Pete Lincoln Profile picture
Jul 5, 2024 85 tweets 13 min read Read on X
1/The Salk Polio Vaccine RCT size was 2 million children. The virus was grown in monkey kidney cultures. These kidneys were found to contain 28 different monkey viruses. All which were presumed to be inactivated along with the polio virus after formalin treatment
2/Only 2 of the best 5 mfr were chosen to produce the vaccine for the trials with each lot undergoing rigorous independent testing and inspection to ensure each lot was free of live virus. After licensing all 5 mfr were allowed to Produce + approve lots based on their own tests
3/Sure enough, one of the new mfr named Cutter did not inactivate the virus properly. After 310,000 of its vaccine doses administered there were 260 confirmed Polio cases with 200 paralyzed
4/Sabins live activated vaccine was trialed in the Soviet Union in over 80 million people due to lack of funding available in US.
5/A researcher at NIH named Eddy found a monkey virus in rhesus monkey kidney cultures that caused cancer in hamsters. These monkeys kidneys were used to produce both the inactivated Salks vaccine and Sabins vaccine. She was muzzled by NIH
6/Hilleman at Merck producing an inactivated Polio Vaccine
announced the findings of his scientists that confirmed Eddy’s work. A virus named SV-40 was found in Rhesus monkey Kidney (RMK) cultures that could infect and kill cells in African Green Monkey (AGM) Kidney cultures
7/This meant testing of inactivated vaccine in RMK could not detect if the virus was inactivated. Testing by other researchers on humans (prisoners) discovered Sv-40 could infect humans and cause them to produce antibodies.
The patients did not become ill.
8/However, they were unaware of Eddys research which showed the virus caused cancer in hamsters as they aged. She had been unable to get published
9/Sabin claimed trial participants in Soviet Union were tested and found to be free of SV-40 antibodies. Either the Russians or Sabin were lying
10/After some discussion, DBS (todays FDA CBER) ruled if there was SV-40 it was ok if it was not “demonstrable”. Meaning if the mfr could not prove the live vaccine grows SV-40 in human cells it was ok
11/Eddy was allowed to prove her work that the virus caused tumors in hamsters to her boss at DBS. However, because the Russians were injecting their people this news was not allowed to be released by her boss. Curiously her boss died of cancer 3 years later
12/In 1961 came shocking news, scientists at Welcome Research Labs showed Sv-40 to be resistant to Formaldehyde (formalin). Salks inactivated vaccine contained live Sv-40 in many lots and Brits who had the vaccine had SV-40 antibodies
13/Moreover, an antiserum was developed that killed SV-40 in seed stocks used to initiate cultures. This meant the Sabins Live Oral Vaccine would became the preferred Polio Vaccine when it became licensed as it would use SV-40 free AGM kidneys to culture virus
14/ A PHS Technical Committee loaded with conflicted participants concluded in the absence of evidence of harm to humans, the virus should be presumed benign and stocks of contaminated vaccine could be used up. New lots of vaccines must be virus free. The public was not informed
15/Shortly after the Technical Committee decision, Merck discovered SV40 caused cancer in lab animals confirming Eddy’s work. The Technical Committees solution was to disregard it. It would not be until 1963 that the Vaccines would be SV-40 free (too late for me)
16/While the government was keeping all this secret, a guy named Koprowski at Wistar Institute announced at a AMA meeting that the Polio vaccines contained a cancer inducing Monkey Virus in June 1961.
17/He also told them his Institute had developed a safe way to culture viruses in human cells, free of unknown Monkey Viruses
18/The DBS then reassured the public it was only a small amount and only in some lots and that no evidence of harm had been conducted after 6 years of vaccination
19/While the MSM was content to parrot the government line, Merck dropped out of the Polio Vaccine business deciding it was too risky. Only the National Enquirer (the Alex Jones Show equivalent) sounded the alarm🙄
20/One reason Merck dropped out of the game was their scientists had determined that SV-40 transformed human cells into cancer precursor cells. Hilleman at Merck decided not to disclose the results as they had liability for any damages
21/However, in 1962 one of the Merck scientists (Girardi) disclosed at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting that SV-40 transformed human cells by altering one of its chromosomes and making them grow faster.
22/Girardi would go on to work at Wistar in 1963 where he would find that SV-40 could not always be detected in culture in 14 days and could appear after 30 days. This is important as DBS standard for mfr was to test for 14 days. Despite being informed DBS made no change
23/Enders and Kopowski/Wistar both published their results on SV-40 transformation of human cells in mid-1962. DBS own research confirmed its potential carcinogenicity. But half of Americans had potentially been exposed to SV-40 by 1963. What to do?
24/The NCI embarked on a study to assess the effects and found no increase in cancer deaths among children who would had been given the vaccine at the age of 6-8 in 1955 by comparing incidence of cancer deaths in this period,
25/It was published in August 1963 and found no increase. MSM declared case closed, despite the fact cancers take years to develop, usually in older people as immune systems degrade, and they looked at only a few cancers and only at cancer deaths (it takes time to die of cancer).
26/Sabins live Vaccine by 1964 was the Vaccine of choice for most Americans. Grown on SV-40 AGM kidneys instead of human cells proposed by Wistar. SV-40 was only one of many Simian Viruses. Who knew what viruses AGM’s might have? Virology and virus sequencing was in its infancy
27/In 1967 a new Simian Virus infected 2 dozen people in Europe traced to African Green Monkeys (AGM) imported from Uganda and used to grow vaccine virus like Polio and Measles. Yet still the DBS saw no reason to change anything
28/SV-40 is a DNA virus and the first to be sequenced completely. It was discovered to contain two antigens that promoted cancer (large and small T antigens) in 1975 and led to the discovery of the p53 tumor suppressor gene in 1979. Most cancers result from inhibition of p53
29/In December 1992 a scientist from Dan Farber Cancer Center reported his discovery of SV-40 virus in Children Brain Cancer Biopsies
30/ Another scientist at NIH named Carbone who was interested in the link between SV-40 and human mesotheliomas and had recently found that SV-40 causes mesothelioma in hamsters used the study to convince his boss at NIH to pursue this (It was but w/o funding)
31/Asbestos alone can cause mesothelioma in some people but in some studies as many as 50% of mesothelioma patients reported no evidence of exposure to asbestos. Fewer than 5% of those heavily exposed to asbestos develop mesothelioma
32/Using the NCI collection of mesothelioma samples from patients surgeries/biopsies he detected SV-40 in 60% of samples. Moreover he found the virus was active and producing proteins offering hope of a future antiviral treatment for such patients
33/Carbone was soon to become a mortal enemy of the Vaccine establishment in NIH, and doomed to suffer the same fate as Eddy 30 years before
34/Mesothelioma had went from near 0 incidence in 1950’s to several thousand a year in 1990’s. While Asbestos is a known cause of Mesothelioma Asbestos use had been widely used for over a century
35/My Uncle died of Mesothelioma and he had been vaccinated early with Salks Vaccine but also had a history of asbestos exposure in the Navy and Electric Power Company.
36/I learned there is a very generous Trust Fund for their survivors, funded by Asbestos Companies (not Pharma) which are assigned the sole blame. This proved to be a godsend for my Aunt and Cousins
37/Anyways, Carbone was able to publish but his boss forbid him from announcing it or meeting with the media as is the norm when NIH scientist publish an important paper
38/Carbone’s collaborator (Pass) at the NCI was shocked. As head of the Thoracic Oncology Dept he thought it was one of the most important lung cancer studies to be published at NCI. He said he didn’t think you could be punished for doing Science
39/Carbone was allowed to discuss his findings in Scientific Conferences but he was not well received. Much of health related research is funded by the NIH and it was not a good career move to applaud research results that did not please NIH
40/If it was accepted Pharma and USG would be asked to accept liability for thousands of Mesothelioma Cases a year, and research into whatever other cancers it might be causing would be demanded
41/In any event, Carbone and Pass soon left NIH realizing they were non-gratis while NIH went on to refute their findings with Fake Studies
42/Curiously, when one considers that 100 million Soviet Citizens received a much greater dose of SV-40, Sabins Polio Vaccine might have been the biggest biological weapon release ever unless you consider HIV (Virus in Hep B Vaccine) and COVID (Virus and Vaccine)
43/Hilleman/Merck collected blood from gay men + intravenous drug users groups at risk for viral hepatitis. In addition to the sought-after hep B surface proteins, the blood samples likely contained HIV. They devised a multistep process to purify blood. Sound familiar?
44/Hep B Vaccine trial were conducted
In major cities from 1978-1981 and administered to gay men and intravenous drug explodedusers.HIV
45/Anyways, I will end this here. Best read The Virus and the Vaccine for more Image
46/I guess I will continue this thread for a bit

47/In 1996- A Sv-40 study on bone cancers involving Pass and Carbone who had left NIH, and their partner in Italy in their 1994 Mesothelioma paper, along with Garcea who was part of the 1992 Dana Farber study on Childrens Brain Tumors confirmed SV-40 in bone cancers
48/Samples were obtained from cancers in those born after 1964 which means Vaccines were still contaminated after 1964, or there was ongoing human to transmission . This begged the question. How prevalent was SV-40 in the population?
49/Baylor scientist Butel , who had collaborated on the 1992,Dana Farber paper , tested 416 HIV positive and 416 HIV negative men morn after 1941 and found SV40 antibodies between 12-16% in both groups. Those born after 1962 had a slightly lower prevalence (10%)
50/She then tested 337 children born between 1980-1995 who had been hospitalized in 1995 and found 6% tested positive for SV40 antibodies
51/In 1962 Melnick, also at Baylor, had discovered children who took SV-40 contaminated Oral Vaccines excreted SV-40 for weeks afterward. He also found monkeys could infect each other through union suggesting Kidneys were being infected
52/Serological tests only indicate the minimum number of those exposed to SV40, not the maximum number as antibodies wane in those people without persistent infection or subsequent exposure
53/In 1996 researchers in Italy found SV40 in the sperm of healthy men
54/NCI held a conference on SV40 in January 1997 and invited all SV40 researchers. Their solution was to let a 3rd party (their own VEB) decide if SV40 was present in mesothelioma with them controlling the study.
55/This resulted in a 4 year study that ultimately proved inconclusive . You cant find what you are paid not to see
56/NCI also presented data showing no significant increase in cancers, although a non-significant increase was noted, primarily among the oldest members of those vaccinated before 1963
57/By 1980 through 1996 cancer death rates increased 6-11% over the 1960 cancer death rate, despite better treatment
58/Their study was confounded by the assumption the vaccines after 1963 were virus free. Not a valid assumption because manufacturers were not required to evaluate test cultures beyond 14 days for evidence of SV-40 infections which could take over 30 days to show
59/Also, it was possible there was some person to person spread of SV-40

Furthermore, the pre-1963 vaccinated group is older, and cancer develops as people age, so there needed to be some age adjustment
60/In any event, MSM covering the conference declared the data was reassuring

The incidence of Mesothelioma was not tracked before the early 1970’s, but since 1975 it more than doubled by the mid-1990’s Image
61/This was blamed on asbestos even though 50% of patients claim no known exposure. Image
62/In 2002 the Immunization Safety Review Committee of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), recommended due to technical issues that no further epidemiological studies be conducted regarding the Polio Vaccine . They did find evidence for concern regarding SV-40 and Cancer
63/By 2000 OPV had been replaced in the US by an Inactivated Polio Vaccine using African Green Monkeys which do not contain SV-40 and inactivated using formaldehyde. They used the same seed stock for the Polio Virus (Mahoney strain) used the SALK vaccine Image
64/In July 1997 Carbone published a paper showing how the Tumor Suppressor Genes p53 was strangled by the large T-antigen of SV40, and another paper described it crippling the anticancer protein Rbs. Rbs stop cells with defective genes from dividing
65/Carbone also found SV40 activated teleromase which lengthens telomores. Telemores shortens after each cell division to limit the number of cell divisions beyond 40. By lengthening Telomeres SV40 makes cells immortal unless it kills the cell first by replicating too much.
66/This is why its so effective in turning mesothelial cells cancerous. Mesothelia cells have much more p53 than other cells. SV40 T-antigens are tied up binding p53 which slows replication and does not kill the cell .
Other cells are overwhelmed and burst or commit suicide, and SV40 is eventually eliminated by immune cells
67/So SV40 enters into a parasitic symbiosis with Mesothelial cells, and in some people it is safely tucked in and hidden from immune cells somewhat like HIV, replicating and spreading through malignant cell division.
68/However, most people with healthy immune systems manage to eliminate SV40 before or after it infects mesothelial cells
69/Perhaps this is where Asbestos comes in. Asbestos might suppress the immune system to an extent that it gives SV40 a better chance to infect and survive the immune system while it turns the cell malignant, which probably was the case with my Uncle
70/Indeed, researchers did discover Asbestos was an immune suppressant. In 2003 Carbone and Pass proved that Asbestos and SV40 who co-carcinogens in hamsters and are synergistic (more deadly together).
71/Other-ways that SV40 can cause cancer , even if they did not infect that cell is by turning on oncogenes in an infected cell, and the signaling from the infected cell turns on oncogenes in non-infected cells.
72/So while the infected cell gets destroyed by the immune system, the uninfected malignant cells which have their own defenses against immune cells are left alone
73/Anyways, despite casting doubt on SV40 ability to cause cancer researchers at NCI then go on after 1999 to patent a therapy for SV40 induced mesothelial cancers by disarming the T-antigens with a genetic bullet (RNA called antisense)
74/Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma had increased 3% per year since the 1970’s. 30,000 died each year in early 2000’s. Gazdar and Butel found 42% and 43% of lymphomas samples with SV40

In 2003 Gazdar found SV40 DNA in 30% of leukemia samples
75/In 2000, Carbone and Pass worked with a Michigan Univ Researcher +developed anti-T-antigen Vaccine. They tested it in mice w/SV40 induced tumors. The vaccinated mice lived longer. Pass and Carbone applied to NCI for funding to proceed to Phase I human trials + were rejected.
76/The reviewer of the grant rejected the idea
SV-40 was involved in human cancers and cited VEB’s study as proof. This study was as yet unpublished and did not find SV40 in mesothelia cancer samples
77/Carbone later discovered the NCI -VEB was rejected by Cancer Research due to fatal flaws, and not published.

Despite appeals to the FDA’s Phil Krause (remember him w/COVID vax?) to stop it from being published, it got published in a lesser journal in 2001.
78/Whether a result of Krause intervening or not, the paper was revised and removed the more contentious conclusions based on VEB biases, so instead of rejecting SV40 role in cancer outright, they deemed the results inconclusive
79/I did forget to mention the head of the NCI-VEB was none other than the author of the 1963 paper showing SV40 had no role in cancer
80/Despite a flurry of papers pointing out SV40 cancers in humans NIH devoted only $2 million in research grants for 2001-2002 combined, only 1/5 of NCI funding for HTLV-1
81/HTLV-1, discovered by Robert Gallo in the 1970’s infects 0.025% of blood donors, only 4% of whom will go on to get HTLV related cancer. Basically 3000 over the course of their lifetime (less than 100 per year)
82/As mentioned, the US discontinued the use of live virus Oral Polio Vaccine. Was it related to the cancer controversy that exploded in the 1990’s? The manufacturer was still using African Green Monkeys in production, and who knows what new viruses were slipping though
83/So that concludes the thread related to SV-40, most from The Virus and the Vaccine published 20 years earlier. Except for Kevins expose about the Sv-40 Promoter used in Pfizers COVID Vaccine it seems SV-40 the virus has been placed in the dust bin of history
84/The latest from a Mesothelioma group today

“Whether we will discover the truth remains to be seen; however, the cause is no longer an important issue for many mesothelioma patients. For them, treatment advancements and options are more important”…

• • •

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More from @petelincoln48

Sep 1, 2024
1/As you know Twitter was shut down for not complying with Brazilian law…
2/Brazilian judges shut down Meta’s WhatsApp, the nation’s most widely used messaging app, several times in 2015 and 2016 due to the company’s refusal to comply with police requests for user data.
3/In 2022, de Moraes threatened the messaging app Telegram with a nationwide shutdown. He ordered Telegram to appoint a local representative; the company ultimately complied and stayed online.
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Sep 1, 2024
1/In 2020, the Trump Administration established a voluntary, time-limited model for Medicare Part D prescription drug plans covered at least one of each dosage form and type of insulin product at no more than $35 per month.
2/The model was in effect from 2021 through 2023, and less than half of all Part D plans chose to participate in each year.
3/In 2022, President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which included a provision that requires all Part D plans to charge no more than $35 per month for all covered insulin products, and also limits cost sharing for insulin covered under Part B to $35 per month
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Aug 31, 2024
1/Why do I focus on Trump? My thinking as a displaced American from a True Blue State who went rogue and became a Republican before realizing my mistake and now firmly in the Center, loyal to no Party, has evolved over time
2/Both sides, left and right are needed to keep the worst of the extremes of the left and right at bay. At the center you see some good in left and right views, although increasingly on X I see less views from the left
3/Unfortunately the two corporate parties, one said to be representing left and the other the right, have formed a political cartel and make up a Uniparty, engaging in Fake Wrestling
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Aug 30, 2024
1/Jessica is quite right about one thing, social Media (Facebook) is all about brainwashing you. The same thing for Twitter although today its about brainwashing you for Trump. Its interesting that Facebook helped get Trump elected in 2016 , Biden in 2020 and now Trump in 2024
2/One interesting thing Jessica failed to mention is how Facebook and Twitter were both censoring COVID information in 2020 before Biden took office. Think about that, who was behind the censoring?
3/Facebook and Twitter and most of the Internet and Google arose from DARPA funded programs with funding from In Q-Tel.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 25, 2024
A/This will be a thread on a couple of new viruses from the 1980’s, but first a prelude
B/Quote from some dude named Guy Debord 40-50 years ago

“With the destruction of history, contemporary events themselves retreat into a remote and fabulous realm of unverifiable stories, uncheckable statistics, unlikely explanations and untenable reasoning.”
C/That has really stuck with me and explains a lot about today. History has been erased or falsified today. Many sense this, but are not equipped (time,money, etc) to overcome the Google Hide Engine and Wikipedia propaganda
Read 57 tweets
Aug 14, 2024
Ok, Its 1 month. Clearly we are not going to get much more useful information from FBI/Secret Service. Maybe in 60 years . I wont be around.
So I thought I would do a 1 hr Time Line centered on the AGR Building Area. This is Ground Zero
1/ 1 Hr Time Line

5:14 pm -Butler County Counter Sniper Greg Nicols text-messaged images of Crooks to other members of law enforcement before heading outside to find him and keep visual contact while backup arrived.
2/Crooks ran from his position and evaded a search joined by four other local police officers
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