This is why we cannot stop talking about The Heritage Foundation & Project 2025 a 🧵
(Nov 10, 2022)
“Roberts said that the Heritage Foundation priorities bring "more depth" and "specificity" to presumed House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s agenda and can be inserted into that agenda to address a "lack of motivation" among conservative voters in some midterm races.”
In 2022, Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation, published a 24 page agenda with 7 policy objectives.
He detailed how they would influence the United States government, at all levels, to adopt their conservative policies & promote their agendas.
“Join us in this second American Revolution, and once again, together, we will win”
Objective 1: Empower Parents to Make Education Choice
“The entire Heritage enterprise will spearhead reforms at the state
level to protect parental rights and expand education choice and will work at the federal level to limit Washington’s intervention”
“We will continue to train hundreds of school board members from around the country each year on their roles and responsibilities and how they can provide a quality education while preventing special interests from indoctrinating our children”
Objective 2: Secure America’s Borders and Reduce Crime
“Heritage will work to ensure that one of the first bills introduced in the House of Representatives not only secures our border, but would actually stop the current border
crisis and prevent future crises”
Objective 3: Ensure Free and Fair
“We will work at the federal level to ensure election integrity.”
“In the states, we will work with governors, state legislatures, secretaries of state, and
grassroots activists to pass election integrity reforms”
Objective 4: Reverse the Growth of Regulations, Spending, and Inflation
“The Heritage enterprise will advance a blueprint to reduce the size and scope of the federal government, ensure that government spends less of our money to save us from falling off the fiscal cliff, and stop the growth of federal regulations.”
Objective 5: Counter the Threat of Communist China
“We will push back on leftist Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies and
work to pass legislation to dismantle those policies, which unfairly favor China’s business interests and cultural influence over America’s.”
Objective 6: Hold Big Tech Accountable
“By the conclusion of the 118th Congress, achievement of these goals
will ensure that Big Tech reform is ready “off the shelf” for a conservative President to sign into law in 2025”
Objective 7: Protect Unborn Life and
Family Formation
“The Heritage enterprise will mobilize and advance policies at the state and federal levels to restore the nuclear family to the center of American life and reduce both the demand for and availability of abortion at all stages of human development.”
Reporter: “Does the Race for the Republican Presidential nomination, to a degree, run through heritage?”
Kevin Roberts: “It absolutely does. Because we are the leading conservative organization in the world”
(April 21, 2023, Fox News)
“The heart of your question is about whether there's been an evolution, an increase in support, and we've definitely seen that. Just the sheer number of meetings that Republican offices, Republican members of the House and Senate have requested of our Heritage policy leads on this…. The heart of your question is about whether there's been an evolution, an increase in support, and we've definitely seen that. Just the sheer number of meetings that Republican offices, Republican members of the House and Senate have requested of our Heritage policy leads on this,”
Listen man, believe it or not but overall these policies are way too extreme for majority of Americans in this country. What they say also is meant to “sound good” they frame it in that way so you think it would be a great plan.
@KevinRobertsTX is a Christian extremist who wants to run this country under an authoritarian Christian extremist ideologies.
These are NOT your mom & dad Romney Republicans anymore.
They’re a non profit think tank who don’t pay their taxes but own the courts and the judges and the laws of the land. They stacked SCOTUS with their own picks.
Even if you’re a republican, you should be able to see how this is going to destroy your own party. No separation of powers, money, educators, judges, all of it. Heritage owns all of it.
It is bad for everyone, everyone.
That’s why GOP keeps losing elections. These extremist kings of the world who own the entire party.
That’s what Trump and Vance are doing to Zelenskyy in front of the world.
They want Putin to win and they’re scapegoating the fuck out of him like families do when a parent is a severely mentally unwell narcissist and they’re choosing one child to take their hate and anger out on by triangulating the entire world against them.
They have no blackmail, they have nothing to hold over Zelenskyy’s head.
They’re telling him what he feels, they’re telling him what the truth is, they’re telling him what to think and what to believe WITH LIES while attacking him anytime he tells truths.
Gaslighting the fuck out of him and the world with lies.
They’re trying to force him into a corner by forcing him to say things he doesn’t want to nor should he need to.
That’s why they’re trying to force him to say “thank you” to get him to bend the knee and do something they want him to do as a means of control and power.
TRUMP WAS IMPEACHED FOR WITHHOLDING AID TO UKRAINE BY THE WAY. Because Zelenskyy wouldn’t lie and give him fake blackmail on Hunter Biden.
Notice how Zelenskyy doesn’t even mention it? While Trump is blaming everything else on every other president and saying he gave them javelins and saved them?
Trump was the only president who personally SABOTAGED them to try and get fake blackmail on Hunter so he would have REAL BLACKMAIL ON ZELENSKYY.
This is why every single member of the Republican Party is shamelessly loyal to Trump by the way.
This is how JD was raised as a child, he was scapegoated. So that’s why he jumps in not as the dominant voice, but he dominates the conversation by being shamelessly loyal to Trump.
Trump was raised by a narcissistic sadist, and he was taught to be like this. That’s why him and JD work so well together, because JD learned to be his “golden child” and Trump dominates the conversation through JD and then jumping in when he wants and JD backs off when Trump speaks then tells Zelenskyy he should be so thankful to Trump while Trump is like “yeah tell me thank you”
I’ll be posting again tomorrow. But here’s something for everyone to have now.
“Established in 1968, the Harry S. Truman award signifies a person has made significant contributions and improvements to the National Guard over a sustained period of time.
Walz is only the 43rd person to receive the award”
FYSA, Governor Tim Walz has the following awards/achievements/ribbons/medals
1 army service medal, 2 national defense service medals, 6 Army reserve achievement medals, 2 army achievement medals, 2 armed forces reserve medals, 4 army reserve overseas service service ribbons, 1 armed forces reservist medal, 1 armed forces reserve medal w/ mobilization orders (MN), 2 global war on terrorism ribbon w/ mobilization orders (MN), 2 ARNG service ribbons (MN), 2 state active duty orders (MN). Then his good cookie medals and his professional development ones.
You think this man never deployed or did anything during his career? That’s bc none of you assholes know how to even read a DD214 or an NGB22. You don’t even know how to tell if he’s missing one, or multiple. This guy should have an entire cabinet files worth.
Gov Walz literally spent so much time away from home all over the world, all over the country, during his time in the national guard.
You don’t know what you’re even looking at. You think you do, but you don’t.
There’s a reason why Career Counselors are the only MOS in the Army who are qualified and allowed to calculate time in service/time credible for pay/retirement or touch all of the documents you guys are throwing around on this site.
Career Cousnelors are THE ONLY ONES in the entire Army, because they’re a lot more complicated and misunderstood and a pain in the ass than most people even have the brain capacity to understand.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Hamas attacked Israel in October, I really don’t. I think they’re in bed with Iran, who’s in bed with Russia. Scratching each others backs to get this country to fall in November.
Why do I think this?
There’s always been bombings and terrible things happening in the Middle East, since before any of us were even born there’s been war.
Why is it that this is the first time there’s been this level of unrest from the American public? Why are the protests as elevated and all over the media and more violent than they were before?
Think about that!!
Focus needs to be not “preparing to fight one another” focus needs to be coming together against what divides us both!!