Due to the overuse of the word, perhaps, or the fear of being wrongly labelled an antisemite, some people seem reluctant to label Israel as a fascist state.
So, let's take a look at what fascism is, the key defining characterises of fascism, and how Israel stacks up.
'Fascism' comes from the Latin 'fasces,' which "denotes a bundle of wooden rods, including a protruding axe blade." Fascist regimes "require citizens to be as unified as the tightly bound fasces" (Britannica).
Mussolini, the first fascist dictator, coined the modern term.
This is important, as it underpins fascism's total allegiance to the political cause.
Experts can disagree on what constitutes fascism, so I’ve taken this list from Umberto Eco’s essay on ‘Eternal Fascism,’ since Eco grew up under Mussolini’s fascist regime.
Here is the full list of MPs supporting textbook genocide.
It doesn’t matter if they are ‘Noes’ (no to ceasefire, mostly Tories) or ‘No Vote Recorded’ (abstained, mostly Labour)—the outcome is identical and they know this.
Every one has blood on their hands. Vote them out.
I’m posting these in parts as glitchy Twitter can’t handle 20 images at once.
Overt enemies are much easier to defeat than covert ones
The Tories alone aren’t the problem.
The fact the most widely-accepted viewpoint is that the only way to defeat them is to endorse a different representative of the establishment is the primary hurdle to change.
Labour, then, are a bigger blocker to progress than the Tories.
This seems offensive and counterintuitive—I know. But everyone knows that the Tories are self-centred, egoic, psychopaths.
It’s that the so-called ‘working class party’ maintains the same economic and foreign policies that prevents any actual challenge to those policies.
The obsession with using ‘hard-working’ as an adjective to describe people is insidious.
Language is a powerful way to disseminate ideas and indoctrinate.
Here, it reinforces the notion that a citizen’s worth is tied to his labour.
There are four clear problems with this.
First, and most blatantly, it’s ableist & ageist.
If you’re incapable of working, it implies your worth is zero.
This reinforces Thatcher’s neoliberal smear campaign from the 70’s when she successfully split the working class in two, carving the heart out of British community.
Second, it implies we live in a meritocracy. We really fucking don’t.
The idea that a silver spooner, shoed into a cushty £50k+ job with little effort, is worth more than someone who has had to fight for everything they have, but don’t have much, is immoral, inhumane & wrong.