There's another Epstein that Trump was close with for over 35 yrs.
His name is Thomas Kramer, the guy who developed South Beach & had a dungeon in his 5 Star Island mansion that girls would wake up in & his infamous sex lair bedroom where he kept whips by the bed & teddy bears.
There was a sign on the bedroom door alerting visitors to 24-hour surveillance cameras. He'd take his dates to the sign and make them read it out loud, so they knew whatever happened it was being filmed & therefore consensual.
In 2007, he was arrested while at a party at NY's Rainbow Room after a 13-year-old boy came out of the restroom saying Kramer had fondled him. Ivana Trump was with Kramer that night and fled the party when the police came.
In 1999, he was charged in London with raping his secretary and any woman in Miami with any sense was warned to never go to his 5 Star Island mansion.
He had a panic run full of guns, was a notorious sex fiend, misogynist, and drug addict. He ended up going to rehab in Mexico for cocaine addiction and the hallucingoenic drug Ibogaine.
This wasn't a casual relationship. Kramer and Trump spent a lot of time together.
This is who Trump is. This is who he surrounds himself with, rapists and molesters, bringing his wives and infant child around them.
He got $145 million from his ex-wife's stepfather, which is he developed South Beach. But was caught up in fraud charges a while back and fled to Dubai.
People called him the devil himself, others a Nazi because of his German accent and horrific treatment of women. In 1993 he opened a club in Miami called "Hell" and designed it around the 7 deadly sins.
He had a stripper pole in his dining room and an emormous naked painting of his work out trainer.
Yet Biden coughed at the debate and eats ice cream with Jill.
Thomas Kramer now, Trump's rapist buddy.
Imagine if Biden had a good friend like this.
The fact that no reporter has pieced this all together shows how shielded Trump has been.
To add to Kramer's sickness, he not only kept whips and riding crops next to his bed but teddy bears and baby blankets too.
When asked what girl in her right mind would read a sign warning that the night's antics would be taped & still enter his sex chamber, Kramer just scoffed.
"Then don't come in here. There's the door. Bye-bye. I don't need you to stay. I have enough other girls."
The stripper pole was right in the middle of the long sprawling dining room table. Imagine those dinner parties.
Rapist Trump, again, with rapist Kramer -- who he said he had no ties with.
Kramer and Ivana who he mourned her death on his instagram. So Trump's relationship with him carried through all 3 wives.
Here's a look inside Kramer's Star Island mansion, showing the stripper poles in the middle of the dining room table etc
His king sized bed was also fitted with chrome rings on corner posts for bondage nights & toilet seat w razor blades & barbed wire
Katie Johnson's lawsuits against Trump & Epstein mentioned Maria as another rape victim of both
Turns out she was abducted from Waterbury, CT in March 1993 when she was 11
She would end up at Wexner’s NYC townhouse where girls were assaulted by Trump & Epstein
Yet gets worse..
Maria's kidnappers were involved in a child trafficking ring that provided abductees to wealthy individuals like Trump and Epstein.
Maria was reported missing by her late mother to the Waterbury Police on March 20, 1993, at 11:30 pm. However, Maria was actually abducted the previous day, March 19, authorities said, creating a gap between the kidnap and the mother's report of it to authorities.
She dropped the charges due to death threats from Trump and the Maga cult.
The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges she was enticed by promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of underage sex parties held at the New York City residence of Defendant Jeffrey E. Epstein and attended by Defendant Donald J. Trump.
Hey New York Times, when you get tired of trashing Biden how about reporting on why Trump's plane was next to a Russia embassy plane & Saudi plane in Dulles yesterday, while Trump was doing a rally in Virginia.
Or is treason part of your journalistic standard now too?
@nytimes The SS wouldn't allow a Russian govt plane near Trump's unless they wanted it there. It was there for a reason & at Dulles side by side for 2 days. Russian aircraft are banned from EU airspace so avoided EU in its flight path. Plus Russian warships off FL coast at same time. WTF?
@nytimes I would love to see the documentation on who put those planes together.
Trump appointed 53 appeals court judges. Not one was black. Zero.
Trump had no black senior WH staff & first without a single Hispanic since Reagan.
Trump's entire administration was biggest setback for African-Americans from one admin to the next since 1980s
Blacks for Trump
Out of Trump's 234 judicial appointments only 10 were black while Biden has appointed nearly 60, including 36 black women to lifetime appointments.
Trump's Appeals Court appointments were the most since Carter, so the fact not one was Black is all the more telling since they'll affect judicial outcomes for several generations on policing, sentencing, voting, healthcare & racial equity, which highly impacts Black Americans.
When Trump was in office, Kushner, Trump & Flynn set up a company to build nuclear reactors to transfer nuclear technology from US to Saudi Arabia in a joint US-Russia project, in violation of the AE Act
When congress said no, they just stole the plans
Wonder who has them now?
The construction company they set up was called IP3 and a retired Army intelligence officer named Derek Harvey was part of it. He was a former staffer of Petraeus and worked under Flynn.
House Oversight & Reform looked into it. Elijah Cummings was chairman & had testimony from whistleblowers in WH. He released a report in Feb 2019, but died soon after so don't know what happened to it. Barr no doubt buried it since Trump was being investigated for 1st impeachment