Isn't it weirdly coincidental how this anonymous amorphous group of "boots-on-the ground" activists coincides with the ideology of a nameless-nationless cabal of 19th, 20th, and 21st century "BIG THINKERS"?
It's probably just pure coincidence.
🧵Thread of examples 👇:
David Rockefeller, representative of one of the most powerful American dynasties. Pushing for "world government" no borders, no nations
Representative of an American Banking dynasty and son of the guy who set up our Globally controlled Central Bank (and created Income Tax) again, no borders, no nations:
Hey, HG Wells seems to agree with Rockefeller. "Global Government" And rule by the scientific elite and international bankers. No Borders, No Nations.
Even one of our recent Presidents talks A LOT about "global government". Again with the "no borders, no nations"
I love their constant theme of "polysemy". Wordplay. the in-your-face, "but you're too cognitively deficient to even see it"-brazenness of it all.
"World Government Summit" 😁
Makes me chuckle every time I see it
Prescott Bush, father (and Grandfather) of two American Presidents supported the Nazis financially as head of the investment firm Brown Brothers Harriman. The Nazis were pushing towards? ... World conquest and Global Governance.
They *REALLY* need to implement their Algocracy. because if everyone thinks the computers are making decisions, they won't realize "there is no AI" and that they're actually just living in a dictatorship
This too, much like using a "battle for Ukraine" to force regime change in a longrunning plan built, implemented, and executed by the Brzezinksi/Kissinger faction.
It's their plan for a "Technetronic Era".
Move from Democracy to Technocracy
In Ted Kaczynski's cabin among a stack of books was this one at the very bottom. It is about a piece of history I knew nothing about.
A time when citizens (amidst rampant corruption) took matters into their own hands.
A short on The Committee of Vigilance. 🧵
The San Fran Committee of Vigilance is a group of citizens that cleaned up in 1851 when law enforcement couldnt keep up with all the corruption and crime.
They tracked the corruption from the streets all the way up to city hall arresting, hanging, or forcing resignations of their targets.🧐…
The Fleur De Lys is ubiquitous (found in wrought-iron gates, LSU Tigers logo, national flags, and even in the British Crown) is the "LUCIFERa" flower of the Knights Templar [1]. It is important in Rosicrucian semiotics.[2]
The "Lucis Trust" built the Meditation Room at the U.N.
Lys == Lucis
Their full library is purchasable online. Mostly Alice Bailey books, she is the successor of Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy
The "Teacher's College" at Columbia University, is a *major* reason the Educational system in the U.S. was infused with specific "ideologies". It is essentially a "boot camp" for Educational administrators, shooting them out nationwide, for decades.
I see people mention Cloward/Piven more recently. But dont mention it all started with their 1966 "The Weight of the Poor" article in The Nation.
(yes, the 1960s...AGAIN... yet another thing that links back to unaddressed "technical debt" from the 60s)…
Over time, I've noticed some inaccuracies or slight misrepresentations in Estulin's "Tavistock" book..but its value as a concise well-cited infogrenade far outweighs the errors
Some of Ch. 4:
If this is new info & it doesnt 🤯
...check a mirror, cuz you've already turned ghoul