With candidate switch, worth remembering that JD Vance is a major advocate of menstrual surveillance, local cops having the right to pull obgyn records to see who and who isn’t menstruating and who might be planning a trip to an abortion rights state talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/jd-vanc…
2/ DETAILS: After Dobbs a number of states began using local law enforcement either to prevent women from traveling out of state to get an abortion or get legal abortion medication, or charge them after the fact. The Biden administration proposed a new HIPPA rule …
3/ to prevent police agencies from accessing reproductive medical records to prevent woman from traveling to get an abortion out of state. JD Vance was one of only 28 out of 535 members of Congress extreme enough to denounce the rule and …
4/ saying it would prevent the enforcement of “valid” and “compassionate” laws preventing women from leaving their state to get an abortion. Here’s the first page of the letter.
5/ The rule was proposed to shield obgyn records and police demanding to be notified when doctors had reason to believe, based on a doctors visit, that a woman might be considering leaving the state to get an abortion. Vance said such protections were wrong & unconstitutional.
6/ link to full letter in the article linked in the first tweet.
7/ Final detail, this new rule under HIPPA finally came into effect in April 2024.
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What locked in Harris was the overwhelming resistance of D voters and activists to anyone else. It was national columnists and a large number of D elites pushing for a thunderdome primary. A good bit of this was support for Harris herself. A lot of it was …
2/ that with the incumbent president and presumed nominee out and no time to run anything more than a fake primary she had legitimacy on her side. 80 million voters literally chose her to be person who took over for Joe Biden if he couldnt serve. D primary voters in effect …
3/ just reconfirmed that this spring, since Biden and Harris were again running as a package deal. The democratic legitimacy argument of her claim, the fact that veeps succeeding presidents is so embedded in US politics made her the one person who all party …
A basic primer on this question of whether state laws prevent a late "switch" of candidates on the ballot. No. They don't. Here's why.
Election laws don't work the same way for major party nominees and independent candidates. State laws have a space set aside for the ...
2/ nominee of the Republican party and Democratic party. It's just a placeholder until there's a nominee. The Democratic party doesn't currently have a nominee. The GOP only got one last week. This is usually treated as a technicality, sure. But it's the critical LEGAL ...
3/ technical. There's literally no switch because Biden's name isn't on any ballot in the country. End of story. It's really that simple. There's a separate issue that in a few states the deadline for the party choosing its nominee is earlier than the Democratic ...
Very good write-up by Sanjay Gupta at CNN. It’s in depth and mainly deals with the lack of medical info about Trumps condition. But it’s the first MSM piece I’ve seen which notes, albeit elliptically, that we don’t actually know what hit Trumps ear. cnn.com/2024/07/18/hea…
2/ As I’ve said repeatedly in my write ups on this at TPM, precisely what struck Trump certainly isn’t the central issue. It’s a kinetic detail. Someone shot at Trump and as a direct result he suffered a minor injury. But it’s not an insignificant detail either medical or …
3/ as a matter or news or even history. It’s simply unheard of that we’d go a week without any word at all from either law enforcement investigators or the doctors who examined him. The latter is technically Trumps private information, at least legally. That’s not the case …
Far as I know this AP piece is the first to note - 5 days later - the bizarre fact that we have no medical info whatsoever abt Trump's injury. But while the article notes word that Trump's ear had been grazed by a bullet came only from Trump himself ... apnews.com/article/trump-…
2/ they don't at all mention that we also don't have any law enforcement or medical information to suggest that Trump was actually hit by a bullet as opposed to shards of glass which is what PA State Police was telling reporters at the scene until Trump ...
3/ announced on Truth Social that he'd been hit by a bullet. It's quite possible that Trump was grazed by a bullet. It certainly wouldn't be surprising. Someone was clearly shooting at him. But it's just as clear that no big media orgs are willing to raise this question ...
Let me add a different but by no means contradictory point. There’s nothing wrong with attacking the media any more than there’s something wrong with attacking another politician or party or organization. They are individually and collectively participants in a larger …
2/ politicsl ecosystem. They often get things wrong, act in a frenzied pack like behavior, have various built in biases, not ideological ones just ways of looking at the world. The idea that a politician can be pilloried constantly and has to respond with “well …
3/ I guess that’s your opinion and I believe in a free press so I guess I just have to accept that” is not only unrealistic but actually completely crazy. Many reporters actually kind of think this. But that’s nuts. There is every difference in the world between attacking …
People seem to be waking up this weekend to the fact that there is very real grassroots pushback to efforts to force Biden off the ticket. Whether that is determinative or merited I’ll leave to the side for the moment. This should not come as any surprise.
2/ It also gets at what has always been the most worrisome to me about this whole process. This entire conversation is taking place among campaign staffers, journalists, political influencers, elected officials et al who know virtually nothing abt what rank and file Dems …
3/ feel about any of this. The thinking seems to be well what do they know. Well, maybe nothing. But they’re the voters, who the whole thing depends on. This is where the legitimacy comes in. People voted for Biden in the primaries. That means something.