With great displeasure we need to welcome to the Sunlight the leader of WLM in Pennsylvania, Alex Chubbuck
Alex runs a business that employees fellow nazis from his group, including Mark Kauffman. You may recall that just 3 short weeks ago, US Marshals raided Mark's wedding on an outstanding warrant.
Alex is a former leftist who was recently kicked out of mutual aid scenes. His past as a left wing punk rocker is well documented in the article
Out of fear of a dox, Alex fled his home in South Philadelphia and moved out to Boyertown, PA in hopes that antifascists wouldn't be looking for him. Alex was wrong. Here's Alex's main account. He goes by Bob in early vetting chats.
This article on Alex Chubbuck was made possible with an anonymous friend, as well as the great folks at JCI to publish. We encourage you to read it and act on the action items. Nazis will never be safe in Philadelphia.