Importantly, the researchers tested the masks on real people’s faces, rather than manikins. These fit tests are important because they take into account the part that people most suspect would degrade–the straps and other pieces that influence fit.
Fit tests compare the number of particles inside the mask while a person is wearing it versus the number of particles outside the mask. In this study, the average particle size was tiny–0.05 microns.
10-Year-Old Expired N95 Masks as Effective as New
Surprisingly, the expired N95 masks were within one percent as effective as the brand-new masks–essentially indistinguishable.
Lifespan in real life is much better than you are told most of the time
@RA_MartinBecker @SourceControl21 @torsten_gerhard @andkiessling @Anwalt_Jun Habe mal ganz einfach ChatGPT gefragt
@RA_MartinBecker @SourceControl21 @torsten_gerhard @andkiessling @Anwalt_Jun "Ein Arzt hat in seiner Praxis das Hausrecht & kann daher grundsätzlich bestimmen,
welche Regeln dort gelten, einschließlich einer Maskenpflicht.
Das Hausrecht erlaubt es dem Praxisinhaber, Verhaltensregeln aufzustellen,
die von den Patienten & Besuchern befolgt werden müssen"
@NobelPrize @melino_G I would have nominated
professor Yaneer Bar Yam
who also engage in real life complex issues to safe lifes in this ongoing pandemic not only in theory
@NobelPrize @melino_G may this paper get attention world wide
imagine airborne transmitted pathogens & official #PublicHealth only fix on wash your hands 🐸🔥