I watched the entire @AOC IG thing and I encourage you to do the same. Lots of people are on here caricaturing or mischaracterizing what she said. She is *not* ride-or-die for Biden. She's not dismissing anyone's fears about him. She's not telling anyone what to think.
What she's doing is acting like a fucking adult, ie, thinking through the problem in a systematic way, raising concerns that have been obscured by the unbelievable groupthink stampede of pundits & rich donors.
She's speaking to her constituents honestly, without bullshit. She wants them to know that the people behind this are not just averse to Biden, they want to parachute in the exact white moderates of their choosing, despite the near-impossible logistics of it.
She wants them to know that there are rules & laws involved here, & if Dems merrily break those laws, Republicans will sue. And guess who will end up hearing the case? The most nakedly corrupt, partisan Supreme Court in history. Do you want SCOTUS deciding this?
She's not doing what everyone else is doing -- stomping her feet & insisting on exactly her favored outcome. She says, over & over & OVER again, "I'm not telling anyone what to think or what to want." She just wants people going into this eyes wide open, aware of the ...
... *enormous* stakes for communities like hers & the many, many unanswered questions. (It's no coincidence that the pundits most willing to back West Wing fantasy scenarios are those most likely to weather a Trump regime just fine. It's all a f'ing game to wealthy white men.)
Anyway, watch it. I'll just say: I trust AOC's intellect & political instincts more than any 10 of these glib interchangeable pundits that are dominating discourse. She's on the ground, in it, representing a community that simply can't afford to lose this year.
Further, at risk of the inevitable "I hope she sees this bro" replies, I'll just say: AOC is the best, most effective, most down to earth, no-bullshit communicator the Dems have & I would walk over broken glass to see her in the WH some day.
Oh, one other thing AOC raises that's getting somewhat glossed over: the convention is in 4 weeks & then early voting starts 4 weeks after that, in September. There's not nearly as much time for a bunch of Dem infighting as people seem to think.
Oh, one other other thing I meant to say: if you watch none of the rest of it, at least tune in at around minute 15 to watch her lay into her cowardly, pissant colleagues who are busy giving anonymous quotes to gossip journalists. It is righteously satisfying.
The final thing I'll say is that AOC is one of the few people involved in this discourse who seems to be talking to voters, trying to let them in on all this. Everywhere else I look I see glib pundits talking to other glib pundits (and big donors). So f'ing insular.
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In their int'l bestseller How Democracies Die, scholars Levitsky & Ziblatt point to one phenomenon above all others: democracies die, not just when there's a reactionary authoritarian movement, but when *center-right political & business elites join it*. amzn.to/3ycYLrj
Those center-right elites think they can manage the movement, use it to their own benefit, without letting it get out of hand. It never works. It always gets out of hand.
We are watching that process play out, here in the US, in the most flat-footed, explicit way possible.
Things might be different if those elites ran into a unified wall of social disapprobation when they tried this. They'd drop it like they touched a hot stove.
But that's not what's happening. Instead pundits are casting them as savvy operators. They're being rewarded.
One of the most shocking things you discover when you start covering US politics closely -- at least naive young me found it shocking -- is that most political journalists don't seem to give even a tiny shit about policy.
My take on politics, though I'm not sure I could have articulated it, is "I want good results -- increased welfare -- for my fellow citizens, and to get it, I have to figure out how this stuff works." I kind of assumed that's why anyone would pay attention to politics.
But I've spent a *lot* of time over the years talking to or working alongside political journalists & it is just wild how little it comes up & how little curiosity they evince about it, except insofar as it represents some sort of power play in the Great Game.
🧵The main thing Americans do not understand/appreciate about presidential elections is that you are not voting for a person, you are voting for an *administration* -- cabinet members, appointees, military leaders, advisers & analysts, the whole civil service, etc. etc.
You're voting for an executive branch -- that's an *enormous* organization. The president himself makes only a tiny fraction of the decisions in the day-to-day management of that org. It's a whole apparatus, vastly larger than one individual.
Yet people instinctively think -- and the media reinforces this misperception at every term -- that the president, this one person, is "in charge" of the US & responsible for everything that happens, that their unique personal capabilities determine the country's fate.
"Japan’s meteorological agency has issued a heatstroke alert for 26 of the country’s 47 prefectures, urging people not to go outside unless absolutely necessary, to use their air conditioners during the day and at night, and to drink plenty of water."
I haven't written much about politics since the debate, mainly because I'm so overwhelmed by disgust & contempt toward this country's media & commentariat that it has rendered me inarticulate with rage. Twitter probably doesn't need more rage. I do just wanna make one point tho.
To be clear up front: I don't give one tiny hot fuck who the Dem nominee is. I truly don't. Biden's fine. Harris is fine. A warm puddle of vomit is fine. *There is no conceivable resolution to the nomination fight that could change the basic calculus of this race.*
Preventing a fascist takeover of the US is my top priority--as a journalist, as a voter, as a human. If it isn't yours too, you should feel bad about yourself. If you haven't made the stakes of this election clear to everyone within the sound of your voice, you should feel bad.
Now, there are, of course, many in the MAGA base who will simply refuse to believe official statistics. ("You get to believe whatever you feel" is one of the benefits of membership.) But official statistics still carry weight with most media & most people. In other words ...
... the question of whether crime is down can -- perhaps not to the extent we'd like, but still to a substantial extent -- *be settled*. There's something approximating an official, objective answer. There's a fact of the matter.