Create a time experience, on a bonding curve, that allows people to buy & sell minutes of your time.
As you provide more value to your fans, naturally the value of your time should increase due to market demand.
Connect with your fans
Minutes are the base currency between you and your fans.
Allow fans to redeem time with you for 1-on-1 experiences.
At the moment, 1-on-1 meetings and direct messages are available. Soon, other products, all built around your tokenized minutes.
Timeholder gated telegram groups
Create a telegram group for you and your timeholders, powered by the telegram bot.
The telegram bot handles everything for you, including sending unique invite links and managing
Earn ETH
Earn ETH from:
1. People trading your time 2. People redeeming time with you 3. Referring users to
What are the % fees earned?
Up to 2.1% for trades, 95% for redeems, and .5% for
Timeholder fund
Part of trading and redemption fees, separate from creator fees, go toward a timeholder fund in which you as a creator can elect to use however you see fit.
Gift ETH to your most loyal fans or host giveaways. It's your choice.
What's next?
The contract is extendable, with more products coming soon using minutes as the base currency.
Other projects can build on top of after being allowlisted.