How can blockchains, privacy, and verifiability disrupt, heal, expand, and modify the world around us, addressing its problems, weaknesses, points of failure, and fragilities?
We came up with 47 use cases and 75 examples! Let's review some of them👇🧵
We start with more widely known examples and then jump to those less intuitive and obvious.
Example 1: Programmable identity
Today, when someone needs to confirm their identity, age, citizenship, or residential address, they provide a passport, ID, or other formal documents.
With zero-knowledge proofs, one can manage all their documents client-side and provide proofs of specific properties upon request, without requiring documents.
One should note that for this use case we strictly need privacy-preserving composable blockchain (e.g. Aztec).
Example 2: Combining several datasets and a model without datasets and model disclosure between parties.
Example 3: Smart home that processes all data client-side (i.e. inside of smart home) without sharing its inhabitants’ data with anyone (even Google!).
Now, let's continue with less intuitive and more exciting examples! 😸
Example 4: Satellite coordination 🛰
We can utilize zk to provide proof of correct code execution, meaning that the satellite will perform exactly what its owner promises.
For example, it can generate “proof of route”, which is a crucial component of space coordination as one additional zero in the code can send the satellite spinning forever or force it to change its trajectory and crash into other satellites.
Example 5: Planetary defense 🪐
Life on Earth has been drastically altered by asteroid impacts before. For example, once a planet-shaking strike led to the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs.
Planetary defense combines comet and asteroid detection, trajectory assessment, tracking over time, and developing tools for possible collision prevention.
All of this deals with sensitive data collection and secret technologies (e.g. satellite engineering mechanisms).
ZKPs and privacy-preserving blockchains can be a coordination layer to process data collected by different parties without exposing it to others.
Example 6: Blockchains and zk for LLMs on battlefields, enterprise, and everyone’s daily lives 🤖
In LLMs we don’t have custodial relations to the data, so we can’t prove how the decision was made. But we need to know how the data was put together and be able to question it.
That is, for example, an absolute necessity for the presumption of innocence. ZKPs as a source of truth and privacy-preserving blockchains as a coordination layer can solve this issue to enforce AI standards compliance.
ZKPs can be a neutral arbiter providing the proof of what data the model was trained on, what data the model used to make a conclusion, how this data was put together, etc.
Furthermore, it can be done without revealing any specific information about either the data or the model.
Ethereum is, at its heart, a state machine. It takes a starting state, ingests transactions (sequenced into blocks), and transitions state deterministically.
Aztec takes the original promise of a global state machine and extends it to private state.
In February of this year, His Majesty’s Treasury (HMT) published a consultation and call for evidence for the regulation of cryptoassets.
We're excited to share our response on how the UK can create a progressive regulatory regime tailored to DeFi's unique benefits to consumers:
It's crucial to recognize the differences between centralized finance, decentralized financial protocols, and decentralized apps.
The UK's current "same risk, same outcome" approach could lump them all together, stifling innovation.
While we support proportionate regulation, we urge the government to think from first principles rather than regulating by analogy to traditional financial systems.
Q: Is Aztec done building privacy products?
A: Not even close.
We’re laser-focused on building out the Noir programming language and bringing you a programmably private L2 whose specs will be published in the first half of 2023.
At Aztec, our goal has always been to develop a truly decentralized general-purpose encrypted blockchain with the security of Ethereum.
While Ethereum has created a world computer that can read and write to public state, Aztec aims to fulfill the vision by adding the ability to read and write to private state.