continuous Integration is rarely practical. That's why it's rarely practiced.
It requires a very mature team:
Fast CI
High trust
Frequent pairing
Robust feature flags
Superb test coverage
Consistently high code quality