OK, this 🔽 blew up (and I'll need to mute the thread). I can't respond to every reply individually, but there are a few common ones that deserve specific attention. So here are a few followup points. 🧵⤵️ •1/15
First, there are number of things that I forgot to mention. Like how many homeless people were forcibly removed from Paris ahead of the games, or students being told to vacate their residence because they would be used as lodging for the games. •2/15
Or how the price of metro tickets has been suddenly doubled(!) for the games. Admittedly this is more of a tourist tax, because locals typically have monthly cards or could buy their tickets well in advance, but this is still crazy from a supposed public service. •3/15
Anyway, my thread was not meant to be a comprehensive critique of the Paris 2024 Olympics. This will be left for journalists and, I hope, a parliamentary inquiry some day. ❧ But what did some replies to the thread say? ⤵️ •4/15
A number of people said things like “stop whining” or “stop complaining”. I think it's a bit ironic to complain that other people are complaining, but let's ignore that. The broader point is that my point was not so much to complain as to document: … •5/15
… obviously I realize I'm not going to get the Paris 2024 Olympics cancelled one week ahead of the opening ceremony. 😂 I did what I could to raise alarms when there was still time, and obviously I failed then. So now my point is to say “see? this is what happens — … •6/15
… this is what happens when you host the Olympics, esp. in a large city where there is a terrorist threat” — this is why I'm writing in English, not French: so what I write can, hopefully, be used as arguments against future Olympic bids in other cities and countries. •7/15
So, no, I'm not surprised by anything I wrote in the thread: I very well knew that this was going to happen, and I protested at the time (in French), and try to get people to realize that it would be that way. Now I'm trying to provide ammo against future Olympic bids. •8/15
Now another point that has been raised several times is “of course authorities need to take drastic measures: there is a very high terrorism threat, and this requires strong security measures!”. But this just highlights the absurdity of hosting the Olympics in Paris! … •9/15
… I mean, if (IF!) you can't have all three of
‣ Ⓐ hosting the Olympics,
‣ Ⓑ adequate security against terrorism, and
‣ Ⓒ a normal life in the city,
— then one of them has to go, and one which should be sacrificed is the least important, which is Ⓐ, not Ⓒ.
We can argue (🔽) about what sacrifices should be made to ensure safety, i.e. of the importance of Ⓑ versus Ⓒ, and that is a different debate, but one thing is certain, namely that the Olympics (Ⓐ) is far less important than EITHER. •11/15
So: if you can't guarantee safety from terrorism during the Olympics without crazy security measures, then the answer is to NOT HOST THE OLYMPICS: do not bid for them, and if you realize you can't do it, then retract your bid, or provide an alternative venue. •12/15
I don't know what needs to happen about the Olympics in the future. It's getting clear that nobody wants to host them any more except authoritarian régimes (as a showcase). Maybe they need to be more decentralized, to happen in several cities at once. I don't know. •13/15
Personally I don't care about professional sports of any kind: I think it's a sick display of drugs and money — the only sports I care about are the ones practiced by amateurs who have nothing to gain but having fun and improving their health. But that's BESIDE the point. •14/15
What is not beside the point, however, is that normal life in a large city is more important than ANY kind of event that would severely disrupt this. So if you can't hold Olympics without severely disrupting normal city life, then… just stop! It's that simple. ∎ •15/15
• • •
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I think non-French and non-French-speaking readers should be told about how utterly insane things are now in and around Paris because of the Olympics are. The opening ceremony is one week away and they've already barred any access to the Seine! 🧵⤵️ •1/19
The different levels of security perimeters are incomprehensible, but basically all areas within ~100m of the Seine are now completely off-limits. You can only go there, even by foot, if you live there or work there, and you need to get a special permit in advance. •2/19
Getting the permit is no sure thing: apparently some people have had their application denied (no explanations given), so they're not allowed to go where they work, or even where they live. Nobody knows what's supposed to happen to them. •3/19
En tant que Français et Canadien, je pense qu'il est nécessaire que je dise un mot au sujet du fait que les binationaux sont soudainement considérés comme suspects en France, presque des ennemis de l'intérieur. 🧵⤵️ •1/22
Je suis né en France d'une mère française, et j'ai vécu quasi toute ma vie en France, je parle français depuis que je sais parler, j'ai fait mes études en France, mes amis vivent en France, je m'intéresse à l'histoire de France, au droit français, à la langue française… •2/22
Bref, je suis non seulement légalement français, mais, que ça me plaise ou non, je suis aussi culturellement français, et, je n'ai aucune honte à le dire, j'aime profondément ce pays, au moins autant que Monsieur Bardella. Même si en ce moment j'ai du mal à en être fier. •3/22
Une chose fascinante avec le regard que la droite et le centre portent sur la gauche française, c'est que la gauche du passé leur semble toujours plus acceptable que celle du présent: Gambetta, Briand, Blum, Mendès-France, on conteste très rarement leur héritage, … •1/11
… souvent même la droite reconnaît explicitement que c'étaient de grands hommes et affirme que la gauche les aurait ensuite trahis (Sarkozy en 2007 par exemple: «la gauche d'aujourd'hui [n'a] plus grand-chose à voir avec la gauche de Jaurès»). •2/11vie-publique.fr/discours/16640…
La gauche du présent, en revanche, ou du passé proche, paraît toujours détestable: la victoire du Front populaire de 1936, et l'alliance des socialistes et radicaux avec les communistes, n'a pas été accueillie avec enthousiasme par le centre-droit d'alors, … •3/11
J'ai calculé les coefficients de corrélation des résultats entre toutes les listes des dernières européennes, et je trouve ça très intéressant pour se faire une idée de la proximité idéologique entre elles (notamment, de qui se rapprochent les «petites» listes). 🧵⤵️ •1/14
(Désolé pour ce dump sous forme d'images: si vous voulez le résultat sous format texte, il est là: — la même page comporte le script Perl abominable que j'ai utilisé pour le calculer.) •2/14gist.github.com/Gro-Tsen/e54a8…
La source des données est là: (il faut fournir ce fichier csv en entrée à mon script Perl pour produire le résultat). •3/14 data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/re…
Let me say a few things about “random” versus “generic” sequences (binary sequences, say). A random sequence of 0's and 1's everyone has some idea of what that looks like: take a fair coin and flip it repeatedly. But what in the world is a “generic” sequence? 🤔🧵⤵️ •1/21
There are many flavors of randomness and correspondingly many flavors of genericity, but the overall theme seems to be that a random object is one that doesn't belong to any “easily explicitly described” set of measure zero, … •2/21
… whereas a generic object is one that doesn't belong to any “easily explicitly described” meager set. What does all of this mean? Well, “easily explicitly described” depends on the flavor we're talking about: but clearly we need some kind of restriction, … •3/21
L'édition (Livre de Poche / “Classiques de Poche”) que j'avais achetée de “La Légende des siècles” comportait la note suivante sur cette phrase:
«Reprise telle quelle d'un vers du psaume CXXXIX dans la traduction de Sacy de la Bible, que Hugo avait en sa possession.»
… •2/6
Bon alors le psaume 139, qui est en fait numéroté 138 dans la bible de Sacy (=Port-Royal) est ici: — et on voit que s'il ressemble vaguement dans l'esprit au vers cité de Hugo, ce dernier n'est certainement pas une reprise “telle quelle”! … •3/6fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Bible_Sac…