My #Debates2024 Annotation....

Calling out Trump's lies.

I will be pausing to annotate so will fall behind.

Thanks for reading!

First question - the economy.

Greenflation is a factor. World-wide inflation is a factor.

I knew it @TheValuesVoter !…
Trump Lie #1 "We had the greatest economy in the history of our country"

Let me see if @ddale8 is fact-checking this. He is live-tweeting fact-checks - not this lie....

It is a LIE:


Lie #2 in the first Question!

"No Wars" More soldiers were casualties of war under Trump than have died under biden.

"But how do Trump's claims stand up in terms of safeguarding U.S. troops?…
"Some 65 American service members died in combat while serving Trump during his time in the White House office from January 2017 to January 2021. There were fatalities every year of his presidency, according to the "hostile action" records compiled by the Defense Casualty
Analysis System (DCAS), which is maintained by a government defense agency."

Primary source:

2021 13
2022 0
2023 3

2017 9
2018 21
2019 14
2020 21

Trump surrendered to the Taliban, leaving Biden a pullout with Afghan…
not fighting.

Lies 3 and 4! "Only jobs were illegal immigrants"

and "bounce back jobs"


Primary source:

Trump lost 9,274,000 jobs.

Biden has created 16,025,000 jobs.……

Biden Lie #1 "Largest tax cut in America history"

But Biden is telling the truth that the 2017 Tax Cut was for the wealthy (i.e. donors).

@gop and @realDonaldTrump gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 Billion (with a B!)

Trump is the only president to leave office with fewer jobs than when he took office.

Trump is SO IGNORANT when it comes to Tariffs! Countries do not pay the tariffs! Importers and customers pay the tariffs

Tariffs are paid by US Customers, not other countries.

Ask farmer how they fared with Tariffs on China (hint? Multiple farmer buyouts)……

Let me jump in with a Daniel Dale Biden correction:

Great @jaketapper ! Topic 2 is 2017 Tax Cut!


The 2016 @GOP platform promised to balance the budget.

They lied! And didn't bother were a platform in 2020.…

Let me repeat, in 2017 the @gop and @realDonaldTrump gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 Billion (with a B!)


Jon Stewart said it well:

Another Trump lie. Lie 5?

"Because the tax cuts spurred the greatest economy that we've ever had".

No. It didn't. Trickle down has never worked.

It did not create jobs. It created stock buybacks and CEO raises.…

Trump lie 6

Covid "More people died under his administration"

A primary source:

On January 20, 2021 we were up to 446,298 COVID deaths. 41,827 Covid Deaths per month.

Biden? 773,189 over 40 months. 30,487 per month. Mostly in Red States.…

Trump Lie 7 "Respected by other countries"

Lie 8 "Prisons, Jails and Mental Institutions"…


Child support at Conception?

@gop and Evangelists profess to love babies BEFORE they are born, but once they ARE born they could care less about their healthcare, nutrition, housing, safety or freedom

Pro-Life = Pro-Birth-to-Pander-For-Votes

Trump Lie 11 - "Killers are coming into our country"

"Texas Migrants Commit 61% Fewer Homicides Than Americans, Study Finds"……
John Tanton is the reason I live in a racist, nativist nation of bigots. Trump feeds off of this.

His base consists of racist bigots, evangelicals, right wing radio listeners and @foxnews viewers.……
Trump lie 12 - the "9th month and after birth" lie,

Infanticide IS a crime.

Immigration Topic now.

Dear @jaketapper @JoeBiden and some @SenateGOP and @SenateDems SOLVED this crisis. Trump stopped it.…
@jaketapper @JoeBiden @SenateGOP @SenateDems Daniel Dale:

Trump repeating the same immigrant lies.

Daniel Dale again:

Another immigration question. Trump Largest Deportation Ever. In other words, another "Operation Wetback"…

@jaketapper @JoeBiden @SenateGOP @SenateDems "The Largest Mass Deportation in American History
As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign called 'Operation Wetback.'"

"During Operation Wetback, tens of thousands of immigrants were shoved into buses, boats and planes and sent to
often-unfamiliar parts of Mexico, where they struggled to rebuild their lives. In Chicago, three planes a week were filled with immigrants and flown to Mexico. In Texas, 25 percent of all of the immigrants deported were crammed onto boats later compared to slave ships,
while others died of sunstroke, disease and other causes while in custody."

Is Trump answering @jaketapper question on Mass Deportation? Waiting for an answer.

Wow @jaketapper - he never answered the question!
Lie 13 - the "Veterans are on the streets while immigrants are in fancy hotels" lie.

Even @IngrahamAngle admitted this was a lie:

"The group behind the claim made it up"…
Trump did NOT sign the Veterans Choice Act - Lie 14 - Obama did.

@gop could care less about Veterans - they are not donors.
As @jonstewart about that.

Lie 15 "Highest Approval Rating from Veterans"

Lie 16 - Biden got rid of "Choice". He didn't - and he signed Burn Pit Bill.…

"Suckers and Losers"

Ukraine is topic now - let's see what Trump says about Putin's terms. He isn't going to answer @DanaBashCNN question....

Lie 17 "Iran had no money for Hamas"

Again, TRUMP surrendered to the Taliban and
@DanaBashCNN that left US Troops there WERE fighting alongside Afghan troops alone as the Afghans stopped fighting and ran.

@DanaBashCNN repeats the question (@jaketapper didn't repeat his Mass Deportation question) -…
@DanaBashCNN @jaketapper does he answer it this time? He said "No" then told Lie 18 -

Middle East now

Hamas and Israel

Biden explains his 3 Stage Plan. It takes HAMAs and Israel to agree to it. 2,000 lb bombs DO kill a lot of people.

Notice how Trump keeps going back to
@DanaBashCNN @jaketapper previous topics? He wants to avoid topics he knows he has no answer for.

Trump lies 18, 19 and 20:

@DanaBashCNN @jaketapper Now follow this Word Salad!

@DanaBashCNN : "President Trump, would you support the creation of an independent state in order to achieve peace in the region?"

Trump: "I have to see but before we do that, the problem we have is that we spend all the money, so they kill us on Image
@DanaBashCNN @jaketapper trade, and I made great trade deals with the European nations, because if you add them up, they are about the same size economically, their economy is about the same size as the United States. No cars. They don't want anything." Let me cut in here - what has this got to do
@DanaBashCNN @jaketapper with an Independent Palestinian States?

Lie 21

Back to the screed....

"anything we have but we are supposed to take their cars, their food, their everything, their agriculture. I changed that. But the big thing I changed is that they don't want to
pay and the only reason that he can play games with @NATO is because I got them to put up 100s of billions of dollars. I said - and he is right about this - I said "No, I am not going to support @nato if you don't pay"

@DanaBashCNN - again - what has this got to do with your
FOLLOWUP question on an Independent Palestinian State?

He keeps rambling about NATO unimpeded by either @cnn moderator.

Trump lies about @nato a LOT!…

January 6 - Former President Trump - this should be fun!


"What do you say to voters that believe you violated that oath?" (YOU DID!)

"I don't think many believe that"

President Trump - a lot of us DO believe this.…
Some of us, especially @billmaher predicted January 6th would happen.

"On January 6 we had a great border"

@jaketapper WHY didn't you stop him right there? What does the border have to do with your question???

Lie 22 "On January 6 we were energy…

We have NEVER been energy independent.

We DID shatter the record for most oil produced in 2023.

"The U.S. produced over 4.49 billion barrels of crude oil in 2019, and this record has been exceeded in 2023.……
The Energy Information Administration's data indicates that the U.S. achieved this milestone around December 15, with a conservative estimate of 13.0 million barrels per day.

Alongside oil, the U.S. is also on track to set a new production record for natural gas this year."
"On January 6 we had the lowest taxes ever"

Again @jaketapper how is any of this RELEVANT?

"We had the lowest regulations ever." He keeps rambling....

He goes on to attack Biden's leadership and @jaketapper just lets him talk. Sad @cnn Sad! @brianstelter Sad!
"Weaponization" "Goes after his political opponent"

@tapper repeat his question after telling Trump he has 80 seconds left.

Lie 23 - the Nancy Pelosi lie

Daniel Dale:

MY Webpage on this TOTAL LIE:

A primary source:…
Lie 24 "She now admits she turned it down"

She has never admitted it and Trump Never Offered It - see primary source above.…
Biden points out how Trump did nothing for 3 hours, praises and promises to pardon January 6 rioters.

Points out how Trump pushed the Big…
Now Trump is going with the whataboutism of Portland, Minneapolis, with the fires.

Fires set by Right Wing Nuts!

Portland: "Proud Boy Alan Swinney gets 10 years for 2020 protest crimes"……



"Found out we were right" RIGHT ABOUT WHAT?

Tapper: "What does it mean to go after your political opponent""………
@jaketapper Trump says now "My retribution is going to be success"

That is NOT the retribution he is selling at rallies.

"His son is a convicted felon" His son is not running for POTUS and not on the stage.

Lie 25 - the Biden blackmailing Ukraine for Hunter lie.…
@jaketapper Now Trump is telling the New York - Biden - New Your lawsuit lie - Lie 26

Daniel Dale:

Missed Lie 27


@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @Prince3eb @TileTony @Atticus59914029 @edwards21228 #DebateNight

@jaketapper : "President Biden, you have said 'Donald Trump and his #MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American Democracy'" They are!
@jaketapper @TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @Prince3eb @TileTony @Atticus59914029 @edwards21228 "Do you believe that the tens of millions of Americans who are likely to vote for President Trump will be voting against American Democracy?" I know a lot of them will be! What does Biden say? "The more they know about what he has done, yes. The more they know about he's done."
@jaketapper @TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @Prince3eb @TileTony @Atticus59914029 @edwards21228 "And there is a lot more coming. He has a lot of cases down the road. He has a whole range of issues has has to face. I don't know what the juries will do but I do know he has a real problem." Joe - No mention of Project 2025?…
"Did you ever think you would here any president say 'I am going to seek retribution'? I thought Hitler had some good ideas? What got be involved in the first place after my son had died I decided I wasn't going to run until I saw what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia"
"People were coming out of the woods carry swastikas and torches and singing the same anti-Semitic bile from back in Germany. A young woman got killed. I spoke to her mother. He went with "There are find people on both sides". Trump DID say that.
"This guy has no sense of American Democracy"

He doesn't!

Trump, instead of denying he is a threat to democracy, repeats his attacks on Biden....

HALFTIME! It is 11:39pm Central Time.

I am little behind. I have to get up in the morning. Bedtime.
Back at ya Saturday evening. At the halfway point. A friend shared this meme with me this morning.

Let's get started with the Second Half. At the Half Trump led Biden 27 lies to 3.

Black Employment and Health and Incarceration.

Black voters?

Progress? Biden first. Image
Biden covers all the things that have been done under his administration.

Good stuff!

For example:

Trump: "He caused the inflation" No. Inflation went up world-wide. Greeinflation. Record Profits.

"The Border" "They are taking Black Jobs"…
What are "Black Jobs" @TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog ?

Let's ask ChatGPT!

Taking "Hispanic Jobs"

Let's ask Alabama and Florida about this?…
@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog With Trump everything is "The Border" and "Race". Notice that?

Biden "There was no inflation when I took over because he decimated the economy, it was flat on it's back."

Let's go a Primary Source:……

@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog Another primary source:

Trump inherited a GDP of 19,280.084.

Pre-COVID quarter was 21,902.30

An increase of 2,622.20

Biden inherited 22,600.185 so Trump raised it 3,320.1

Biden's Term in office?

@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog Under Biden GDP has gone from 22,600.2 to 28,269.2 - an increase of 5,669.0

Nation's best economy???

Inflation has been a world-wide issue.

We currently rank 97th out of 186 countries in inflation rate.…

@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog Now Google "Greedflation"

and "record profits grocery stores fast food restaurants"

For example:………
@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog A chart that really illustrates this:

A video:…

@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog Biden mentions jobs.

I made a chart.

Biden mentions ACA. Trump kept promising a Health Care Plan "In Two Weeks". Remember?…

@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog Climate Crisis! YEAH!

Dana Bash: "2023 was the hottest year in recorded history"

2024 is on pace to shatter that record:

"the devastating effects of extreme heat..."

"... Trump .. will you take any action, as president, to slow the climate crisis?"…
@TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony @rocketcityhog Trump: "Let me just go back to what he said about the police..."

STOP LETTING HIM DO TO @jaketapper @DanaBashCNN ! Make him ANSWER the QUESTION you ASK HIM! This is the 3rd or 4th time he has done this!

Lie 28: "What he has done to the black. For 10 years he called them
Super Predators."

"Claim: Trump said "what he's done to the Black population is horrible, including the fact that for 10 years he called them ‘super predators.’ … We can’t forget that - super predators … And they’ve taken great offense at it.”…
Get the Facts: This oft-repeated claim by Trump dating back to the 2020 campaign is untrue. It was Hillary Clinton, then the first lady, who used the term “super predator” to advocate for the 1994 crime bill that Biden co-authored more than 30 years ago. She said in 2016 that
she shouldn’t have used that language.""

Again, WHAT HAS THIS GOT TO DO WITH CLIMATE CHANGE @DanaBashCNN @CNN ? Now Trump is talking HBCUs - the question was on CLIMATE CHANGE.

"Opportunity Zones" They are just letting Trump ramble and make speeches, with no interruption
or fact checking whatsoever. Opportunity Zones were just another way to get donors rich,

Wait! Wasn't the question about Climate Change?…
Dana: "You have 38 seconds left, will you take any action as president to slow the climate crisis" You are not going to believe this answer! Trump: "So I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely clean air and we had
it. We had H20, we had the best numbers ever and we did it using all forms of energy, all forms, everything, and yet, during my 4 years I had the best environment numbers ever and my top environmental people gave me that statistic just before I walked on the stage actually."
In other words. NO!

This is lie 29 and a doozy! Trump destroyed the @EPA during his administration. He brags about cutting regulations. Clean Water?

Water quality under Trump?……
What does the CURRENT water or air quality have to do with CLIMATE CHANGE????

I know!

Biden: "I don't know where the hell he has been? The idea that anything he was was true. I passed the most extensive climate change legislation in history."

He did!…
"By the way, black colleges, I came up with $15 billion dollars for HBCU use."

Actually $16 Billion

"HBCUs get historic funding from Biden administration. How has $16 billion been spent?"

"The cleanest water? The cleanest water? Has hasn't done a damn thing for the environment."

He didn't!

"Brookings counts 74 actions to date by the Trump administration to weaken environmental…
President Trump is particularly focused on rolling back policy to address climate change, which is possible because Congress has been unwilling to enshrine such policy in law.

In addition to deregulatory actions to support the fossil fuel industry, our nation’s core
environmental laws that ensure clean air and water and protect sensitive lands are also a focus of regulatory rollbacks."

Remember how he promised coal miners they would get their jobs back?

He lied!…
Biden mentions how Trump pull us out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Trump just starts talking - and his mic is left on @cnn - he tells lie 32 (his HBCU funding lie was 31) about the Paris Accords.

"I heard him say before 'insulin'. I am the one that the insulin down for
@CNN seniors."

Lie 32!…
Trump goes from his insulin lie to "migrants coming in" for what, the 12th time? He is literally a 1-trick racist nativist bigot!

"They are taking over our schools"

No, they aren't Lie 33.

"our hospitals" Lie 34.

"and they are going to be taking over Social Security"
Lie 35

"Undocumented immigrants quietly pay billions into Social Security and receive no benefits"…
Undocumented and documented immigrants pay property taxes (if renting, at a high corporate rate to their landlord), sales taxes, gas taxes and other taxes.…
Biden goes back to the TOPIC, Climate Change.

"We set up a Climate Corp, where thousands of young people will learn how to deal with climate change just like the Peace Corp"

"The idea he has the biggest heart up here" - Trump said he did a few second ago - lie what? 33?
"about pollution. about climate. I have not seen any indication of that." NO ONE HAS!

"and by the way, with regards to prescription drugs, one company agreed they would reduce the price to $35 voluntarily. I made sure every company in the world did."…
Social Security is the topic now.

Tapper: "President Biden, will you name tonight one specific step you are willing to take to keep Social Security solvent?"

Biden: "Yes, make the very wealthy pay their fair share".

He goes on to explain the facts.

Trump? "I never seen
lie like this guy" REALLY? Trump has told 32 lies so far, Biden has told 3.

Let's see if Trump ANSWERS the QUESTION.... Let me guest "Millions of people are pouring into our country"

If you had this as a reason to take a shot, you are drunk!…
"they are putting them on Social Security"

Lie 33!

Undocumented immigrants pay in - they can not receive benefits.…
He repeats the VA lie.…
Still waiting for one thing he is going to do to make Social Security solvent in the future...

He never told us what he would do to 'fix' Social Security @jaketapper

Biden tells everyone how the "immigrants over veterans" story is a lie.

He tells us how 159 Presidential
scholars voted Trump the worst president in US History.
Cost of Childcare is the topic now.

@jaketapper - So Far Trump has not answer questions on Mass Deportations, January 6th, Climate Change and Social Security. He went back to previous topics every time.

Tapper to Trump: "In your second term, what will you do to make
child care more affordable?"

Let me guess what Trump is going to say @TheValuesVoter @BamaStephen @edwards21228 @TileTony ...

I am going with "Just to go back..."

Bad CCing! I nailed it! Image
Why let him do this @jaketapper @cnn ??? WHY????

Trump "I fired people. Drain the swamp." He DID Not Drain the Swamp.

Trump rants about Afghanistan and the Border again.

"He is the worst president in the history of our country"…


Actually, Biden ranks 14th - 62.66 score

Trump 49th 10.92

I need to add this to my page.…

That was lie 35. How is this relevant to Child Care?

Biden comes back with "We are the most admired country in the world...." everything he says is true - again - CHILDCARE?

Biden addresses Child Care! Tells how Trump did nothing on the issue. Biden shares IDEAS!
"We should significantly increase the Child Care Tax Credit. Significantly increase the opportunity for single parents to go back to work. We should encourage businesses...." @jaketapper cut him off. Trump's CHILD CARE answer?

Jake Tapper: "The question WAS about what you
would do to make child care more affordable? You have 1 minute if you want to take your minute"

Will Trump address Child Care?

NO! "They rate him the worst ... and they rate me one of the best" Who is THEY?

Lie 36 "He wants to raise your taxes by four times"

So Trump NEVER answered the Child Care question @cnn

Biden explains how Trump wants more tax cuts for the rich . Donors.

Next topic - Opioid Crisis - Overdose Deaths.

My guess is Trump goes to border.

Nope - I was wrong - Trump goes back…
deficits and tariffs.

WHY @jaketapper ? WHY?

He talks about China instead of Drug Overdoses.

Jake tells him he has 67 seconds left - yes - he went BORDER.

Biden points out how the bipartisan border bill that Trump stopped had more funding for fentanyl detection.
More agents. More technology. Tells how after the deal was done by both political parties Trump had GOP members stop it for political gain.

He did!…
Tapper: President Trump - again - the question is about Americans in the throes of addiction right now struggling to get the treatment they need" Will Trump answer it?
I am going with NO.

He talks about the WSJ reporter in Russia....

He didn't answer it.
Now questions about concerns people have with each candidate

Dana Bash asks Biden the age question. The "you will be 86 when your term ends" question.

Bash "into your 80s"

Trump will be 82!

Biden answers....

He mentions how Trump is 3 years younger and compares their record.
CHIPS bill.

Biden mentions how Trump calls is a "Failing Country"

Biden explains how that is lie 36.

Dana Bash points out how Trump will be 82.

He brags about passing a cognitive test. He brags about winning 2 club championships. (They were fixed!)…
Biden brilliant rebuttal "You can see he is 6'5 and only 235 pounds". Awesome!

"Trump says he's 6'3" and weighs 215 pounds. The men of TikTok are proving him wrong."…
Biden challenges Trump to a game of golf IF Trump will carry his own bag.

Bash to Trump: "Will you pledge tonight, after all legal challenges have been exhausted, that you will accept the results of this election, regardless of who wins, AND you will say RIGHT NOW political
violence in any form is unacceptable?"

@DanaBashCNN what about the validity of the 2020 election?

What word salad will Trump spout?

"Well, I shouldn't have to say that" - I am glad I wasn't drinking my Diet Coke!
@DanaBashCNN "Of course I believe that. It is totally unacceptable."

He talks about his statement on twitter at the time.

Someone has deleted his January 6 tweets attacking Pence and other things.

For example:……
@DanaBashCNN He tells lies about people going into the Capital and the Nancy Pelosi lie again. He talks about the speech he made.

Let's go back and look at that speech and others:

They incited the crowd! "Trial By Combat!"
@DanaBashCNN "Stop the Steal!"

Trump answers with "If the election is fair and free and I want that more than anybody, and I will tell you something. I wish he was a great president because I wouldn't be here right now." Lie 37 - Trump is running to try to stay out of prison!
@DanaBashCNN "I wouldn't be under indictment because I wouldn't be his political opponent."

New York case started in 2018. Pre-Biden.

Georgia "find me votes" case would still exist.

January 6 indictment would still be in place.

Stolen Documents case is still a case.
@DanaBashCNN He rants about World War III. His idea of "fair and free election" is if HE wins.

Again @cnn - why not ask him about 2020 election?

@DanaBashCNN to Trump "I come back to you for a followup - the question was will you accept the results of this election, regardless of who wins?
He is NOT going to answer this question!

My guess - he goes back to the previous thing they were talking about - correction - he was talking about - World War III.

I was right!

after he rants about Putin, Russia and Ukraine, Dana asks the question a THIRD time.
She goes with "Yes or No Please"

He replies "If it is a fair and legal and good election, absolutely" Dana - that is not a Yes/No answer.

It is all of those IF he wins. He repeats his 2020 election lies. Fake electors?…
Biden reminds people how Trump whined after 2020 election.

Commercial Break

Closing Statements.

Score is Trump 37 lies - Biden 3.

Biden goes first.

Biden tells zero lies.

Trump's lie 38 - "He doesn't do anything"

Infrastructure Bill.

A Border Bill YOU stopped.

$35 Insiliun.

PACT Act for Burn Pit/Agent Orange impacting veterans.

Climate and Environmental Action

Expanded and strengthened NATO

Bipartisan Safer Communities Act
YOU? One thing. A tax cut for donors.

He repeats his Veterans Choice lie.

Lie 39.

"Highest Approval in the History of the VA"

Lie 40 -……


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More from @david4potus2020

Jun 26, 2023
This is going to be a LONG tweet @joerogan @RobertKennedyJr @PeterHotez @BrianKarem @JohnAvlon @TaraSetmayer @ananavarro @TheRickWilson @andersoncooper @jaketapper @jonathanvswan

@TheValuesVoter @TileTony @Prince3eb @BamaStephen

I am going to debate RFK Jr via Twitter.
contagious: When an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, respiratory droplets are generated and transmitted into the air, and can then can be inhaled by anyone nearby.

Additionally, a person who touches something with the virus on it and then touches his or her mouth, eyes
or nose can become infected.

Did you know? During the flu pandemic of 1918, the New York City health commissioner tried to slow the transmission of the flu by ordering businesses to open and close on staggered shifts to avoid overcrowding on the subways.

Flu outbreaks happen
Read 75 tweets
Jan 6, 2022
@therecount Dear @GovRonDeSantis…

"Here is a list of 10 other facts to know about Floridians’ connections to what happened that day:

10. Florida is the state with the most arrests

9. Brevard and Miami-Dade are the counties with the most arrests in Florida
@therecount @GovRonDeSantis 8. There is a Florida fugitive who the FBI has not yet caught

7. A Michael Jackson impersonator from Florida is among those arrested in the Capitol riot

6. A vocal coach is accused of attacking a police officer with a flag pole. She is from Florida
@therecount @GovRonDeSantis 5. Man pictured carrying Nancy Pelosi’s lectern inside the Capitol is a Floridian

4. A Proud Boys leader and organizer was arrested and is from Florida

3. A Florida Capitol rioter has the longest jail sentence so far
Read 4 tweets

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