Hardcore Bibist, prominent Likudnik Ran Karmi Buzaglu, is spreading blatant lies about the "Nukhbas" sodomizing each other.
Everyone who was actually paying attention until now, knows that the Palestinian abductees at Sde Teiman are cuffed and blindfolded throughout the day.
Veteran Likudnik, former Minister of Education, Limor Livnat, is appalled by yesterday's events.
It's worth mentioning that during her time in the government she was a main participant in the growing fascization of Israel.
The cop who was injured last night by the water hose used by soldiers, in attempt to disperse the crowd outside Beit Lid's detention facility.
"Arab-fucker, may terrorists fuck you, al-Jazeera, leftist traitors!"
Kan 11 reporter with a testimony about the violence towards her in Beit Lid yesterday.
Oh BTW, today the army apologized in the Knesset for raiding Sde Teiman yesterday to arrest the alleged rapists. They also apologized for the Military Policemen being masked, even though earlier another branch of the army said they got masks on after they were attacked by the soldiers with pepper spray.
Still, the military prosecution asked for remand and the soldiers are still under arrest.
The head military prosecutor now has body guards, after receiving death threats and being called "traitor" and "Nukhba" by many online and at the riots last night.
MK Limor Son Har Melech claims that the "Nukhba" tried to smuggle a phone and the soldiers were only trying to retrieve it in order to thwart the smuggling.
I noticed that's a widely circulated lie.
The story the suspects are currently sticking to claims that the victim was a dangerous and violent "senior Nukhba", a Hamas company commander, and that they only did what was necessary in order to restrain him.
Netanyahu's Channel 12 mouthpiece Amit Segal is now trying to strengthen their claim.
"I didn't believe that an Israeli jailer would do something like that" says Prof. Yoel Donchin, who himself is an accomplice to the Sde Teiman war crimes. archive.md/81KwB
Dozens of protesters are outside the court in Beit Lid, cursing the military prosecutor and threatening journalists.
Apparently the Shin Bet alerted the police in advance yesterday that there might be attempts to break into Beit Lid. It wasn't really needed though, because it was obvious to anyone.
The police is now just another one of the militias operating under the command of Ben Gvir.
Supposedly "leftist" MK, Na'ama Lazimi of the Labor, RT'd this journalist's tweet.
The only problem Israeli liberals seem to have with brutal rape is the the breach of protocols.
Ha'aretz: "President Herzog stated that an "immediate and thorough investigation is required" of the manner in which the soldiers suspected of sodomizing a detainee were detained"
The police responded to Shin Bet's claim, saying they didn't receive an advanced alert on the specific spot that was breached... 🙄
I seriously don't know if I should laugh or cry at this point.
According to Israeli media, the "main suspect" was released.
Genocidal weirdo Berale Crombie, who organized several large pro-Netanyahi rallies in the past two years, contributes his "popular opinion" (unfortunately it really is) on the subject.
I have some videos of rapists' family members that I might translate if I find time
I saw him talk and say that they were given a lot of respect by the Military Police, and that "you could tell that they want to thank us (for our service) but they can't" and added that some soldiers there even applauded them.
Now in Tel Aviv, MK Limor Son Har Melech: "Whoever dares to touch our fighters, he will be prosecuted and judged like a common traitor of the State of Israel"
Prof. Alon Pikarsky of Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center in Jerusalem, together with Channel 14's Hallel Bitton Rosen, published the full name of the victim in the Sde Teiman rape case. I hope they pay for this.
Another Channel 14 panel member said that the head prosecutor, the IDF spokesperson and the chief of general staff, along with any others who were involved in the arrest of the rapist soldiers, are all traitors.
Right now outside the home of the head military prosecutor: a right-wing protest in support of the rapist soldiers. A main target of the protest, except for the prosecutor, is Channel 12's reporter Guy Peleg, who published the rape video.
In this video from the protest we can see people stomping on placards saying "Channel 12" & "Channel 13". The guy with the megaphone calls them "abomination channels", and calls on Shlomo Karhi to shut down "al-Jazeera 12". The channels are regarded by many in Israel as "leftist"
The protest outside the prosecutor's home, in the bourgeois town of Ramat HaSharon, have taken place daily since the arrest of the rapist soldiers on Monday last week. It seems like tonight's demonstration is bigger than most days though.
According to right wing news outlet Channel 7, one of the soldiers suspected of rape at Sde Teiman is a Druze. Reportedly, leaders and members of the community are mobilizing to protest his arrest and are going to hold a demonstration today outside of the Beit Lid military court.
""Sde Teiman Affair", is a post-modern Dreyfus Affair, which the authorities of the Jewish state plot in these very moments against their own soldiers... It stems from an auto-antisemitic and auto-immune conception"
Ariel Kahana, another pseudo-journalist from Israel Hayom (same paper as Yehuda Schlesinger) gives his unhinged take on the Sde Teiman rape case. He's basically calling it a blood libel in a tweet which in itself sounds like a blood libel.
The rapist soldiers (the ones who were still in custody) were released to house arrest today. According to the military court, they are not considered a threat to the public.
At the Knesset committee hearing two days ago, the military prosecutor stated that 74 investigations against IDF soldiers have been opened since October 7. Only 6 indictments so far, 5 for weapon theft and just one for abuse of a Palestinian captive.
🧵Israel's State Attorney's office announced today it will indict journalist Saeed Hassanain, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, on the charges of "contact with a foreign agent" and "publication of praise and encouragement to terrorism", following his interview on Al-Aqsa TV
Along with the State Attorney's announcement, the illegitimate Zionist court ruled that Hassanain will be remanded to jail pending trial. The despicable judge who made the ruling is Judge Ziad Salih, a Druze from the occupied Galilee.
Judge Salih wrote in his decision "There is a "dangerousness cause" [for which Hassanain should be remanded], in light of these troubled times, when terrorist organizations of various kinds operate against the state, and seek its harm, including perhaps its annihilation."
Graffiti left by Israeli soldiers in a house in Lebanon: on the central pillar it says in Hebrew "Beitar is pure forever". This is a reference to football club Beitar Jerusalem's policy to never accept Muslim/Arab players.
Judging by this, the menorah (Beitar's symbol), and the "LF" it seems like the soldier who wrote it is a part of Beitar Jerusalem's terrorist organization/fan club La Familia.
This is un-fucking-believable: Two Israelis were shot in Miami, by a third Israeli who said, after getting arrested, that "he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both.”
Now the Israeli "victims" are saying it was an antisemitic attempted murder and add "De*th to Arabs*
🧵Israelis are outraged about the condition of the released captives, but when Palestinian abductees come out of Israeli torture camps looking like holocaust survivors, Israelis joke about it.
The hashtag #אבו_חטוב ("Abu Fit") is everywhere, including Abu Ali Express, Israel's leading Telegram channel, with more than half a million followers. He's so popular that the IDF used to pay him for propaganda consultation.
The "Abu Fit diet program" jokes make fun of Palestinians who come out of Israel's concentration camp looking visibly starved. "Normal" Israelis are delighted by this "humor" and by any display of Palestinian suffering. A truly sick sadistic society.
Following are a few of the "Abu Fit" jokes posted on the Abu Ali Express Telegram channel, with translation from Hebrew.
"It's been a while since we had such a member in #Abu_Fit
Akram Salama, from Beitunia, put in a lot of effort for 12 months in the Israeli Prison, and today he's going back home to brag about the results :)"
"This is undoubtedly the champion of the #Abu_Fit program.
Amar Jamal Ma'aruf from al-Ayn camp in Nablus really did it...
18 months of administrative detention in Israel and today he's a new man..."
"...Every one who took one step here on October 7. Whether it's job seekers, people who (came) to pick lemons and avocado, people who looted... burned houses... murdered... All of them need to be given (a death sentence)"
Moran Gez, until recently a Southern District prosecutor, thinks that every Palestinian who crossed the Gaza Strip border on October 7, 2023, should be executed, regardless of what he did or didn't do.
Ultra-Orthodox media person Ishay Cohen: "These are those who were called "innocents"?
Ma'ariv newspaper: "...the shocking footage, in which the Hamas terrorists led Arbel Yahud and Gadi Mozes to the house of Yahya Sinwar, while beside them there was a Gaza mob, with evil in their eyes"