So let's get this straight. Justice Thomas went to Russia, in secret, with Harlan Crow. The trip included a helicopter ride to a palace in St. Petersburg. It took place in 2003. This is the first known yacht trip. Let's examine the implications. A thread.
First, a rich american with a SCOTUS justice doesn't just show up unannounced and fly a helicopter into St. Petersburg. That shxt requires advanced notice and clearance AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL - so at minimum Putin and the Kremlin spy and kompromat operatives knew about this.
The Kremlin would also know that Thomas failed to disclose the trip on mandatory reports - so they knew in 2003 that Thomas could be bribed and was willing to lie to the US government. They knew in 2003 they had leverage over a SCOTUS justice.
I also find it almost impossible that US intelligence services did not also know about this in real time. George Bush and George "waterboard" Tenet CIA DIR must have known Thomas was in Russia on a bribe/junket. They kept his secret, too. Russia knew it had leverage there, too.
Standard operating procedure for RU with a chance for a personal one on one with a US luminary is gain/create more leverage. So if they had other secrets of Thomas, they would make this known. If not, he would be honey-trapped or bribed - creating further leverage.
Thomas reportedly had a porn fetish, which means that the SVR could KNOW about his personal fantasies and preferences - which means he would be an easy mark for a honey-trap.…
And once you are honey-trapped, there isn't really an incentive to stop. You might as well keep going. That is certainly the pattern that Thomas shows with bribes - once he took few, he kept the grift going.
So Team Bush and Team Putin all knew Thomas was on the take and willing to commit crimes to cover that up. And they were in a position to know A LOT more.
Harlan Crow and the billionaire class also knew these things for certain - they were on trips with him that he did not disclose. They personally bribed him. They knew. Imagine the power you can wield if you can destroy a SCOTUS justice who got out of line. That's power.
For all these years, us dumb tax paying libs were the only ones that didn't KNOW that Thomas was compromised. And our own government did not help us; no charges; no investigations. NOTHING. And all the while he issued opinions stopping bribery prosecutions and allowing coups
Meanwhile Harlan Crow's brother IS RUNNING AN EPSTEIN RING and I can't find a single story about it in the press since 2023.…
So the billionaire class is running sex/kompromat rings and taking SCOTUS justices to Russia AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT (except Sen. Whitehouse a little bit and Biden is at least holding the line).
So please. Vote for Biden and the Dems. We can save ourselves from Dictator Trump. We can then bend the DOJ, FBI and security apparatus to OUR WILL - we the people. If we don't, that's on us.
Dirk out.
I expanded on the sex slave ring bit, as it seemed kind of important.
Since the punditry has moved on to predicting how and whether the new administration will go about enacting it's policies and promises, I'm going to do the same. Thread below. In a word PROVOCATION.
He will want to identify and defeat any organized resistance by triggering "undesirables" so they can be jailed, deported or otherwise neutralized. His first acts will be designed to provoke protest, preferably unlawful protest (occupies, road blocks, etc.)
I would expect his first targets to be highly visible, unlawful and potentially violent acts against trans and pro palestine people. This, he hopes, will get libs into the streets where they can be targeted.
Dear Members of the US Armed Forces: If you do not want to be members of the New SS and used as storm troopers against US citizens, please read and share this thread. AND PLEASE VOTE. @USArmy @usairforce @USNavy @USMC @SpaceForceDoD
General John Kelly, US Marines, retired, was Trump's longest serving Chief of Staff. In that role he was the gatekeeper to the oval office, and present for many critical events. He said THIS WEEK that Trump is a fascist who admires Hitler.
Gen. Kelly flat out says that Trump will give unlawful military orders and will invoke the Insurrection Act. Trump confirms it.
DEAR FEDERAL EMPLOYEES. SCOTUS says you can all be fired tomorrow and no act of Congress can save you. Don't believe me? Think I'm stupid? READ THIS THREAD.
For about 150 years, Congress has protected executive branch employees from political pressures, by protecting them from firing, except for merit.…
This is a critical body of law which separates political appointees from career professionals. Those professionals hold massive expertise in critical sciences and the application of federal law. Their protection has been a constant for everyone living.…
In light of the new reporting that Tr u mp is a Hxtler supporter and outright fascist, I want to revisit Justice Roberts decision in Trump v. United States. A THREAD.
We all grew up in a country where it was flatly illegal for a POTUS to turn the military against the citizenry. There was never any question about that. It was a sure thing. That country is gone.
It has been repeatedly confirmed that Trump asked "his" generals to shoot protesters. And that they refused. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN. Trump wants generals that are loyal, and if we put him in power, that is what he (and we) will get.
I've been pretty skeptical about the DC case in light of Trump v. US, the immunity decision from SCOTUS, so this is our first chance to see what Jack Smith thinks. The first page hints at one line of attack - if Trump conspired with non-Presidents, is that immune?
JS lays out the plan: declare himself the winner after the day of votes are counted, but before the Biden heavy mail ins can be counted. In October 2020. Coincidentally, it is October now.
Dear Dems. We can't wait to vote for you. Kamala is the bomb; Walz too. We know you'll do great on the economy and access to the ballot and funding infrastructure and schools, and we long for that and look forward to it.
Like, for example: 1) TFG's spawn appear to have been involved in killing Kashoggi; shaking down Qatar for a blockade; massive post-term bribe taking; profiteering on the pandemic; 2) TFG is inciting riots TODAY along with the zillion other things he did/has done, oh and the 10M
from Egypt; 3) Melon Husk is embedded in our National Security institutions and is engaged in anti-democratic, anti-american activities that align with Putin; 4) "General" Flynn is still getting my tax funded retirement and health care while running an open insurrection;