When you read Dugin's writings (or analysis of his writings) it is YET ANOTHER reminder that the subtext of what's happening in the World now "ain't about what it be about".
"freedom of speech is a wonderful invention, it is a bleeder valve to get rid of dissent in a relatively harmless way.
if freedom of speech mobilizes people so that their concerns become actionable, then things begin to happen"
Isn't it weirdly coincidental how this anonymous amorphous group of "boots-on-the ground" activists coincides with the ideology of a nameless-nationless cabal of 19th, 20th, and 21st century "BIG THINKERS"?
It's probably just pure coincidence.
🧵Thread of examples 👇:
David Rockefeller, representative of one of the most powerful American dynasties. Pushing for "world government" no borders, no nations
They *REALLY* need to implement their Algocracy. because if everyone thinks the computers are making decisions, they won't realize "there is no AI" and that they're actually just living in a dictatorship
This too, much like using a "battle for Ukraine" to force regime change in Russia....is a longrunning plan built, implemented, and executed by the Brzezinksi/Kissinger faction.
It's their plan for a "Technetronic Era".
Move from Democracy to Technocracy
Are we sure the U.S. "won" WW2? or was it that the nameless/nationless ideological faction (that "created" the Nazis in the first place) leveraged its worldwide assets to sell a "WW2-end story" to the World while it continued operating unfettered?
are we currently watching this "nameless/nationless ideological faction" leverage its worldwide assets (via NATO) to settle a unsettled WW2 debt with Russia?
In Ted Kaczynski's cabin among a stack of books was this one at the very bottom. It is about a piece of history I knew nothing about.
A time when citizens (amidst rampant corruption) took matters into their own hands.
A short on The Committee of Vigilance. 🧵
The San Fran Committee of Vigilance is a group of citizens that cleaned up in 1851 when law enforcement couldnt keep up with all the corruption and crime.
They tracked the corruption from the streets all the way up to city hall arresting, hanging, or forcing resignations of their targets.🧐 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Franc…